博碩士論文 108322061 詳細資訊

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姓名 徐佩璇(XU PEI-XUAN)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 混燒飛灰特性研究及再利用之可行性評估
★ 電弧爐氧化碴特性及取代混凝土粗骨材之成效研究★ 路基土壤回彈模數試驗系統量測不確定度與永久變形行為探討
★ 工業廢棄物再利用於營建工程粒料策略之研究★ 以鹼活化技術資源化電弧爐煉鋼還原碴之研究
★ 低放處置場工程障壁之溶出失鈣及劣化敏感度分析★ 以知識本體技術與探勘方法探討台北都會區道路工程與管理系統之研究
★ 電弧爐煉鋼爐碴特性及取代混凝土粗骨材之研究★ 三維有限元素應用於柔性鋪面之非線性分析
★ 放射性廢料處置場緩衝材料之力學性質★ 放射性廢料深層處置場填封用薄漿之流變性與耐久性研究
★ 路基土壤受反覆載重作用之累積永久變形研究★ 還原碴取代部份水泥之研究
★ 路基土壤反覆載重下之回彈與塑性行為及模式建構★ 重載交通荷重對路面損壞分析模式之建立
★ 鹼活化電弧爐還原碴之水化反應特性★ 電弧爐氧化碴為混凝土骨材之可行性研究
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摘要(中) 因應鍋爐減少燃燒煤碳之需求,產業鍋爐使用廢棄物再利用燃料作為鍋爐輔助燃料或生質物與煤混合燃燒逐漸成國際趨勢。本研究針對以鍋爐輔助燃料替代部分燃煤所產生之混燒飛灰,然國內尚未完整規範解決其堆積問題,因此探討其材料相關物理與化學基本性質,並評估混燒飛灰資源再利用之可行性。依合作鍋爐業者使用循環式及氣泡式流體化床鍋爐,廢棄物再利用燃料選用RDF-5、廢木材、SRF及紡織污泥,個別與煤混燒後,產生本研究針對四種混燒飛灰,分別為混燒RDF飛灰、混燒廢木材飛灰、混燒SRF飛灰以及混燒紡織污泥飛灰。
因混燒紡織污泥飛灰之物理性質、化學性質及成分分析與水泥砂漿試驗較為穩定,將其主要作為混凝土添加料與輔助膠凝材料為後續再利用試驗。依據混燒飛灰之基本性質應用於製作高壓混凝土地磚以及透水混凝土配合設計。以混燒飛灰取代20%細粒料製作混凝土磚,於28天抗壓強度可達A級磚標準,可見混燒飛灰可適用於製作非結構用混凝土製品之原料。透水混凝土則是參考ACI 522R進行相關試驗,孔隙率介於18.1%至24.3%,混燒紡織污泥飛灰當作膠結材取代部分水泥20%或10%重量,混燒廢木材飛灰則是外添加取代部分水泥20%或10%重量,混燒紡織污泥飛灰之7天與28天抗壓強度皆高於設計強度176kgf/cm2,其中混燒廢木材飛灰0.35F20才有達到設計強度,以28天滲透係數評估透水性皆為0.01m/s。
摘要(英) In response to the demand of boilers to reduce coal combustion, the use of waste reuse fuels as boiler auxiliary fuel or biotear and coal combustion has gradually become an international trend.This study is aimed at substituting boiler auxiliary fuel for part of the co-fired fly ash produced by burning coal.However, the domestic has not yet fully standardized to solve the accumulation problem, so the basic physical and chemical properties of its materials have been explored and the feasibility of the reuse of co-fired fly ash resources has been evaluated. According to the cooperative boiler industry, the circulating and bubbling fluidized bed boilers are used, and the waste reuse fuels are RDF-5, waste wood, SRF and textile sludge. After individual co-firing with coal, this study is aimed at four types of co-firing ashes are mixed-fired RDF fly ash, mixed-fired waste wood fly ash, mixed-fired SRF fly ash, and mixed-fired textile sludge fly ash.
The chemical composition analysis shows that the chemical composition of the four mixed-fired fly ash is very different, among them, mixed-fired of RDF fly ash and mixed-fired of textile sludge fly ash with the highest calcium oxide content, while mixed-fired of waste wood and SRF fly ash are mainly silica, aluminum trioxide content; The ignition loss of mixed-fired fly ash is generally high, of which three kinds of mixed-fired fly ash exceed 20%. In terms of fineness, the results of the wet sieve test show that the sieve margin of mixed-fired fly ash flying ash is between 89% and 11%, which shows that the fineness varies greatly between various mixed-fired fly ash. Mixed-fired fly ash instead of 20% cement weight made of cement fly ash mortar, strength activity index in 7 days mixed-fired of waste wood fly ash and mixed-fired of SRF fly ash are 83.6% and 81.9%, respectively, showing that the two have the potential as supplementary cementitious materials(SCM).
Because the physical properties, chemical properties and composition analysis of the mixed-fired textile sludge fly ash are relatively stable with the cement mortar test, it is mainly used as a concrete additive and auxiliary cementing material for subsequent reuse tests.According to the basic properties of mixed-fired fly ash, it is applied to the design of high-pressure concrete floor tiles and permeable concrete mix design. To mixed-fired fly ash instead of 20% fine aggregate to make concrete bricks, in 28 days pressure strength up to A-class brick standards, it can be seen that mixed-fired fly ash can be applied to the production of nonstructural concrete products raw materials.Permeable concrete is reference ACI 522R for related tests, porosity between 18.1% to 24.3%, mixed-fired of textile sludge fly ash as cementitious material to replace part of the cement 20% or 10% weight, mixed-fired of waste wood fly ash is added to replace part of the cement 20% or 10% weight, mixed-fired of textile sludge fly ash 7 days and 28 days of pressure strength are higher than the design strength of 176kgf/cm2, the permeability coefficient for 28 days is 0.01m/s.
In summary the results of the test, the mixed-fired fly ash of this research material,with high loss on ignition or fineness of adverse characteristics, only a few mixed-fired fly ash has the feasibility of reuse as an supplementary cementitious materials, at the same time, because of the large variation of the mixed-fired fly ash material, it is necessary to carefully assess whether the source and material characteristics of the mixed-fired fly ash meet the engineering needs.
關鍵字(中) ★ 廢棄物再利用燃料
★ 混燒飛灰
★ 高壓混凝土地磚
★ 透水混凝土
關鍵字(英) ★ waste recycling fuel
★ mixed-fired fly ash
★ high-pressure concrete floor tiles
★ permeable concrete
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xvi
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究對象 2
1.4 研究內容 2
1.5 名詞簡稱 3
第2章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 流體化床鍋爐 4
2.1.1 氣泡式流體化床鍋爐 5
2.1.2 循環式流體化床鍋爐 5
2.1.3 流體化床鍋爐脫硫技術 6
2.2 燃料用詞 7
2.3 混燒飛灰之燃料名詞統整 8
2.3.1 廢棄物衍生燃料(Refuse Derived Fuel, RDF) 8
2.3.2 固體再生燃料(Solid recovered fuel, SRF) 10
2.3.3 廢木材燃料 11
2.3.4 產業污泥燃料 12
2.4 鹼活化劑技術 13
2.5 透水混凝土 14
2.5.1 定義 14
2.5.2 特點 14
2.5.3 性能要求 15
2.5.4 應用情形 16
第3章 研究材料及方法 18
3.1 研究材料 18
3.1.1 混燒飛灰材料來源 18
3.1.2 燃料原樣與混燒飛灰外觀 19
3.1.3 其他使用之材料 21
3.2 研究流程 24
3.2.1 研究規劃 24
3.2.2 研究試驗階段說明 25
3.2.3 再處理試驗之配比 27
3.2.4 再利用試驗之流程或配比 29
3.3 試驗儀器 34
3.4 試驗方法 39
第4章 混燒飛灰性質分析 52
4.1 混燒飛灰之化學成分 52
4.2 混燒飛灰之物理性質 53
4.2.1 X光射線繞射分析儀之試驗結果 58
4.3 混燒飛灰之水泥砂漿試驗 59
4.3.1 物理性質要求 59
4.4 混燒飛灰之化學性質 63
4.5 混燒飛灰性質綜合評估 64
第5章 混燒飛灰再處理及再利用試驗 66
5.1 再處理試驗 66
5.1.1 第一次實驗 69
5.1.2 第二次實驗 72
5.1.3 第三次實驗 73
5.2 再利用試驗 76
5.2.1 高壓混凝土地磚 76
5.2.2 透水混凝土 79
第6章 結論與建議 90
6.1 結論 90
6.2 建議 90
參考文獻 92
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指導教授 黃偉慶 審核日期 2021-10-25
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