姓名 |
李光裕(Guan-Yu Lee)
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畢業系所 |
電機工程學系 |
論文名稱 |
多重脈波重複週期訊號與頻擾雷達之頻率訊號的辨識效能評估 (Performance of Signal Identification for Multiple PRI Signals and Frequency Signals of Chirp Radar)
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摘要(中) |
本篇論文研究動機主要是討論多重脈波重複週期訊號與擾頻雷達之頻率訊號經過一個特有裝置後,訊號的型式已與原訊號有所不同,經過此裝置後的訊號仍須由人工來作訊號辨識的工作,而本論文的目的則是寫出一套自動辨識軟體來改進人工辨識方法。首先將訊號做一些類型的分類,利用最大相似性(ML)估測法則作為訊號判斷的方法,之後採用電腦模擬作為訊號辨識的效能評估工具。 |
摘要(英) |
Radar could be divided into CW radar, pulse radar, and compressed radar. CW radar could be further divided into AM-type, PM-type, and FM-type based on the choice of modulation. FM could be linear or sinusoidal. Pulse radars could be divided into low-pulse repetition interval radar, high-pulse repetition interval radar, and multiple-pulse repetition interval radar. Compressed radar could be divided into chirp radar and coded radar.
When the signals of the multiple-pulse repetition interval radar and the frequency of chirp radar go through a specific instrument, the output signals are different from the original ones. The output signals still need to be recognized by man. This thesis submits an automatic solution to solve this problem. The first step is to classify the signal, and then use Maximal-likelihood criterion to estimate the signal. We use the computer simulation to evaluate the efficiency of signal recognition. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 多重脈波重複週期訊號 ★ 頻擾雷達之頻率訊號 ★ 最大相似性估測法 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ the signals of the multiple-pulse repetition inter ★ the signals of the frequency of chirp radar ★ Maximal-likelihood criterion |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 雷達訊號……………………………………….........…......6
1.2 論文動機…………………………………………….............7
第二章 多重脈波重複週期訊號的辨識效能
評估 8
2.1 多重脈波重複週期訊號型式....………………………….......8
2.1.1 發射信號型式…………………………………….............8
2.1.2 接收信號型式…………………………………….............9
2.2 辨識方法……………………................………………….9
2.3 模擬結果與討論…………………………………..............11
第三章 頻擾雷達之頻率訊號的辨識效能評估........................................................31
3.1 頻擾雷達之頻率訊號的辨識效能評估…………………........31
3.1.2 接收訊號型式…………………………..................32
3.2 辨識方法…………………..........................................32
3.3 模擬結果與討論…………………………………………........33
第四章 結論 51
參考文獻 |
參考文獻 |
[1] S. A. Hovanessian, RADAR DETECTION AND TRACKING SYSTEMS, Artech House, Inc., California 1980.
[2] J. G. Proakis, DIGITAL COMMUNICATION, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York 1995.
[2] J. G. Proakis, DIGITAL COMMUNICATION, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York 1995.
[4] A. Ferrari, C. Berenguer, and G. Alengrin, “Doppler Ambiguity Resolution Using Multiple PRF” IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic System, vol. 33, July 1997.
[5] N. S. Tzannes, COMMUNICATION AND RADAR SYSTEMS, Prentice-Hall, INC., Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1985. |
指導教授 |
鐘嘉德(Char-Dir Chung)
審核日期 |
2000-6-23 |
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