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姓名 游博丞(Bo-Cheng You)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 超音波水解生物污泥機制探討
(An investigation on the mechanism of ultrasonic hydrolysis of waste activated sludge)
★ 以SDI與MFI指標評估工業廢水回收再利用之機會:以某散熱器製造業為例★ 以反應曲面法探討流體化床結晶回收磷酸亞鐵之影響因子
★ 活性污泥異營與自營脫硝 反應動力特性之研究★ 沼渣施用對土壤及滲出水之重金屬成份影響分析
★ 脈衝式曝氣對沉浸式薄膜生物處理系統 積垢控制之探討★ 以聚合硫酸鐵進行污泥調理脫水之綜合效能評估
★ 以低亞硫酸鈉進行自營性脫硝反應之可行性研究★ 污泥脫水濾液無機物成分之結垢潛勢研究
★ 硫氮比、pH與溶氧對還原性硫化物自營脫硝反應之影響★ 以海水提升流體化床磷酸銨鎂結晶 之可行性研究
★ 生物除氮程序(MLE Process)效能評估及污泥活性探討★ 活性污泥除氮程序(OAO Process)效能評估與設計參數探討
★ 廢水處理廠 COD 和 TN 水質細分類 與脫硝效率之研究★ 硫代硫酸鹽自營性脫硝之反應動力與亞硝酸鹽氮累積特性探討
★ 以RO濃排水提升流體化床磷酸鹽結晶之可行性研究★ 以超聲波輔助化學氧化法處理廢棄 NF 膜之反應特性與膜再利用可行性評估
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摘要(中) 隨著都市發展,污水廠建設快速成長,但廢棄活性污泥(Waste Activated Sludge , WAS)為都市污水處理之必然產物,其處理及廢棄成本佔污廢水處理成本的60%,且清除成本隨衛生掩埋處理容積減少,有日益高漲之勢。而污泥水解技術不僅可加強污泥減量,改善脫水性,且可回收可用資源,並提升廢水處理單元性能。污泥水解主要透過破壞污泥絮凝物及細胞,使胞內有機物及營養物質由固相轉往液相,其中又以有機物增溶受人關注,這對於需添加碳源之脫氮程序無疑是一值得評估之選項。
利用DNA、磷酸、SCOD等重要水質參數檢測,建置超音波三階段崩解污泥細胞之時間序列。超音波水解生物污泥依比能量輸入可分為三個階段,0 - 25.2 kWs/g TS為絮凝物剝離,25.2 – 36 kWs/g TS為細胞壁破壞,36 kWs/g TS後為細胞分解,而有超過50%的蛋白質、75%的多糖及70%的SCOD位於細胞壁破壞階段後才釋出,表示細胞大部分的有機物質蘊藏在細胞內。
本研究以絮凝物剝離及細胞分解階段水解產物作為碳源進行脫硝,其最佳C/N比分別為3及6,比脫硝速率分別為1.17、1.57 mg N /g VSS‧hr,且細胞分解階段產物在脫硝潛力及異營缺氧增殖率較絮凝物剝離階段產物更佳,其主要因素為細胞分解階段產物其蛋白質含量比例較高,蛋白質為微生物最優先利用之有機物質。另外利用細胞分解階段產物進行脫硝雖在高碳氮比下具有較高的脫硝速率,但放流水的SCOD在C/N大於4時,其殘留濃度須被考慮,且須防範來自蛋白質被微生物降解所造成的氨氮二次污染問題。
摘要(英) With urban development, the construction of sewage treatment plants is growing rapidly, but Waste Activated Sludge (WAS) is an inevitable product of urban sewage treatment, and its treatment and disposal costs account for 60% of the sewage and wastewater treatment costs, and the removal cost varies with sanitation. The volume of landfill disposal is decreasing, and there is an increasing trend. The sludge hydrolysis technology can not only enhance sludge reduction, improve dewaterability, but also recover available resources and improve the performance of wastewater treatment units. The hydrolysis of sludge mainly destroys the flocs and cells of the sludge, so that the intracellular organic matter and nutrients are transferred from the solid phase to the liquid phase. Among them, the solubilization of organic matter attracts attention. This is undoubtedly a denitrification process that requires the addition of a carbon source. An option worth evaluating.
Using DNA, phosphoric acid, SCOD and other important water quality parameters to detect, build a time series of ultrasonic three-stage disintegration of sludge cells. Ultrasonic hydrolysis of biological sludge can be divided into three stages according to the specific energy input, 0-25.2 kWs/g TS is floc stripping, 25.2-36 kWs/g TS is cell wall destruction, and 36 kWs/g TS is cell decomposition. More than 50% of the protein, 75% of the polysaccharide and 70% of the SCOD are released after the cell wall destruction stage, which means that most of the organic matter of the cell is contained in the cell.
In this study, the hydrolysate from the floc stripping and cell decomposition stages was used as a carbon source for denitration. The best C/N ratios were 3 and 6, and the specific denitration rates were 1.17 and 1.57 mg N /g VSS‧hr, respectively. The denitrification potential and heterogeneous hypoxic proliferation rate of the cell decomposition stage product is better than that of the floc stripping stage product. The main factor is that the cell decomposition stage product has a higher protein content ratio, and protein is the most preferential organic substance used by microorganisms. In addition, although the products of the cell decomposition stage are used for denitrification, although the denitrification rate is high at a high carbon-nitrogen ratio, when the C/N of the discharged water is greater than 4, the residual concentration of SCOD must be considered, and it must be prevented from being caused by protein. The secondary pollution of ammonia nitrogen caused by microbial degradation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 廢棄活性污泥
★ 超音波
★ 階段性水解
★ 碳源
★ 脫硝
★ 動力學分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Waste activated sludge
★ Ultrasound
★ Stepwise hydrolysis
★ Carbon source
★ Denitrification
★ Kinetics analysis
論文目次 第一章、研究緣起 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章、文獻回顧 3
2.1 超音波作用及聲空化理論 3
2.1.1 聲學概論 3
2.1.2 聲空化現象及空化氣泡形成 4
2.1.3 空化氣泡坍塌的物化影響 6
2.2 污泥水解及其物化性質變化 9
2.2.1 污泥性質及結構 9
2.2.2 污泥水解機制及物化特性 17
2.2.3 超音波水解理論及量化指標 21
2.2.4 超音波作用之影響 23
2.3 碳源選擇對生物除氮系統的影響 32
2.3.1 生物硝化脫硝之理論 32
2.3.2 添加不同碳源對去除效率之影響 35
2.3.3 添加不同碳源對生物系統之影響 38
第三章 材料與方法 39
3.1 研究流程 39
3.2 研究步驟與操作參數 41
3.2.1 超音波操作條件差異試驗 41
3.2.2 超音波水解產物脫硝試驗 44
3.3 分析方法與實驗設備 48
3.3.1 試驗設備 48
3.3.2 分析設備 50
3.3.3 分析方法 51
3.3.4 脫硝機制參數 54
第四章 結果與討論 57
4.1 超音波崩解對污泥物理性質之影響 57
4.1.1 溫度、pH、導電度變化 57
4.1.2 污泥脫水性及毛細吸收時間變化 60
4.1.3 掃描電子顯微鏡圖像分析 62
4.2 超音波逐步崩解對有機成分之影響 65
4.2.1 有機物增溶 65
4.2.2 懸浮固體物與有機物增溶之關聯性 71
4.2.3 碳、氮、磷釋放量之關聯性 76
4.2.4 蛋白質、氨氮、凱氏氮之變化 79
4.2.5 正磷酸鹽與有機磷之變化 81
4.2.6 多醣與DNA的釋放 84
4.3 綜合討論-超音波對污泥結構破壞之機制 86
4.3.1 污泥絮凝物剝離 (Floc-Disintegration) 87
4.3.2 污泥細胞壁破碎 (Cell-Disruption) 91
4.3.3 污泥細胞分解 (Cell-Degradation) 93
4.3.4 超音波階段性水解生物污泥 94
4.4 超音波水解產物脫硝試驗 100
4.4.1 絮凝物剝離產物脫硝結果及機制分析 103
4.4.2 細胞分解產物脫硝結果及機制分析 107
4.4.3 超音波水解產物成分利用分析 111
4.4.4 超音波水解產物二次污染 115
4.5 超音波水解產物脫硝機制比較 117
第五章 結論與建議 119
5.1 結論 119
5.2 建議 120
參考文獻 121
附錄A-超音波崩解下個物質增加比例 附錄 A-1
附錄B-水解碳源脫硝槽環境變化 附錄 B-1
附錄C-絮凝物剝離階段產物脫硝碳氮濃度變化 附錄 C-1
附錄D-細胞分解階段產物脫硝碳氮濃度變化 附錄 D-1
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指導教授 莊順興(Shun-Hsing Chuang) 審核日期 2022-1-4
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