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姓名 黃連福(Lien-Fu Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 行動社群網路服務管理系統-應用於發展遲緩兒家庭
(Services Management System of Mobile Social Network for Developmental Delay Children)
★ 無線行動隨意網路上穩定品質服務路由機制之研究★ 應用多重移動式代理人之網路管理系統
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摘要(中) 隨著科技的進步,網路的應用也已經非常的普遍,影響著現代人的行為模式、工作方式、生活型態,日常生活中幾乎無法和網際網路脫離關係,也因此人與人之間藉由網路的溝通也非常的普遍,而隨著網路的應用,有相同嗜好、興趣或利益而組成的虛擬社群,就逐漸一個一個的產生。
本研究是希望透過無線的行動通訊技術,並結合定位的資訊和搜尋技術,來為每一個有需求的人進行配對,讓行動網路社群能依其所選擇的需求,即時的去尋找適合的對象來進行匹配。而網路發展也由過去Web 1.0的時代,轉而進入了Web 2.0,應用這些已經存在的社群網路的技術,讓弱勢的族群也能夠得到更多的幫忙,讓有各方面不同知識的社群能提供不同的資訊來幫助需要得到幫忙的人,也能有效的讓各方面的人力和資源能進入這樣的平台,並把愛心散播在值得關心的弱勢團體,隨時的取得正處於危急和即時需要得到幫助者的位置資訊,適時提供適當的協助,並且提供一個資訊交流平台,讓他們能夠互相的交換訊息和心路歷程。
摘要(英) Along with technical progress, network’’s application also already unusual universal. It is affecting modern people’’s behavior pattern, the working, the life state. In the daily life is unable nearly without the Internet. Therefore, it is very universal between human and human with network’’s communication. Along with network’’s application, the virtual social network group which has the same hobby, the interest or the benefit compose is gradually production one by one.
This research is the hope by the wireless and mobile mechanics of communication, and integrates the localization based service and the data search technology. It can match the service for each other. The service which the mobile social network group can depend on it’s chooses and seeks for the suitable people to match immediately. But it develops the network service from the Web 1.0 to Web 2.0. Social network group’s technology already existed and to help the disadvantaged groups also had to obtain more help. Human who let have various aspects different knowledge social network group to be able to provide the different information for other groups. It can also support various information and the resources to enter such platform. And support to help the disadvantaged groups. It can get the position information immediately for the requester in critical condition that at the right moment provides the suitable assistance. And it can provide an information exchange platform that to exchange news and experience for each other.
This mobile social network group’’s people must be to authenticate from the security system. And it must be to approval by each other. It can exchange information and communicate between the social network group and the other social network group to trend to help the disadvantaged groups. In addition, this system also applies on the order schedule system. Let the volunteer and the requester can match the schedule for the both sides. And the volunteer provides the service time. Let the volunteer and requester can complete the order schedule each other by the system. It can also use the location-based technology. The volunteer can fast to obtain requester’’s correct position and gives the help at the right moment.
This research contains the engineering and humanities two domains. In the engineering domain, it contains the mobile communication with the localization information and search technology in the hardware infrastructure. The others include social network group management service and network management. By the data match, the localization, the homepage, the network security, the characteristic compare and Data Mining technical to integrate in the research. It supports the service for the development and the management mobile social network social group. In addition, it provides the software design by the humanities idea and aims at the mobile social network group service which develops to appraise its result. In this research, it hoped that can apply the most recent information science and technology. It can constructs the one that to have the concern the other disadvantaged groups. Let the society can have more interactions and more help between the human and the human.
關鍵字(中) ★ Web 2.0
★ 預約排程系統
★ 網路管理
★ 定位服務
★ 行動社群
★ 資料探勘
關鍵字(英) ★ Network management
★ Order schedule system
★ Web 2.0
★ Data Mining
★ Mobile social network
★ Location based service
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 概要 1
1.2 研究動機和目的 2
1.3 研究目標 5
1.4 章節架構 5
第二章 背景知識與相關研究 6
2.1 文獻探討 6
2.2 全程參與訪談 11
2.3 全程參與觀察 13
2.4 深度訪談 14
2.5 焦點團體 14
2.6 模擬情境測試討論 15
2.7 行動社群的探討 16
2.8 Web 2.0的應用 23
2.9 定位技術之相關研究 31
第三章 系統分析與設計 43
3.1 系統概念 43
3.2 系統架構 44
3.3 網路架構 50
3.4 系統功能 54
3.4.1. 使用者登入 55
3.4.2. 預約排程系統 57
3.4.3. 遲緩兒的習性記錄 60
3.4.4. 資訊交流平台 60
3.4.5. 地理資訊系統 60
3.4.6. 使用者紀錄與分析 61
3.4.7. 網路服務管理 62
3.4.8. 資料庫設計 64
第四章 系統實作 72
4.1 實作系統架構 72
4.2 開發工具與環境 73
4.3 系統功能與展示 77
4.3.1. 前端資訊服務管理系統 78
4.3.2. 後端管理系統 90
4.4 系統試用問卷調查結果 95
第五章 結論及未來研究方向 103
5.1 結論 103
5.2 未來研究方向 104
參考文獻 106
附錄A 行動社群服務管理系統問卷 109
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指導教授 周立德(Li-Der Chou) 審核日期 2007-7-24
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