摘要(英) |
With the rapid development of deep learning, a growing number of deep
learning systems are associated with our daily life, such as auto-driving system, face recognition system, ..., etc. However, we often ignore that the deep- learning system may make a wrong prediction caused by the attacker, and lead the serious personal accidents and property damage. For example, the attacker
may feed the adversarial example into the deep-learning system and lead the model make a wrong decision. This fact also verified the unreliability of deep learning model and increase the potential risk of the downstream task. For example, the speed violation detection sub-system may be subject to adversarial attacks, causing the auto-driving system to take the unexpected
behavior and increasing the corresponding risk.
In order to defend the system against the adversarial attacks, the common
method is the adversarial training, which allow the model trained on the adversarial examples generated by the adversarial attacks. Although the model is capable to defend the adversarial attack in some degree, it also decreases the performance of the corresponding task and reduces the generalization of the model. Therefore, we propose the framework to train the model in self- supervised learning, which learns to distinguish the adversarial example from
the original data by without providing the correct label. The proposed framework enhances the robustness as well as the generalization of the trained model to
against the adversarial attack. |
參考文獻 |
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