博碩士論文 109523027 詳細資訊

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姓名 李品萱(Pin-Hsuan Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 基於弱監督式學習可變形模型之三維人臉重建
(3D Face Reconstruction based on Weakly-Supervised Learning Morphable Face Model)
★ 具有元學習分類權重轉移網路生成遮罩於少樣本圖像分割技術★ 具有注意力機制之隱式表示於影像重建 三維人體模型
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摘要(中) 在現今生活周遭,由於技術的成熟、儀器設備完善,許多產業的應用逐漸從二維平面拓展至三維空間,例如:影視娛樂產業、人臉識別、醫學美容等相關領域,以實現更加真實的環境,提供大眾絕佳的感官體驗。


摘要(英) Nowadays, due to the maturity of technology and the perfection of instruments and equipment, the application of many industries has gradually expanded from two-dimensional plane to three-dimensional space, such as video entertainment industry, face recognition, medical cosmetology and other related fields, in order to realize a more realistic environment and provide excellent sensory experience for the public.

Traditional face reconstruction algorithms are unable to learn real face features in depth and rely on low-level information of the image, while the software modeling method and instrument modeling method used by the industry are time-consuming and costly. Therefore, in recent years, 3D face reconstruction techniques based on deep learning have shown effective results in terms of quality and efficiency, balancing quality and time to reconstruct 3D face models corresponding to images.

Therefore, this paper uses a weakly-supervised approach that combines a Convolutional Neural Network and a 3D Morphable Face Model. The face can be effectively reconstructed without realistic labels by using the depth feature extraction and regress coefficients of the image, and improving the pre-processing and loss function. The reconstruction results will be evaluated and analyzed in two datasets, and the reconstruction results will be demonstrated.
關鍵字(中) ★ 深度學習
★ 三維人臉重建
★ 三維可變形模型
關鍵字(英) ★ Deep Learning
★ 3D Face Reconstruction
★ 3D Morphable Face Model
論文目次 摘要----------------------------i
第一章 緒論----------------------1
1-1 研究背景--------------------1
1-2 研究動機與目的--------------2
1-3 論文架構--------------------3
第二章 三維人臉重建技術相關介紹----4
2-1 三維重建技術概述------------5
2-2 三維人臉重建相關介紹---------6
2-2-1 軟體建模法----------------6
2-2-2 儀器掃描建模法------------8
2-2-3 基於三維可變形模型建模法---12
2-3 總結三維人臉重建技術--------19
第三章 深度學習相關介紹----------20
3-1 類神經網路-----------------21
3-1-1 類神經網路學習機制--------21
3-1-2 類神經網路發展-----------24
3-2 卷積神經網路---------------29
3-2-1 卷積層-------------------30
3-2-2 批歸一化及激活函數--------32
3-2-3 池化層-------------------35
3-2-4 全連接層-----------------36
第四章 提出之架構----------------38
4-1 系統架構-------------------38
4-2 訓練模型階段----------------39
4-2-1 圖像數據集及前處理--------40
4-2-2 神經網路模型架構----------48
4-2-3 損失函數-----------------59
4-3 測試模型階段----------------63
第五章 實驗結果與分析討論---------64
5-1 實驗環境與數據集介紹--------64
5-2 實驗結果比較與討論----------66
第六章 結論與未來展望------------78
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指導教授 張寶基 陳永芳(Pao-Chi Chang Yung-Fang Chen) 審核日期 2022-8-6
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