博碩士論文 107326028 詳細資訊

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姓名 林祐均(Yu-Chun Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 2019年鹿林山背景及生質燃燒煙團傳輸氣膠微量有機成分特性
★ 台灣北部地區大氣氣膠有機酸特性★ 北部氣膠超級測站近七年氣膠特性變化探討
★ 鹿林山背景大氣及受生質燃燒事件影響的氣膠化學特性★ 鹿林山大氣氣膠含水量探討及乾氣膠光學特性
★ 中南半島近污染源生質燃燒氣膠特性及其傳輸演化與東沙島氣膠特性★ 鹿林山大氣背景站不同氣團氣膠光學特性
★ 台灣細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)空氣品質標準建置研究★ 台灣都市地區細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)手動採樣分析探討
★ 2011年不同來源氣團鹿林山氣膠水溶性無機離子動態變化★ 台灣都會區細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度變化影響因子、污染來源及其對大氣能見度影響
★ 2012年越南山羅高地生質燃燒期間氣膠特性及2003-2012年台灣鹿林山氣膠來源解析★ 2011年生質燃燒期間越南山羅高地和台灣鹿林山氣膠特性
★ 2013年7SEAS國際觀測對北越南山羅生質燃燒期間氣膠化學特性及來源鑑定★ 中南半島近生質燃燒源區與傳輸下風鹿林山氣膠特性及來源解析
★ 台灣北、中′南部細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)儀器比對成分分析與來源推估★ 2013年春季鹿林山和夏季龍潭氣膠水溶性離子短時間動態變化特性
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摘要(中) 摘要
每年春季中南半島旺盛的生質燃燒(biomass burning, BB)受到盛行西風傳輸到東亞,傳輸煙團沿途對於太陽輻射的直接和間接效應影響環境重大。本研究於2019年春季與秋季,在鹿林山大氣背景監測站(海拔2,862公尺)進行大氣氣膠採樣,以解析東亞受中南半島BB煙團傳輸影響和背景大氣氣膠水溶性有機碳(water-soluble organic carbon, WSOC)、二元酸及其鹽類、單醣脫水醣類、似腐植質物質(humic-like substance, HULIS)特性。
春季BB氣流軌跡類型有較高的PM2.5 WSOC/OC,代表BB煙團有機氣膠較易溶於水形成雲滴,影響環境變遷。草酸及其鹽類(oxalate, C2)為二元酸及其鹽類的主要成分,BB煙團是C2的主要來源之一。左旋葡聚糖是單醣脫水醣類的主要成分,左旋葡聚糖和甘露聚醣比值顯示春季BB氣流軌跡類型氣膠較多來自硬木燃燒,春季PM10-2.5阿拉伯醣醇(arabitol)濃度在適合真菌孢子生成條件下高於其他天氣條件,甘露醇(mannitol)則未如預期有較高濃度。春季HULIS來自生質燃燒和二次形成,BB氣流軌跡類型HULIS占PM10 OC濃度的38.2%。
秋季PM2.5 WSOC是OC主要成分,受BB影響程度較低,以二次反應生成為主,PM10-2.5 WSOC濃度可能也受二次反應影響。PM2.5二元酸及其鹽類來自一次排放較多,相對地,PM10-2.5受到較明顯的光化學二次反應影響。PM2.5 mannitol平均濃度較左旋葡聚醣高,且在多數日期都有較高濃度,可能是受到真菌孢子等生物氣膠的影響。秋季HULIS氣膠來自二次形成,HULIS在PM¬10和OC的質量濃度占比都較春季低。

摘要(英) Abstract
The vigorous biomass burning (BB) of Indochina is transported to East Asia by the prevailing westly wind every spring. The transporting BB smoke along the way caused direct and indirect solar radiation effects on the environment significantly. This study collected atmospheric aerosol at the Mt. Lulin atmospheric background station (2,862 meters above sea level) in spring and autumn 2019 to characterize water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC), diacids and their salts, monosaccharide anhydrosugars, humic-like substances (HULIS) of atmospheric aerosol under the influence of transported BB smoke from Indochina and background air in East Asia.
The BB airflow trajectory type in spring had a higher PM2.5 WSOC/OC, which implied that the organic aerosols from BB transported smoke were more water-soluble to form cloud droplets, and thus affecting environmental changes. Oxalic acid and its salts (oxalate, C2) are the main component of diacids and their salts. BB transported smoke was one of the C2 major sources. Levoglucosan is the main component of monosaccharide anhydrosugars. The ratio of levoglucosan to mannosan indicated that the aerosol from BB airflow type in spring was mostly contributed by hardwood burning. The spring PM10-2.5 arabitol concentration was found higher in suitable growth conditions for fungal spores than in other weather conditions. However, mannitol did not have a higher concentration as expected. Spring HULIS came from BB and secondary formation with the BB airflow trajectory type accounted for 38.2% of the PM10 OC concentration.
Autumn PM2.5 WSOC was the dominant fraction of OC, mainly from secondary formation and with lesser influence from BB. PM10-2.5 WSOC concentrations may also be contributed from secondary reactions. The PM2.5 diacids and their salts were more contributed by primary emissions. In contrast, PM10-2.5 was obviously influenced more by photochemical secondary reactions. The PM2.5 mannitol average was higher than that of levoglucosan and was higher on most sampling days, which may be affected by bioaerosols such as fungal spores. Autumn HULIS came from secondary formation, and the ratios of HULIS in PM10 and OC were lower than those in spring.
During the observation period of this study, the spring concentrations of various chemical components at Mt. Lulin were pervasively higher than that in autumn due to the influence of the BB smoke transported from Indochina. Autumn aerosols presented the characteristics of the background atmosphere, aerosol formation was affected by primary anthropogenic pollution emissions and secondary photochemical reactions.

Keywords: Moutain station, Aerosol trace organic components, Biomass burning aerosol
關鍵字(中) ★ 高山測站
★ 氣膠微量有機成分
★ 生質燃燒氣膠
關鍵字(英) ★ Moutain station
★ Aerosol trace organic components
★ Biomass burning aerosol
論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 生質燃燒 3
2.1.1 東南亞生質燃燒 4
2.1.2 氣膠的長程傳輸 5
2.2微量有機氣膠成分 6
2.2.1 水可溶有機碳 6
2.2.2二元酸及其鹽類 11
2.2.3單醣脫水醣類 15
2.2.4 似腐植質物質 22
第三章 研究方法 26
3.1 研究流程與步驟 26
3.2 採樣地點與採樣週期 27
3.3 採樣觀測儀器 32
3.3.1 R&P Model 3500 自組式蜂巢式套管採樣器 32
3.3.2 高量空氣採樣器 34
3.4 採樣濾紙選擇與前處理程序 36
3.4.1濾紙配置與採樣儀器 36
3.4.2 濾紙前處理 37
3.4.3 樣本運送與保存 38
3.5 樣本分析方法 39
3.5.1 樣本質量濃度秤重 39
3.5.2 氣膠水可溶有機碳分析 41
3.5.3 氣膠二元酸及其鹽類分析 43
3.5.4 氣膠單醣脫水化合物 45
3.5.5 氣膠似腐植質分析 48
3.6 非海洋來源氣膠水溶性離子 52
3.7 生質燃燒發生判別方法 53
3.7.1 美國太空總署(NASA)自然災害網 54
3.7.2 氣流軌跡模式(NOAA HYSPLIT) 55
第四章 結果與討論 56
4.1鹿林山氣流軌跡分類 56
4.2 氣膠水溶性有機碳特性 61
4.2.1 春季細粒徑氣膠水溶性有機碳特性 61
4.2.2 秋季細粒徑氣膠水溶性有機碳特性 67
4.2.3 春季粗粒徑氣膠水溶性有機碳特性 72
4.2.4 秋季粗粒徑氣膠水溶性有機碳 75
4.3 氣膠二元酸及其鹽類特性 78
4.3.1春季細粒徑氣膠二元酸及其鹽類 78
4.3.2秋季細粒徑氣膠二元酸及其鹽類 86
4.3.3春季粗粒徑氣膠二元酸及其鹽類 91
4.3.4秋季粗粒徑氣膠二元酸及其鹽類及其鹽類 93
4.3.5春季不同粒徑氣膠二元酸及其鹽類 95
4.3.6氣流軌跡緯度與光化反應關係 97
4.4 氣膠單醣脫水醣類特性 102
4.4.1春季細粒徑氣膠單醣脫水醣類 102
4.4.2秋季細粒徑氣膠單醣脫水醣類 104
4.4.3春季粗粒徑氣膠單醣脫水醣類 106
4.4.4秋季粗粒徑氣膠單醣脫水醣類 109
4.4.5春季左旋葡聚醣濃度占OC濃度比例 111
4.4.6春季觀測期間左旋葡聚醣/甘露聚醣 112
4.4.7春季觀測期間Mannitol和Arabitol與真菌孢子關係 114
4.5 氣膠似腐植質物質(HULIS)特性 119
4.5.1春季氣膠似腐植質物質(HULIS) 119
4.5.2秋季氣膠似腐植質(HULIS) 125
4.5.3 HULIS與光化學 127
4.5.4 HULIS-C/WSOC 131
4.5.5 OC/EC與HULIS-C以及WSOC_h 134
4.6 綜合彙整氣膠微量有機物觀測成果 135
4.6.1 春季細粒徑氣膠 135
4.6.2秋季細粒徑氣膠 137
4.6.3 春季粗粒徑氣膠 138
4.6.4 秋季粗粒徑氣膠 139
4.6.5 PM10 WSOC中本文各項分析成分占比 140
第五章 結論與建議 142
5.1結論 142
5.2 建議 144
第六章 參考文獻 145
附錄一 春季鹿林山採樣氣流軌跡圖 168
附錄二 秋季鹿林山採樣氣流軌跡圖 186
附錄三 春季鹿林山火點圖 193
附錄四 討論時剔除的數據 195
附錄五 MDL 198
附錄六 論文口試委員意見及回覆 199
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