博碩士論文 109523065 詳細資訊

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姓名 葉鎧瑋(Kai-Wei Yeh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 協作式自編碼器嵌入最佳化方法於無人機群網路以接收訊號強度輔助定位之研究
(RSS-Aided Localization in UAV Swarm Networks: A Cooperative Autoencoder-embedded Optimization Approach)
★ 基於多代理人強化學習方法多架無人機自主追蹤之研究★ 連網無人機路徑規劃與基地台連線策略之共同設計:使用模仿增強的深度強化學習方法
★ 網路編碼於多架無人機網路以抵禦機器學習攻擊之研究★ 使用多代理人強化學習於無線快取網路設計空中基地台三維路徑之研究
★ 空中無線感測:在無人機抖動環境下基於RSS的非接觸式人體偵測與定位★ 基於 Swin-Transformer 語意分割的雷達訊號解交織之研究
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摘要(中) 精準且可靠之定位資訊是實現無人機群應用的先決條件。
摘要(英) Accurate and reliable localization is a prerequisite for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarm applications.
However, conventional GPS or RF-based localization systems do not work well in highly dynamic and unstable mobile ad-hoc environments.
In this paper, we present a new approach to accurately localize UAVs in unknown communication environments with anomalous GPS reception, based on the received signal strength (RSS) between the UAVs.
The proposed approach is non-trivial given the combinational nature of the considered problem and the requirement of high localization accuracy in the UAV application scenario.
The key idea of the proposed approach is to solve the position mapping problem by refining the convex relaxation formulation which considers that the target to be localized is inside or outside the convex hull formed by the anchors.
Besides, a variational autoencoder is used to calculate the anomaly score based on the estimated position distributions.
The optimal anchor node selection is obtained by solving a fractional knapsack problem which takes into account the anomaly score of different node combinations.
We evaluate our approach through numerical simulations and field tests with real GPS data collected from a quadrotor UAV.
Our results indicate that the proposed approach achieves higher detection and localization accuracy and is more robust to RSS measurement errors compared to the baseline schemes.
關鍵字(中) ★ 無線定位
★ 凸優化
★ 接收訊號強度
★ 異常偵測
★ 無人機
論文目次 論文摘要 (i)
Abstract (ii)
目錄 (v)
圖目錄 (vi)
表目錄 (viii)
一、 緒論 (1)
1.1 研究背景 (1)
1.2 研究動機與目的 (1)
1.3 論文架構 (4)
二、 文獻探討 (5)
2.1 基於 RSS 之最佳化定位 (5)
2.2 異常偵測 (8)
2.2.1 基於自編碼器之異常偵測方法 (9)
2.3 綜合觀點 (11)
三、 系統模型 (14)
3.1 網路模型 (14)
3.2 通訊模型 (15)
3.3 問題描述 (16)
四、 協作式自編碼器嵌入最佳化方法 (18)
4.1 錨點分組 (18)
4.2 所提之基於 RSS 的最佳化定位 (19)
4.3 基於變分自編碼器之異常偵測 (25)
五、 性能評估 (30)
5.1 模擬結果分析 (31)
5.2 實驗結果分析 (39)
六、 討論與未來研究方向 (43)
七、 結論與貢獻 (45)
索引 (46)
參考文獻 (46)
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指導教授 陳昱嘉 審核日期 2022-6-16
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