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姓名 林彥呈(Yen-Cheng Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 考量特徵選取與隨機森林之遺漏值填補技術
★ 不動產仲介業銷售住宅類別之成交預測模型—以不動產仲介S公司為例★ 應用文字探勘技術建構預測客訴問題類別機器學習模型
★ 以機器學習技術建構顧客回購率預測模型:以某手工皂原料電子商務網站為例★ 以機器學習建構股價預測模型:以台灣股市為例
★ 以機器學習方法建構財務危機之預測模型:以台灣上市櫃公司為例★ 運用資料探勘技術於股票填息之預測模型:以台灣股市上市公司為例
★ 運用資料探勘技術優化 次世代防火牆規則之研究★ 應用資料探勘技術於電子病歷文本中識別相關新資訊
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摘要(中) 遺漏值填補(Missing Value Imputation, MVI)是研究人員進行資料分析的重要過程,因為大多數的機器學習方法都不適用於不完整的數據集(如神經網絡和支持向量機),隨意忽略該步驟更會導致嚴重的分類錯誤。對於醫療領域來說,因為並非所有可能的測試都可以對每個患者進行,再加上人為疏失、設備故障等意外因素干擾,遺漏值的存在已是一個常見的問題,這不僅增加了相關人員在分析、預測等任務上的難度,也影響了患者所應該受到的即時診斷和治療。


摘要(英) Missing Value Imputation (MVI) is an important process in data mining, because sometimes it will cause serious problems for classification. One of the most serious problems is that the majority of classification algorithms do not work on incomplete datasets (such as neural networks and support vector machines). In the medical field, because of not all possible tests can be done on every patient, and coupled with the interference of accidental factors such as human negligence and equipment failure, the existence of missing values is a common problem. It not only increases the difficulty in tasks such as analysis and prediction, but also affects the immediate diagnosis and treatment that patients should receive.
In the research field of missing value imputation, missForest is a very popular imputation method. Although its performance has been proved to be better than other known imputation methods, there are few studies considering its optimization or further discussion. Therefore, this study tried the feature selection method currently popular in missing value imputation research—RFE, combined it with missForest and propose a new imputation method RFE_missForest. We used a total of 10 medical data sets obtained from Kaggle and UCI, simulating the missing rate of 10% to 50%, then compare the filling quality of continuous and categorical data sets with missForest and three other traditional imputation methods.
Experimental results show that our RFE_missForest algorithm has the best performance both on 3 continuous data sets and 3 mixed data sets, whether it is NRMSE or PFC. The proposed method was also validated by t-test and has a significant difference.
關鍵字(中) ★ 遺漏值填補
★ 隨機森林
★ 特徵選取
關鍵字(英) ★ missing value imputation
★ random forest
★ feature selection
論文目次 摘要 ii
Abstract iii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 遺漏值機制 6
2.2 遺漏值處理 7
第三章 研究方法 11
3.1 遞歸特徵消除 11
3.2 RFE_missForest 13
第四章 實驗建構與評估 15
4.1 實驗資料集 15
4.2 實驗流程 16
4.3 演算法參數設定 16
4.4 評估指標 17
第五章 實驗結果 18
5.1 數值型資料 (Numerical) 18
5.2 混合型資料 (Mixed) 23
5.3 成對母體平均數差異t檢定 33
5.4 小結 36
第六章 結論 38
6.1 研究貢獻 38
6.2 研究限制 38
6.3 未來研究方向 39
參考文獻 40
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指導教授 胡雅涵(Ya-Han Hu) 審核日期 2021-8-17
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