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姓名 鄭安(An Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 水文與海洋科學研究所
論文名稱 次網格尺度海氣象因子空間變異性及其統計參數化
★ 西北太平洋長期波候變遷之研究★ 近岸海洋波浪對海面粗糙度之影響
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★ Development of S-band and Coherent-on-Receive Marine Radar for Ocean Surface Wave and Current Measurement★ 內陸棚及河口混合與擴散特性觀測研究
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★ 海岸帶地區海表拖曳係數與海表粗糙度(均方傾度)之相依關係★ 應用微波雷達監測海流之演算法流程改善
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摘要(中) 本研究之目的在於定量觀測風、波浪與表面海流特徵於次網格尺度的空間變異性。本研究使用76顆漂流式微型資料浮球,於2021年9月22日起為期一個月在東海南部布放,觀測區域內表面流速、示性波高、平均週期與海表風速等海氣象參數,浮標等間距布放,形成一個空間陣列,每30分鐘並將數據透過衛星回傳,後續對其進行時序上之資料品管。
本文討論海氣象因子觀測數據之定律性(Deterministic)過程與儀器相互誤差及自然界中隨機(Random)特性的比例。首先比較海洋現場觀測實驗資料與衛星遙測資料及數值模式結果之差異,不同資料來源海氣象因子的時空變化趨勢一致,但是海上實測資料呈現更高的空間變異性,討論研究區域海氣象參數變異與空間尺度(Length Scale)的關係。
在海表流的方面,本研究採用兩種拉格朗日(Lagrangian)分析方法針對海表流進行分析,一為利用浮標位置計算在研究區域內的水平延散係數(Dispersion coefficient);二為計算所對應之有限大小李雅普諾夫指數 (FSLE,Finite Size Lyapunov Exponent)特性。本文比對有限大小李雅普諾夫指數並與海洋擴散條件與空間尺度之關係,結果顯示,研究期間之東海南部海域,擴散距離(δ)於10~100公里李雅普諾夫指數依循δ-2/3斜率、延散係數依循δ4/3斜率,皆呈現理查森定律(Richardson’s Law)之紊流擴散特性,與Corrado et al. (2017)描述於北太平洋環流之擴散特徵差異不大。
摘要(英) The purpose of this study is to quantify the spatial variability of wind, wave, and surface current features at the subgrid scale. In this study, 76 miniature wave buoys were deployed in the southern part of the East China Sea for one month starting from September 22, 2021, to observe the surface current velocity, significant wave height, mean period, and surface wind speed and other meteorological parameters in the area.
In this study, we discuss the ratio of the Deterministic process to the mutual error of the instruments and the random characteristics of nature in the observations of meteorological factors. We first compare the differences between the experimental data and the satellite remote sensing data and numerical model results. The temporal and spatial variability of the meteorological factors from different data sources are consistent, but the spatial variability of the measured data is higher.
Further statistical analysis of the surface wind and wave parameters reveals that the variability characteristics increase with the spatial scale, and the relationship between the coefficient of variation (C.O.V.) and the spatial scale is consistent with previous studies. The spatial variability of the numerical model data at the subgrid scale is found to be different from the actual observations, and the spatial variability of each meteorological factor, the ratio between the actual observations and the numerical model is up to 6-17.9, and this ratio decreases with the increase of the spatial scale. The spatial variability of the spatial variability is parameterized by using a half Normal distribution for the spatial variability without considering the instrumentation error and a Weibull distribution for the spatial variability with considering the instrumentation error.
For the surface currents, two Lagrangian analysis methods are used to analyze the surface currents: one is to calculate the horizontal dispersion coefficient in the study area using the buoy array position; the other is to calculate the corresponding Finite Size Lyapunov Exponent (FSLE). In this paper, we compare the finite-size Lyapunov exponent with the spatial scale of the ocean dispersion conditions, and the results show that the dispersion distance (δ) in the southern part of the East China Sea during the study period follows the slope of δ-2/3 and the dispersion coefficient follows the slope of δ4/3, both of which exhibit Richardson′s Law. The diffusion characteristics of the turbulent flow according to Richardson′s Law are similar with described by Corrado et al. (2017) for the North Pacific.
The results of spatial variability parameterization of meteorological parameters can provide the basis for data validation and quality control of numerical models and remote sensing at subgrid scale.
關鍵字(中) ★ 微型資料浮球
★ 海氣象參數
★ 空間變異性
關鍵字(英) ★ miniature wave buoy
★ meteorological parameters
★ spatial variability
論文目次 中文摘要 IV
Abstract VI
目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
表目錄 XXII
1 緒論 1
1.1 海氣象因子觀測重要性 1
1.2 海氣象因子空間變異特性 1
1.3 研究目的 2
2 研究資料來源 4
2.1 微型資料浮球 4
2.1.1 微型資料浮球架構 4
2.1.2 微型資料浮球波浪參數計算方法 7
2.1.3 海表粗糙度與風速關係建立 8
2.1.4 微型資料浮球率定 10
2.1.5 2021東海海氣象因子觀測實驗資料品管 15
2.2 ERA5 18
2.3 GOWAF 19
2.4 UMWM 19
2.5 ASCAT 22
3 東海實驗海氣象觀測結果及比較 23
3.1 實際觀測資料空間特性 23
3.2 實際觀測與模式及遙測資料比較 60
3.3 實際觀測與模式及遙測資料比較結果 61
3.4 小結 72
4 風速、波浪空間變異性分析 73
4.1 風速、波浪分析方法 74
4.2 結果 77
4.3 小結 124
5 海流空間變異性分析 125
5.1 海流分析方法 125
5.2 結果與討論 132
5.3 小結 134
6 結論與建議 136
6.1 結論 136
6.2 建議 137
7 參考文獻 138
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指導教授 錢樺(Hwa Chien) 審核日期 2022-9-23
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