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姓名 陳昱銘(Yu-Ming Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 氟哌啶醇與分散藍14於超臨界二氧化碳中之溶解度
★ 預測固體溶質於超臨界二氧化碳添加共溶劑系統之溶解度★ 碳酸二乙酯與低碳醇類於常壓下之汽液相平衡
★ 探討Peng-Robinson+COSMOSAC狀態方程式中分散項與溫度之關係★ 探討分散項之溫度函數與體積參數之修正對PR+COSMOSAC於相平衡預測之影響
★ 預測有機物與二氧化碳雙成份系統之固液氣三相平衡★ 常壓下乙酸酯類之雙成份混合物汽液相平衡
★ 以第一原理計算鋰嵌入與擴散於具氧空缺之二氧化鈦結構★ 探討不同量子化學方法對PR+COSMOSAC狀態方程式應用於預測純物質及混合流體相行為之影響
★ 預測固體溶質於超臨界二氧化碳中的溶解度★ 鋯金屬有機框架材料之碳氫氣體吸附與分離預測
★ 甲基水楊酸異構物於超臨界二氧化碳中之溶解度量測★ 原料藥與水楊酸衍生物於超臨界二氧化碳中之溶解度量測
★ 以第一原理計算探討鋰於鈮摻雜二氧化鈦之嵌入與擴散路徑★ 探討COSMO-SAC-dsp模型中分散項和組合項之效應
★ 第一原理計算探討藍磷烯異質結構用於鋰離子電池負極材料之特性★ 以第一原理計算探討鋰離子於鐵摻雜磷酸鋰鈷之塊材與表面附近之擴散路徑
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摘要(中) 本研究利用一套通過可靠性驗證之高壓半流動式裝置,測量抗精神病藥物氟哌啶醇在溫度313.2 K、323.2 K、333.2 K和壓力12 MPa~22 MPa的條件下於超臨界二氧化碳中之溶解度。除此之外,本研究建構一套新的高壓半流動式裝置用於測量在更高的溫度條件下溶質於超臨界二氧化碳中之溶解度,透過測量水楊酸在溫度308.2 K、328.2 K與壓力15、20 MPa的條件下於超臨界二氧化碳中的溶解度,並與數組已公開發表於文獻的溶解度數據相互對照,皆得到良好的重合結果,足以驗證此新建立裝置和溶解度測量手法的可靠性。本研究亦利用此新建立之半流動式裝置,測量分散性染料,分散藍14在溫度353.2 K、373.2 K、393.2 K和壓力15 MPa~25 MPa條件下於超臨界二氧化碳中之溶解度。在每組溫度和壓力條件下,均進行三次獨立溶解度測量,並且氟哌啶醇與分散藍14在每組的溶解度測量,其變異係數分別維持在5%與8%以內。其中,氟哌啶醇與分散藍14的溶解度莫耳分率分別介於3.42×10-7至1.42×10-5與3.99×10-7至7.72×10-6之間,並且其溶解度的不準確度分別為5.92%和6.81%。本研究採用四種半經驗式模型:Chrastil模型、Mendez-Santiago and Teja(MST)模型、Kumar and Johnston(K-J)模型以及Bartle模型,針對新測量之溶解度進行數據的迴歸和自身一致性檢測。氟哌啶醇與分散藍14透過此四種半經驗式模型,迴歸結果之平均相對誤差分別介於3.24%至4.21%與7.25%至15.65%,並且在自身一致性檢測呈現良好的線性關係,藉以驗證本研究測量之溶解度具有足夠的可靠性。
摘要(英) The solubility of antipsychotic drug haloperidol in supercritical carbon dioxide (ScCO2) was measured at 313.2 K, 323.2 K, and 333.2 K within a pressure range of 12 MPa ~ 22 MPa by using a reliable semi-flow high-pressure apparatus. In this study, another new semi-flow high-pressure apparatus was constructed for measuring the solubility of solid solutes in ScCO2 at higher temperatures. The solubility of salicylic acid in ScCO2 was measured at 308.2 K and 328.2 K under pressure 15 MPa and 20 MPa to verify the reliability of the new apparatus and measurement procedure. The experimental solubility of salicylic acid obtained from this new apparatus satisfactorily agrees with those reported in literature. The new apparatus was used to measure the solubility of disperse blue 14 in ScCO2 at 353.2 K, 373.2 K, 393.2 K within a pressure range of 15 MPa ~ 25 MPa. The solubility at a specific temperature and pressure was measured three times independently. The coefficient of variation of haloperidol and disperse blue 14 of three repeated measurements were lower than 5% and 8%, respectively. It can be found that the solubility of haloperidol and disperse blue 14 are within the range of 3.42×10-7 to 1.42×10-5 and 3.99×10-7 to 7.72×10-6 accompanied value of uncertainty 5.92% and 6.81%, respectively. Four semi-empirical models: Chrastil model, Mendez-Santiago and Teja (MST), Kumar and Johnston (K-J) model and Bartle model were employed to correlate the solubility data and test the self-consistency of newly measured solubility. The average absolute relative deviation (AARD) of haloperidol and disperse blue 14 are 3.24% ~ 4.21% and 7.25% ~ 15.65%, respectively. The results of the self-consistency tests show an excellent linear relationship and confirm the reliability of the newly measured solubility in this study.
關鍵字(中) ★ 超臨界二氧化碳
★ 溶解度
★ 氟哌啶醇
★ 分散藍14
★ 實驗測量
關鍵字(英) ★ Supercritical carbon dioxide
★ Solubility
★ Haloperidol
★ Disperse blue 14
★ Experimental measurement
論文目次 摘要.......................................................i
第一章 緒論................................................1
1-1 超臨界流體性質之發現與簡介...............................1
1-2 超臨界流體之應用........................................4
1-3 固體溶質於超臨界二氧化碳中溶解度之重要性..................8
1-4 研究動機..............................................10
第二章 固體溶質於超臨界二氧化碳之溶解度測量..................11
2-1 實驗藥品..............................................11
2-2 實驗裝置..............................................15
2-3 半流動式實驗裝置之操作與流程............................20
2-4 新建構實驗裝置.........................................22
2-5 新建構半流動式實驗裝置之操作與流程.......................27
2-6 樣品分析與檢量線建立...................................29
第三章 數據處理與模型迴歸...................................34
3-2 溶解度數據迴歸.........................................40
3-3 半經驗式模型...........................................41
(1) Chrastil model....................................41
(2) Méndez-Santiago and Teja model(MST model).......42
(3) Kumar and Johnston model(K-J model).............42
(4) Bartle model......................................42
3-4 溶解度數據之自身一致性檢測..............................44
第四章 結果與討論..........................................45
4-1 超臨界二氧化碳流速對於固體溶質溶解度之影響...............45
4-2 新建構半流動式裝置之可靠性實驗數據.......................48
4-3 固體溶質於超臨界二氧化碳中之溶解度數據...................52
4-4 固體溶質溶解度之半經驗式模型迴歸........................60
4-5 固體溶質溶解度之自身一致性檢測..........................67
第五章 結論...............................................72
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指導教授 謝介銘(Chieh-Ming Hsieh) 審核日期 2022-8-1
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