摘要(英) |
In deep learning field, Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) have been achieved a significant success in many fields such as visual imagery analysis, self-driving car, respectively. However, data size and the accuracy of each system are the major target to estimate the efficient and effective computations. In conventional CNN models, 32bits data are frequently used to maintain high accuracy. However, performing a bunch of 32bits multiply-and-accumulate (MAC) operations causes significant computing efforts as well as power consumptions. Therefore, recently researchers develop various methods to reduce data size and speed up calculations. Quantization is one of the techniques which reduces the number of bits of the data as well as the computational complexity at the cost of accuracy loss. To provide better computation effort and accuracy trade-off, different bit number may be applied to different layers within a CNN model. Therefore, a flexible processing element (PE) which can support operations of different bit numbers is in demand. In this work, we propose a hierarchy-based reconfigurable processing element (PE) structure that can support 8bits x 8bits, 8bits x 4bits, 4bits x 4bits and 2bits x 2bits operations. The structure we propose applies the concept of hierarchical structure that can avoid the redundant hardware in the design. To improve the calculation speed, our 8bits x 8bits PE applies two stage pipelines. The experimental results with 90nm technology show that in 2bits x 2bits PE, we can save the area by 57.5% to 60% compared to a Precision-Scalable accelerator. In the 8bits x 8bits PE, the two-stage pipelines can maintain almost the same calculation speed of the 4bits x 4 bits PE. |
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