博碩士論文 110352006 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳文科(Wen-Ko Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 營建人員教育訓練職務指派最佳化之研究
(Construction personnel education and training job assignment research on optimization)
★ 橋梁檢測人力機具排班最佳化之研究★ 勤業務專責分工下消防人員每日勤務排班最佳模式之研究
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摘要(中) 營造公司執行營建工程建築工地,為達成建築工地順利完成,於營建部門規劃一套管理營建人員教育訓練方案,目的為營建人員工程技能學習及執行職務確實依循施工標準。執行教育訓練的過程,可培養營建人員技能成長及合作默契,清楚職務執行權責,指揮系統明確分工。運用教育訓練職務指派模式,採用的方式為營建主管帶領營建工程師實施教育訓練指導,從主管的技能傳授及經驗分享,同時在工程執行方面:交辦、執行、監督、驗收每一環節確實完備,讓營建人員教育訓練方案的成效符合公司經營的目的。
摘要(英) The construction company executes the construction project on the construction site. In order to achieve the successful completion of the construction site, a set of education and training programs for the management of construction personnel is planned in the construction department. The purpose is for the construction personnel to learn engineering skills and perform duties in accordance with construction standards. The process of implementing education and training can cultivate construction personnel′s skills growth and tacit understanding, clear duties and responsibilities, and clear division of labor in the command system. Using the education and training job assignment model, the method adopted is for the construction supervisor to lead the construction engineer to implement education and training guidance, from the supervisor′s skills transfer and experience sharing, and at the same time in the project execution , from the assignment , execution, supervision, and acceptance of each link is really complete, Make the effectiveness of construction personnel education and training programs in line with the company′s business goals.
Aiming at the fairness of the assignment of education and training positions for construction personnel, this study uses the mathematical integer rules to obtain the optimal model, and tries to calculate the reference data for the assignment of education and training positions for construction personnel, and provides project management based on the response of site supervisors and engineers to the effectiveness of construction management. It is a reference for personnel scheduling and training performance assigned by education and training duties. In terms of the solution process , this mode is based on the construction personnel to perform specific duties and combinations to limit the number of people and the number of days to perform, analyze the assignment of education and training duties, set parameters and restrictions, and enter the LINGO18.0 program software to obtain an optimized assignment mode. . This study uses the fairness of job assignments for construction personnel to perform education and training as a reference, and compares the standard deviation between the optimal research model and manual assignments, showing a more effective average assignment of job assignments.
關鍵字(中) ★ 教育訓練
★ 職務指派
★ 最優化
★ 專案管理者
關鍵字(英) ★ education and training
★ job assignment
★ optimization
★ project manager
論文目次 摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第 一 章 緒 論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-1-1 研究背景 1
1-1-2 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的與範圍 1
1-2-1 研究目的 1
1-2-2 研究範圍 2
1-3 研究方法與內容 2
第 二 章 文獻回顧 5
2-1營建工程職務訓練之部分相關研究文獻 5
2-2規劃人力排班及指派最優化運用之部分相關文獻 6
2-3 文獻評述 8
第 三 章 模式構建及求解方法 9
3-1 問題描述 9
3-2 模型建立 10
3-2-1 假設條件、參數定義說明 、決策變數說明 10
3-2-2 數學模式及模式說明` 12
3-2-3 模式應用 16
3-3 求解方法與步驟 16
3-3-1求解方法 16
3-3-2求解步驟 17
3-4 小結 18
第 四 章 範例測試 19
4-1資料分析 19
4-1-1 問題規模 19
4-1-2 決策變數擬定 19
4-1-3 範例測試基本參數資料之擬定 22
4-2 測試與結果分析 24
4-2-1 電腦演練環境 24
4-2-2 模式輸出結果 24
4-2-3 電腦計算分析結果 25
4-3 人工指派結果 28
4-4 本研究模型與人工指派分析 30
4-5 敏感度分析 30
4-6小結 37
第 五 章 結論與建議 38
5-1 結論 38
5-2 建議 39
參 考 文 獻 40
附錄一 測試範例LINGO 18.0程式碼 42
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指導教授 顏上堯(Shang-Yao Yan) 審核日期 2022-7-20
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