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姓名 饒誌恒(Chih-Heng Jao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 勞工生涯阻礙與生涯轉換對訓練參與影響之研究
(The Impact of Employees’ Career Barriers and Career Transition on Their Training Participation)
★ 探討職家衝突與教育訓練參與度之關係
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摘要(中) 生涯發展是每個人的一生中皆須面對的課題,個體如何在生涯發展中有效解決阻礙困擾或選擇生涯轉換與否,在人生各個階段皆扮演極重大的影響角色,也影響著個體職涯下一步的發展。事實上,個體無論是要解決生涯阻礙或期望順利進行生涯轉換,進行人力資本的投資,以強化或轉換人力資本是其中成功的關鍵,而參與訓練正是最重要的人力資本投資方式之一。基此,本研究以生涯阻礙及生涯轉換作為自變項,訓練參與作為應變項,探討勞工遭遇生涯阻礙因素及具備生涯轉換意圖時,是否會影響其訓練參與的投入。
本研究使用中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心的學術調查研究資料庫(Survey Research Data Archive, SRDA)中,勞動部年度例行性的「勞工生活及就業狀況調查」統計資料,研究對象為109年3月有參加勞工保險之本國籍勞工且於同年5月工作型態為全時工作者之樣本,總樣本數為3,936份,調查108年6月至109年5月勞工參加的受訓項目及受訓累積時數,了解勞工參加教育訓練情形、勞工職涯規劃等項目。
摘要(英) Career development is a lifelong challenge that every individual must face. How individuals effectively overcome career obstacles or choose career transitions plays a significant role in various stages of life and impacts their future career development. In fact, whether individuals seek to overcome career obstacles or pursue career transitions, investing in human capital through strengthening or transforming their skills is key to success. Participating in training programs is one of the most important ways to invest in human capital. Therefore, this study uses career obstacles and career transition as independent variables and training participation as the dependent variable to explore whether encountering career obstacles or having the intention to switch careers would affect one′s participation in training.
This study uses data from the "Worker’s Living and Employment Conditions" conducted by the Department of Statistics, Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan. The sample consists of 3,936 full-time workers who were Taiwanese nationals and participated in labor insurance in March 2020, with their work status remaining full-time employment in May 2020. The survey covers the training programs and accumulated training hours that the workers participated in from June 2019 to May 2020, aiming to understand their training participation and career planning, etc.
The findings reveal that regarding the influence of career obstacles on training participation, employees who perceive a higher workload tend to choose a greater variety of training courses. Those who consider their job rewards inadequate tend to participate in fewer types of training courses. Furthermore, individuals who feel their job skills are insufficient invest more time in training and participate in a higher average number of training courses.
Regarding the impact of career transitions on training participation, employees who desire to transition to different industries tend to participate in fewer types of training courses but have higher total training hours. Those aspiring to start their own businesses participate in fewer types of training courses and have fewer total training hours. Employees aiming to transition to other companies in the same industry have lower total and average training hours. In terms of the breadth of transition, individuals aspiring to transition across multiple dimensions participate in fewer types of training courses, have fewer total training hours, and lower average training hours.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人力資本
★ 生涯阻礙
★ 生涯轉換
★ 訓練發展
關鍵字(英) ★ Human Capital
★ Career Barriers
★ Career Transition
★ Training and Development
論文目次 中文摘要...............................................................................................i
參考文獻 一、中文部分

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指導教授 劉念琪 鄭晉昌(Nien-Chi Liu Jihn-Chang Jehng) 審核日期 2023-6-12
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