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論文名稱 探索擴增實境互動體驗對衝動購買意圖之影響
(Exploring the Impact of Augmented Reality-based Interactive Experience on Impulse Buying Intentions)
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摘要(中) 擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)的技術日漸成熟,而且被廣泛的運用在各種不同的領域上,對零售業而言,擴增實境是能幫幫助提升顧客滿意度與購物體驗的工具,時至今日已經有不少的企業在各自應用程序中運用擴增實境來幫助他們提升營收。衝動購買(Impulse buying)一直是學界重視的研究主題,主因是多數消費者(近90%)經常有衝動購買的行為,以電子商務而言,大型研究報告指出衝動性購買佔線上消費的40%,因此若能強化衝動購買的動機,便有很高機會能增加營收。本研究以SOR理論為基礎,探討在AR電子商務情境中,消費者所感知到的AR特性(生動性、互動性、真實性)與體驗AR所產生的內在反應(商品臨場感、即時滿足感)對於其衝動購買意圖的影響。本研究採用問卷調查法,有效樣本為254份,並使用SmartPLS 3.0統計軟體進行檢驗。研究結果發現,生動性與互動性對商品臨場感即時滿足有顯著正向影響,真實性對即時滿足雖然沒有影響,但對於商品臨場感有正向顯著的影響,而商品臨場感與即時滿足對衝動購買意圖皆有正向影響,其中又以商品臨場感的影響最大。因此本研究建議AR app開發商應強化擴增實境的特性,讓消費者相信顯示的產品宛如在實體商店看到的一樣並能獲得即時的滿足感,進而提升消費者衝動購買的意圖。
摘要(英) Augmented reality (AR) technology has matured and is widely used in several fields. For the retail industry, AR can help improve customer satisfaction and shopping experience. Currently, many companies have used AR in their applications to help increase revenue. Impulse buying has always been a research topic that has attracted considerable attention from academia. The main reason is that most consumers (nearly 90%) often exhibit impulse buying behaviour. In e-commerce, large-scale research reports indicate that impulse buying accounts for 40% of online consumption. Therefore, if the motivation for impulse buying can be enhanced, there is a high chance of increasing revenue. Based on the stimulus organism response theory, in this study, we explore the impact of consumer-perceived AR characteristics (perceived vividness, perceived interactivity, and perceived authenticity) and the internal response (commodity presence and instant gratification) generated by the AR experience in the context of AR e-commerce on the impulse buying behaviour. We herein adopt the questionnaire survey method with 254 valid samples by using the SmartPLS 3.0 statistical software for testing. The research results revealed that perceived vividness and perceived interactivity have a significant positive impact on the instant gratification and commodity presence, whereas perceived authenticity has no effect on instant gratification but a positive and significant impact on the commodity presence. Furthermore, commodity presence and instant gratification both have a positive impact on impulse buying intentions, with commodity presence having the greater impact. Therefore, we herein suggest that AR application developers should strengthen the AR characteristics to let consumers believe that the displayed products are similar to those seen in physical stores for obtaining instant gratification, thereby enhancing consumers’ impulse buying intentions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 擴增實境
★ SOR理論
★ 衝動購買
關鍵字(英) ★ augmented reality
★ stimulus organism response theory
★ impulse buying
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 研究流程 4
二、文獻探討 5
2-1 擴增實境(Augmented reality) 5
2-2 衝動性購買(Impulse buying) 7
2-3 SOR理論(Stimulus Organism Response theory) 8
2-4 感知互動性(Perceived interactivity) 11
2-5 感知生動性(Perceived vividness) 13
2-6 感知真實性(Perceived authenticity) 14
2-7 即時滿足(Instant gratification) 16
2-8 商品臨場感(Commodity presence) 18
2-9 本章小節 17
三、研究方法 18
3-1 研究假說 18
3-1-1 感知互動性與感知生動性對商品臨場感的關係 18
3-1-2 感知互動性與感知生動性對即時滿足的關係 20
3-1-3 感知真實性對商品臨場感的關係 20
3-1-4 感知真實性對即時滿足的關係 21
3-1-5 商品臨場感對即時滿足與衝動購買的關係 21
3-1-6 即時滿足與衝動性購買的關係 22
3-1-7 以不同商品為主的App對各構面的影響 23
3-2 研究架構 23
3-3 研究設計 24
3-4 操作型定義與問卷設計 29
3-5 研究對象抽樣方法 33
3-6 資料分析方法 33
3-6-1 敘述性統計分析 33
3-6-2 信度分析 34
3-6-3 效度分析 34
3-6-4 共線性分析 35
3-6-5 共同方法偏誤 35
3-6-6 研究模型與假說檢定 35
3-6-7 成對樣本T檢定 36
3-7 前測 36
3-7-1 前測信度分析 37
3-7-2 前測因素負荷量檢驗 37
四、資料分析與結果 41
4-1 敘述性統計分析 41
4-2 信度分析 43
4-3 效度分析 44
4-3-1 收斂效度 44
4-3-2 區別效度 47
4-4 共線性分析 48
4-5 共同方法偏誤 49
4-6 結構模型與假說驗證 52
五、結論與建議 59
5-1 研究結果 59
5-2 研究貢獻 62
5-3 研究限制 65
參考文獻 66
附錄一 研究問卷 82
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指導教授 許文錦(WEN-JIN HSU) 審核日期 2021-9-27
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