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劉丞恩(Cheng-En Liu)
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土木工程學系在職專班 |
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摘要(中) |
應用最佳化理論進行排程,於有限工期內,依照樓層及區域施工難易度來擬定各工班進場時機。確立工班人員組成、工班從進場開始施作時間到施作完成時間等資料,建立數學模型及限制條件,使用LINGO數學規劃軟體連結EXCEL製作表格分析運算進行求解。為求驗證,本研究以桃園市大溪區仁和國中西大樓校舍補強工程為範例。測試結果與實務人工排程比較,顯示本研究模式能更有效率降低成本的排程並引導出更短之完工期,調整各項參數進行敏感度分析,從敏感度分析之變化得到更好的工班指派方針,因應實務情況達到最低成本之目的。 |
摘要(英) |
The Taiwan government has closely focused on implementing effective measures for the structural reinforcement of buildings that do not meet the standards of current building codes. Of particular interest are buildings that do not meet the current seismic codes implemented after the 921 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan. Seismic retrofitting is one method of upgrading the condition of these buildings to meet current architectural standards. Seismic retrofitting methods include the use of reinforced concrete jacketing for columns; the addition of wind walls, shear walls, and shear walls with openings; and the addition of composite columns and steel braces. The reinforcement of columns with concrete jacketing is the most employed method for stabilizing underqualified structures commonly. Because construction projects for the stabilization of school buildings are always undertaken and completed during schools’ summer vacations, many of these projects are necessarily completed in limited time and on limited budgets for both prime and indirect costs. Therefore, to meet these limits, effective scheduling of work items through the application of optimization theory was crucial to the school building projects examined in this study.
Optimization theory, or the selection of the most effective element through the mathematical modeling of various available alternatives, has been established for many aspects of construction, including foundations of buildings, the overlap of work items, difficulties in compartmentalizing work items, and the types of workers required and the time they require. For the most optimal timing of work-item scheduling, the most effective result was achieved by utilizing the mathematical modeling software LINGO (Lindo Systems, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) in connection with an Excel spreadsheet listing some of the limiting conditions. A case study of retrofit engineering at the Center-West Building at Jen-Ho Junior High School in Taoyuan City was conducted for this research. In this study, a sensitivity analysis was performed for each variable on a hypothetical work-item schedule and the work-item schedule from the LINGO analysis; the results of the analyses were then compared. In summary, using LINGO for analysis of work-item scheduling can effectively reduce the costs and duration of construction projects. Additionally, the best guidelines for work-item scheduling were obtained from varying the parameters of the sensitivity analyses to determine the lowest cost under practical construction conditions. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 結構補強 ★ 鋼筋混凝土 ★ 工期 ★ 工班指派 ★ 最佳化 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ retrofit methods ★ reinforcement concrete ★ construction period ★ shift assignment ★ optimization |
論文目次 |
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
圖 目 錄 vi
表 目 錄 vii
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究的目的與範圍 2
1-3 研究方法與流程 3
二、 文獻回顧 5
2-1 結構補強工程實務與施工管理相關文獻 5
2-2 工期與工班指派最佳化研究等相關文獻 6
2-3 文獻評述 8
三、 模式構建及求解方法 9
3-1 問題描述與現況做法 9
3-1-1 問題描述 9
3-1-2 現況做法 13
3-2 模式建構 16
3-2-1 已知資訊與假設條件 16
3-2-2 參數定義 17
3-2-3 決策變數定義 18
3-2-4 數學模式 19
3-2-5 模式應用 24
3-3 分析方法與步驟 24
3-3-1 求解方法 24
3-3-2 求解步驟 24
四、 範例測試 27
4-1 資料分析 27
4-1-1 資料來源及說明 27
4-1-2 基本參數設定 30
4-1-3 決策變數擬定 33
4-2 測試與結果分析 34
4-2-1 測試環境軟硬體配置 34
4-2-2 運算輸出結果 36
4-2-3 運算結果分析 37
4-3 本研究範例測試求解與人工經驗排程比較分析 39
4-4 敏感度分析 42
4-4-1 整體工期上限增減的敏感度分析 42
4-4-2 工班總數不變對精英班增減的敏感度分析 44
4-4-3 工班總數增減的敏感度分析 47
4-4-4 最低工期與最低成本之方案分析 50
4-5 小結 52
五、 結論與建議 53
5-1 結論 53
5-2 建議 55
參考文獻 56
附錄一:測試範例LINGO程式碼 58 |
參考文獻 |
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審核日期 |
2021-12-21 |
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