博碩士論文 109322053 詳細資訊

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姓名 李岱米(Tai-Mi Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 燃煤飛灰與底灰應用於陶瓷建材之初步研究
(Preliminary Study on the Application of Coal Fly Ash and Bottom Ash to Ceramic Building Materials)
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摘要(中) 電廠燃煤灰渣為火力發電所產生的燃煤副產品,煤炭經過煤槽、過熱器、再熱器、省煤器、靜電集塵器、脫硫塔等流程燃燒發電,其中隨熱空氣上升的輕質不燃燒物經靜電捕集器從煙氣中捕集到的微細粒狀物稱為飛灰;而從鍋爐底部灰斗取出的灰渣,稱為底灰。
前導試驗結果,陶瓷面磚製程為粉體製備完成後以密度2.5 g/cm3壓錠成型後以區段升溫方式高溫燒結,最後決定以黏土含量佔總重量比35%之C35試體作為本研究之對照組。
再生陶瓷面磚試驗內容主要分為兩個變因探討,一為探討燃煤灰渣取代量對陶瓷面磚燒結的影響,使用飛灰與底灰分別以重量取代 10 %、20 %、30 %、40 %、50 %、60 %於陶瓷面磚原料;另一為探討不同燒結溫度對燃煤灰渣取代陶瓷面磚的影響,燒結溫度為1100 °C 、1140 °C、1170 °C、1200 °C;並依據前導試驗確立之試體製作方式進行試驗。
試驗結果顯示,在燃煤灰渣取代量對陶瓷面磚的影響,試體於 1100 °C 高溫燒結後,除底灰取代10%之配比可燒結成 II 類面磚外,其餘配比均可達成III 類面磚之要求;收縮率隨添加量降低,減少體積損耗;翹曲皆符合平整度的規範;抗彎強度皆遠高於規範需求;耐熱衝擊性試驗後皆無產生缺陷;成色方面隨添加量愈趨於棕褐色飽和。在不同燒結溫度對取代燃煤灰渣陶瓷面磚的影響,試體分別於 1140 °C、1170 °C、1200 °C 高溫燒結後,可達成 Ia 類、Ib 類面磚;收縮率同樣隨添加量降低,但在溫度提高後試體厚度發生膨脹情形;翹曲方面因試體膨脹變形嚴重皆不符合於規範;成色方面隨取代量愈增加趨於黑褐色飽和。燃煤灰渣取代的試體於1100 °C 燒結溫度下有較佳的成效,燒結溫度提升後試體變形嚴重,不利於應用。燃煤底灰在低取代量 10BA 時可以達到 II 類面磚標準,強度與翹曲皆能符合規範,在降低成本與提高經濟性的考量下,底灰相較於飛灰有較佳的效果。
摘要(英) Coal-fired ash and slag in power plants are by-products of coal-fired power generation. Coal is burned to generate electricity through processes such as coal troughs, superheaters, reheaters, economizers, electrostatic precipitators, and desulfurization towers. The fine particulate matter captured from the flue gas by the electrostatic collector is called fly ash; and the ash taken out from the ash hopper at the bottom of the boiler is called bottom ash.
In order to understand the feasibility of using coal-fired ash and slag in ceramic building materials, this study plans to conduct research in two stages. The first stage: the pilot test is divided into two parts, "the construction of the ceramic tile manufacturing process" and "the control group ratio test"; The second stage: the test of recycled ceramic tiles, the proportion design and test are carried out with "coal-fired ash and slag as part of the raw materials of ceramic building materials".
In the preliminary test results, the ceramic tiles are manufactured by pressing the ingots with a density of 2.5 g/cm3 and then sintering them at high temperature in a zone heating process. Finally, the C35 sample with a clay content of 35% by weight is used as the control group for this study. The experiments on recycled ceramic tiles are divided into two variables, one is to investigate the effect of coal-fired ash replacement on the sintering of ceramic tiles, and the other is to investigate the effect of different sintering temperatures on the ceramic tiles with replaced coal-fired ash. The test is carried out according to the sample production method decided by the preliminary test, and the test results are shown as follows:
The effect of coal-fired ash substitution on ceramic tiles. In this study, fly ash and bottom ash were partially replaced by 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 %, 50 % and 60 % of the raw material for ceramic tiles, and the samples were sintered at 1100 °C to form Type II and Type III tiles; the shrinkage rate decreases with the addition amount, reducing the volume loss; the warpage meets the flatness specification; the flexural strength is far higher than the specification requirements; no defects after thermal shock testing; the brown color saturation increased with the increase of the addition amount. The effect of different sintering temperatures on the replacement of coal-fired ash ceramic tiles, after the samples were sintered at 1140 °C, 1170 °C and 1200 °C, can be reached for Type Ia and Ib tiles; the shrinkage rate also decreased with the addition amount, but the thickness of the specimen expands after the temperature is increased; the warpage is not in accordance with the specification due to the serious expansion and deformation of the specimen; the dark brown color saturation increased with the increase of the addition amount.
The samples with coal-fired ash substitution have better results at 1100 °C sintering temperature, but after the sintering temperature is raised, the sample is seriously deformed, which is not conducive to application. The coal-fired bottom ash in a low replacement amount of 10BA can reach Type II tile specification, and the strength and warpage can meet the specification. In consideration of cost reduction and economic improvement, bottom ash has a better effect compared to fly ash.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電廠燃煤灰渣
★ 燃煤飛灰
★ 燃煤底灰
★ 陶瓷面磚
★ 高溫燒結
關鍵字(英) ★ power plant coal-fired ash slag
★ coal-fired fly ash
★ coal-fired bottom ash
★ ceramic tile
★ high temperature sintering
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
謝誌 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 1
1.3研究內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1陶瓷種類 3
2.1.1台灣瓷磚業現況介紹 5
2.1.2陶瓷面磚種類 5
2.2瓷磚生產製程 7
2.2.1粉碎 7
2.2.2配料與混合 8
2.2.3成型 8
2.2.4乾燥 9
2.2.5燒結 10
2.3瓷磚原料 10
2.3.1 黏土 10
2.3.2長石 11
2.3.3石英 11
2.4瓷磚燒結之影響因子 12
2.4.1化學組成 12
2.4.2粒徑與粒徑分布大小 12
2.4.3成形壓力 13
2.4.4高溫燒結 13
2.5陶瓷面磚品質檢驗基準 19
2.6電廠燃煤飛灰與底灰 20
2.6.1燃煤灰渣生產過程 20
2.6.2電廠燃煤灰渣特性與介紹 22
2.6.3燃煤灰渣生產量及目前運用量 24
2.6.4國內相關法規管制規定 26
第三章研究規劃 27
3.1 研究流程 27
3.1.1前導試驗-對照組配比探討與陶瓷面磚製程建置 29
3.1.2燃煤灰渣取代陶瓷面磚部分原料之研究 32
3.2實驗材料 35
3.2.1陶瓷面磚原料 35
3.2.2電廠燃煤灰渣 36
3.3配比設計與編號 38
3.4實驗儀器 40
3.5實驗方法 46
3.5.1試體製作 46
3.5.2吸水率 47
3.5.3收縮 49
3.5.4翹曲 50
3.5.5彎曲破壞載重與抗彎強度 53
3.5.6耐熱衝擊性試驗 56
3.5.7外觀形貌分析 57
第四章試驗結果與分析 59
4.1前導試驗 59
4.1.1陶瓷面磚試體製備程序 59
4.1.2陶瓷面磚對照組與配比探討 62
4.2燃煤灰渣取代量對陶瓷面磚的影響 64
4.2.1外觀形貌分析 64
4.2.2吸水率 67
4.2.3收縮率 70
4.2.4翹曲 73
4.2.5彎曲破壞載重與抗彎強度 81
4.2.6耐熱衝擊試驗 86
4.3不同燒結溫度對陶瓷面磚的影響 89
4.3.1外觀形貌分析 89
4.3.2吸水率 92
4.3.3收縮 97
4.3.4翹曲 104
4.4綜合探討 118
4.4.1燃煤灰渣取代量對陶瓷面磚的影響 118
4.4.2不同燒結溫度對陶瓷面磚的影響 120
4.4.3綜合評估 124
第五章結論與建議 127
5.1結論 127
5.2建議 128
參考文獻 129
附錄 133
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指導教授 王韡蒨 李明君(Wei-Chien Wang Ming-Gin Lee) 審核日期 2022-9-13
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