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姓名 馮永婷(Yong-Ting Fong)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 聊天機器人使用故事接龍及故事引導對話策略對學生英語閱讀經驗的影響
(The Influence of Chatbots Using Story Relay and Story Guidance Strategies on Students’ English Reading Experience)
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摘要(中) 在這個國際間交流頻繁的時代,英語已經成為最主要的國際溝通語言,且是一項不可或缺的能力,而英語閱讀教學亦逐漸受到英語教師和研究人員的關注;相關研究指出,透過對話式閱讀技巧引導學童能夠對其英語閱讀上帶來正面效果,為了將對話式閱讀帶入英語課堂中,本研究提出一聊書機器人系統,並探究不同對話策略,對孩童聊書對話狀況、建立關係連結以及閱讀投入的影響。
摘要(英) In this era of frequent international communication, English has become the most important international communication language, and is an indispensable ability. The teaching of English reading has gradually attracted the attention of English teachers and researchers. Related research pointed out that guiding students through the dialogic reading has positive effects on students′ English reading. In order to implement dialogic reading in the English classroom, this study proposed a book talk chatbot, and explore the influence of chatbots using different dialogic strategies on student’s reading engagement, dialogue status and connection-making with chatbot.
The subjects of this study are 45 fifth graders from an elementary school in Taoyuan City, Taiwan. The experiment was carried out for 7 weeks. In each weekly English reading activity, the students chose and read books freely, then talked about the books in groups with their classmates, and then talked about the books with the chatbot two days later. In the first 3 weeks, the chatbot used the story relay dialogue strategy. The chatbot and the students told the story one by one, and compared the students′ words with the text of the story. When the chatbot did not understand the text, the students were asked to explain the story again. In the last four weeks, story guided dialogue strategy was adopted. The chatbot described part of the story structure to guide the students, and the students were free to narrate the story content. This study focused on the analysis of students′ flow experience, their connection-making with chatbots and their conversations in the process of book talking. Finally, we interviewed each student.
The results indicated that after the two-stage reading activity, story guided dialogue strategy could effectively improve the amount of book talk, the story structure of the dialogue content, the connection-making with the chatbot, and the reading engagement of the students. In terms of gender, there is no significant change. In terms of different prior knowledge, the amount of book talk between low-achievers and chatbots increased, while high-achieving students have decreased slightly. In addition, through correlation analysis, it was found that the correlation between the connection-making and the chatbot dialogue strategy was obvious, and the chatbot asked the students to answer often made the students dislike. Under the two dialogue strategies, reading engagement is related to dialogue status, and also related to connection-making between the students and the chatbot.
關鍵字(中) ★ 英語閱讀
★ 聊天機器人
★ 對話策略
★ 閱讀投入
★ 關係連結
關鍵字(英) ★ English reading
★ chatbot
★ dialogue strategies
★ reading engagement
★ connection-making
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與問題 3
1.3 名詞解釋 4
1.3.1 閱讀投入 4
1.3.2 關係連結 4
1.4 研究範圍與限制 4
1.5 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 聊天機器人 (Chatbot) 5
2.2 心流 (Flow) 7
2.3 對話式閱讀 (Dialogic Reading) 9
第三章 系統設計 11
3.1 系統特色與架構 11
3.2 故事擷取模組 13
3.3 對話產生模組 14
3.3.1 故事接龍對話策略 14
3.3.2 故事引導對話策略 17
3.3.3 評估 20
3.3.4 推薦 21
3.3.5 通用句資料庫 21
3.4 場景辨識模組 22
3.5 機器人學習模組 22
3.6 學生資料模組 22
第四章 研究方法 23
4.1 研究對象 23
4.2 研究流程 24
4.3 學習活動設計 26
4.3.1 英語閱讀活動 26
4.3.2 英語書籍 30
4.4 實驗設計 32
4.5 研究工具 34
4.5.1 Godspeed量表 34
4.5.2 心流量表 36
4.6 研究資料收集 37
4.6.1 學生對話資料 37
4.6.2 Godspeed量表數據 39
4.6.3 心流量表數據 40
4.6.4 事後訪談 40
4.7 研究資料分析 41
4.7.1 對話狀況分析 41
4.7.2 建立關係連結分析 41
4.7.3 閱讀投入分析 41
第五章 研究結果與討論 43
5.1 整體學生在兩階段閱讀活動之對話狀況分析 43
5.2 整體學生在兩階段閱讀活動之關係連結變化分析 62
5.3 整體學生在兩階段閱讀活動之閱讀投入變化分析 71
5.4 性別在兩階段閱讀活動之對話狀況、關係連結及閱讀投入變化分析 79
5.5 先備知識在兩階段閱讀活動之對話狀況、關係連結及閱讀投入變化分析 83
5.6 兩階段閱讀活動之對話內容與建立關係連結的相關性 90
5.7 兩階段閱讀活動之閱讀投入與對話內容的相關性 95
5.8 兩階段閱讀活動之閱讀投入與建立關係連結的相關性 97
5.9 小結 99
第六章 結論與建議 100
6.1 結論 100
6.1.1 聊書機器人使用「故事接龍」及「故事引導」對話策略對各類學生對話狀況的影響為何? 100
6.1.2 聊書機器人使用「故事接龍」及「故事引導」對話策略對各類學生與機器人建立關係連結的影響為何? 100
6.1.3 聊書機器人使用「故事接龍」及「故事引導」對話策略對各類學生閱讀投入的影響為何? 101
6.1.4「故事接龍」及「故事引導」對話策略中對話狀況與關係連結是否有相關性? 101
6.1.5「故事接龍」及「故事引導」對話策略中閱讀投入與對話狀況是否有相關性? 102
6.1.6「故事接龍」及「故事引導」對話策略中閱讀投入與關係連結是否有相關性? 102
6.2 未來發展 103
參考文獻 104
中文文獻 104
英文文獻 105
附錄A 書籍列表 110
附錄B Godspeed量表問卷 115
附錄C 心流量表問卷 117
附錄D 機器人系統通用語列表 118
附錄E 英語閱讀活動後訪談 136
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指導教授 劉晨鐘(Chen-Chung Liu) 審核日期 2021-8-12
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