博碩士論文 108423049 詳細資訊

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姓名 應文中(Wen-Chung Ying)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 直播平台之廣告競爭策略與利益分享制度分析
(Analyzing Advertising Competition and Revenue Sharing Policy in a Video Live Streaming Platform)
★ 以雙邊平台模型分析雲端遊戲主機經營策略★ 利用納許Q學習來探討汽車租賃公司與運輸網路公司之定價策略
★ 以賽局理論分析入口網站應對內容農場之策略★ 以賽局理論分析傳統車輛租賃業與運輸共 享平台之合作商業模式
★ 基於多重代理人機制之現金回饋平台定價策略分析★ 分析應用程式平台之隱私保護設定:硬體營收與廣告分潤
★ 企業在產品差異化市場下之區塊鏈導入決策★ 利用納許Q學習分析傳統廣告贊助與下一代付費服務之競爭:以Google與BingChat為例
★ 強化學習研究垂直差異化之訂價策略:以ChatGPT為例
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摘要(中) 隨著網路建設的進步與普及,以及社群使用習慣的流行,近年來直播產業開始蓬勃發展。現今,同時擁有廣告制和訂閱制是許多直播平台常見的商業模式,觀眾能透過付費訂閱享有無廣告的觀賞體驗。直播平台和直播主之間是矛盾的競合關係,許多平台會和直播主分享訂閱費收益以獎勵直播主;然而平台卻又企圖透過平台內建的獎勵系統對直播主的觀眾贊助收益進行抽成。此外,有廣告需求的廠商可以透過向平台付費上架廣告,亦或是選擇向直播主購買業配,這兩種互為替代品的廣告模式也造成了平台和直播主的利益衝突。於是本研究目的為分析平台利益分享制度與廣告競爭,對於平台和直播主之間的交互影響,包括對平台的訂閱費分潤機制、平台獎勵系統的抽成策略,以及廣告與業配之競爭進行探討。
摘要(英) Recently, the progress of network infrastructure and the popularity of the social media are fueling the prosperity of the video live streaming industry. Anyone in need of marketing can pay video live streaming platforms to advertise, or directly cooperate with streamers to broadcast product information during their live show, which is the substitute of the former dubbed as “advertorial”. Obviously, video live streaming platform needs the effort made by streamers, but they are vying for the ad interest at the same time, which can be recognized as a co-opetition relationship between them. Besides, most video live streaming platforms provide subscription-based services, allowing audiences to pay for removing ads. As an incentive, many platforms will share their subscription revenues with streamers. However, they also provide their own built-in reward systems to gain additional revenue by charging donors a commission fee, which will encroach a streamer’s deserved benefit.
The goal of this research is to analyze the various conflicts of interest mentioned above. First, we examine how the competition between advertisement and advertorial affects the decision-making of platforms and advertisers. Second, should the platform share subscription revenue with streamers but charge a commission fee when audiences use the built-in reward system to cheer their loved streamers up? Thus, we have established game-theoretic models to discuss whether sharing subscription revenue and charging a commission fee during the donation process will benefit the platform. We found the streamer’s revenue will decline if the platform only collects of the donation income. However, if both strategies are used at the same time, the donation loss caused by the reward system will be automatically compensated through a higher share of subscription revenue.
關鍵字(中) ★ 直播
★ 競合策略
★ 廣告
★ 利益分享
關鍵字(英) ★ Video Live Streaming
★ Co-Opetition Strategy
★ Advertising
★ Benefit Sharing
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
ㄧ、緒論 1
二、文獻回顧 3
三、研究模型 4
3.1 免費觀眾與付費訂閱觀眾 6
3.2 廣告與業配 6
3.3 直播主和直播平台 7
3.4 訂閱費分潤機制 9
3.5 內建獎勵系統 9
四、研究分析 11
4.1 廣告與業配 11
4.1.1 Proposition 1.廣告與業配之替換度影響 12
4.1.2 Proposition 2.訂閱費與免費觀眾人數對直播平台利潤之影響 12
4.2 訂閱費分潤 13
4.2.1 Proposition 3.訂閱費分潤策略 14
4.3 內建獎勵系統與贊助抽成 15
4.3.1 Proposition 4.內建獎勵系統之影響 15
4.4 訂閱費分潤與贊助抽成之組合策略 16
4.4.1 Proposition 5.訂閱費分潤及贊助抽成組合策略之影響 16
五、結論 17
參考文獻 19
附錄 23
附錄一 各模型決策變數之均衡解 23
附錄二 Proposition 1證明 25
附錄三 Proposition 2證明 25
附錄四 Proposition 3證明 26
附錄五 Proposition 4證明 27
附錄六 Proposition 5證明 28
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指導教授 張李治華(Jhih-Hua Jhang-Li) 審核日期 2021-7-30
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