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姓名 黎安俊(Le Anh Tuan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 兩篇論文:公司理財相關研究
(Two Essays on Corporate Finance)
★ 本國壽險業內部管理制度與經營績效之探討★ 企業購併宣告對股東財富效果之影響-以台灣金融業為例
★ 金融科技對台灣金融業之影響-以線上貸款為例★ 銀行授信違約風險-財務比率評分之預警效果
★ 所得稅制優化修正與兩稅合一廢除之影響★ 區塊鏈技術應用於金融科技公司企業資金電子調撥系統實作與驗證
★ 房屋貸款者風險特性與個人星座關係之研析-以個案銀行分行房貸業務為例★ 金融科技浪潮下銀行分行經營績效之探討-以個案銀行為例
★ 中國A股正式納入MSCI指數之異常報酬探討★ 企業信用管理政策之個案研究
★ 生技公司與醫美診所聯合經營商業模式探討與財務分析-以某公開發行公司為例★ 公司併購之經營績效分析-以某併購案為例
★ 結構型商品投資個案探討-股價(權)連結型/基金連結型★ 越南台商融資模式之研究
★ 低利環境利差縮減下銀行分行經營效率之探討-以個案銀行為例★ 經濟供需模型評價死亡率債券
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摘要(中) 這篇論文包含兩項研究成果:其一為檢驗分期分級董事會制度對於公司勞動力投資效率的影響;其二為資安攻擊事件對公司避稅活動的影響。
摘要(英) This thesis contains two studies that examine the impact of staggered boards on labor investment efficiency and the impact of cyberattacks on tax aggressiveness.
In the first essay, I use comprehensive U.S. data from 1997 to 2015 to investigate the relationship between staggered boards and labor investment efficiency. The study documents that firms with staggered boards exhibit greater labor investment efficiency. Staggered boards benefit firms by reducing abnormal net hiring under both forms of over-investment (over-hiring and under-firing) and under-investment (under-hiring). The positive relation between staggered boards and labor investment efficiency is more pronounced for firms with high CEO job security, high human capital intensity, low labor adjustment costs, and young age. Overall, the results lend strong support to the view that staggered boards strengthen managers’ commitment to long-term shareholders’ interests, thereby encouraging managerial effort in boosting labor investment efficiency.
In the second essay, I investigate the impact of cyberattacks on tax aggressiveness using a difference-in-differences analysis with a matched sample. I find that firms experiencing cyberattacks are more likely to have lower cash effective tax rates, a higher likelihood of engaging in tax-sheltering activities, and greater discretionary book-tax differences. Further analyses show that cyberattacks have a greater impact on corporate tax aggressiveness when firms are more exposed to financial distress and information asymmetry. Additional analyses show that tax aggressiveness increases more when firms are in states with enactments of notification laws, but increases less in firms with higher cybersecurity investment. The aggregate results suggest that firms take more tax risky positions in response to greater financial distress and information asymmetry, which are attributed to the consequences of cyberattacks.
關鍵字(中) ★ 分期分級董事會
★ 勞動力投資效率
★ 資安攻擊
★ 避稅
關鍵字(英) ★ Staggered Boards
★ Labor Investment Efficiency
★ Cyberattacks
★ Tax Aggressiveness
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Chapter I. Staggered boards and labor investment efficiency 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Literature review and hypothesis development 8
1.3 Data, variables, and model 13
1.3.1 Sample selection 13
1.3.2 Measure of labor investment efficiency 14
1.3.3 Model 15
1.3.4 Descriptive statistics 16
1.4 Empirical results 18
1.4.1 Univariate analysis 18
1.4.2 Staggered boards and labor investment efficiency 19
1.5 Endogeneity 24
1.5.1 Firm fixed effects 24
1.5.2 Two-stage least squares estimation 26
1.5.3 Propensity score matching 26
1.5.4 Difference-in-differences analysis 27
1.6 Cross-sectional tests 35
1.6.1 The role of job security 35
1.6.2 The role of human and knowledge capital 36
1.6.3 The effect of labor adjustment costs 39
1.6.4 The effect of a firm’s life cycle 41
1.7 Robustness checks 42
1.7.1 Alternative measures of labor investment efficiency 42
1.7.2 Additional controls 44
1.7.3 The role of non-labor investments 45
1.8 Conclusion 47
Chapter II. Cyberattacks and tax aggressiveness 48
2.1 Introduction 48
2.2 Hypothesis development 54
2.2.1 Cyberattacks, financial distress, and tax aggressiveness 55
2.2.2. Cyberattacks, information asymmetry, and tax aggressiveness 56
2.2.3 Moderating role of cybersecurity investment and state notification laws 58
2.3 Empirical design 60
2.3.1 Measuring tax aggressiveness 60
2.3.2 Sample selection 62
2.3.3 Model 64
2.4 Empirical results 66
2.4.1 Summary statistics 66
2.4.2 Cyberattacks and tax aggressiveness 68
2.4.3 Robustness checks 70
2.5 Possible mechanisms 72
2.5.1 Financial distress risk 72
2.5.2 Information asymmetry 75
2.6 Cross-sectional analysis 78
2.6.1 Cybersecurity investment 78
2.6.2 State notification laws 80
2.7 Additional analysis 82
2.7.1 Types of breached firms 82
2.7.2 The target of cyberattacks 83
2.8 Conclusion 84
Chapter III. Conclusion 85
Bibliography 87
Appendix A. Definitions of variables 98
Appendix B. Summary statistics of variables to estimate abnormal net hiring 103
Appendix C. Regression output for abnormal net hiring estimation 104
Appendix D. Pairwise correlations 105
Appendix E. Propensity score matching approach 106
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指導教授 黃泓人(Henry H. Huang) 審核日期 2022-6-16
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