博碩士論文 110322089 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳宜和(YI-HO, CHEN)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 探討臺灣地震活動特徵與環境變數相關性分析
(Investigating the Correlation between the Characteristics of Seismic Activity and Environmental Variables in Taiwan)
★ 結合資料探勘方法建立屏東平原含水層水文地質參數推估模式★ 探討颱風特性於農損及坡地災害遙測影像辨識之研究
★ 不同時空降雨型態對於地下水補注量之探討—以屏東平原為例★ 以訊號分析資料探勘方法探討PM2.5污染傳播時空特徵及相應之天氣條件
★ 運用訊號分析方法於地下水資源旱災韌性與風險評估★ 探討都市熱島效應對臺北地區午後雷雨及地下水之影響
★ 水文地質條件不確定性下的地下水時空變化模擬★ 建立台灣北部交通與氣象因子對於空氣污染影響之機器學習模型
★ 以深度學習方法建立地下水位預警之風險評估模型★ 以機器學習預測海溫及熱帶氣旋特徵對於珊瑚白化之影響 – 以澎湖南方四島為例
★ 以機器學習方法建立巨觀尺度降雨氣候水資源推估模式
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摘要(中) 由於台灣位於環太平洋火山地震帶上,幾乎每天都有規模不一的地震活動發生。其中,部分地震活動事件進而造成了嚴重的災害,導致個人財產損失、人員傷亡以及損壞重要公共設施。因此,研究地震活動的長期時空機制是了解地震活動成因以及未來預測地震活動從而提早進行相關預防災害措施的關鍵任務。
本研究發現了地震事件與大氣溫度及海洋表面溫度間溫差的異常發生頻率特徵,以及透過顯著性差異統計分析,比較地震事件與無地震事件之間溫差的顯著差異。最後再利用機器學習模型的邏輯迴歸(Logistic regression)、隨機森林(Random forest) 和多層感知機(Multilayer Perceptron, MLP)來識別於不同芮氏規模區間下,是否會有地震事件發生。其中表現最好與最穩定的為MLP分類模型,並且在判斷芮氏規模大於6的區間中,有高達93%的準確率。希冀本研究能為未來地震活動預測提供相關資訊,從而更準確地預防地震活動可能引發的災害。
摘要(英) Since Taiwan is located at the Pacific Ring of Fire, seismic activity of varying magnitudes occurs almost every day. Among them, some of these seismic activities have in turn caused severe disasters, resulting in loss of personal property, casualties and damage to important public facilities. Therefore, investigating the long-term spatiotemporal pattern of seismic activities is a crucial task for understanding the causes of seismic activity and to predict future seismic activity, in order to carry out disaster prevention measures in advance.
Previous studies mostly focused on the causes of single seismic events on the small spatiotemporal scale. In this study, the data from 1987 to 2020 are used, including seismic events from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the ambient environmental factors such as daily air temperature from Taiwan Central Weather Bureau (CWB) and daily sea surface temperature data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Then the temperature difference between the land surface temperature (LST) and the sea surface temperature (SST) to the correlation between the occurrence of seismic activities and the abnormal occurrence of temperature difference are compared. In order to explore whether the temperature difference caused by the change of the specific heat of the land and the ocean may cause stress on the land-sea junction on the surface, and whether it will trigger seismic activity . The results show that lots of seismic activities often have positive and negative anomalies of temperature difference from twenty-one days before to seven days after the seismic event. Moreover, there is a specific trend of temperature difference anomalies under different magnitude intervals. In the magnitude range of 2.5 to 4 and greater than 6, almost all of the seismic events have significant anomalous differences in the temperature difference between LST and SST compared with no seismic events.
This study uncovers anomalous frequency signatures of seismic activities and temperature differences between LST and SST. The significant difference in temperature difference between seismic events and non-seismic events was compared by using statistical analysis. Additionally, the multilayer perceptron, logistic regression and random forest of machine learning model was used to identify whether there will be a seismic event under different magnitude intervals. It is hoped that it can provide relevant information for the prediction of future seismic activity, to more accurately prevent disasters that may be caused by seismic activity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 地震活動
★ 海陸溫差
★ 顯著性差異統計
★ 機器學習
關鍵字(英) ★ Seismic Activity
★ Statistical Analysis
★ Machine Learning
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 4
1.3 論文框架 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 板塊運動引發地震事件 7
2.2 其他可能誘發地震事件的因子 9
2.3 地震事件與溫度及氣候之間的關聯性 13
2.4 地震事件與降雨之間的關係 15
2.5 機器學習模型於地震事件上的相關應用 17
2.5.1 邏輯迴歸模型 17
2.5.2 隨機森林模型 20
2.5.3 多層感知機模型與深度神經網路模型 22
2.6 文獻評析 24
第三章 研究方法 25
3.1 研究架構 25
3.2 資料蒐集與描述 28
3.2.1 長期記錄地震事件資料 28
3.2.2 相關環境變數因子資料 30
3.2.3 海洋表面溫度資料 36
3.2.4 資料前處理步驟 37
3.3 聚類分析(Cluster Analysis) 38
3.3.1 肘部法(Elbow method) 40
3.3.2 輪廓係數分析法(Silhouette method) 41
3.4 統計顯著性差異檢定 42
3.4.1 獨立樣本t檢定(Independent Sample t-test) 43
3.4.2 F檢定(F-test) 44
3.5 邏輯迴歸模型(Logistic regression) 45
3.6 隨機森林模型(Random Forest) 47
3.7 多層感知機(Multilayer Perceptron, MLP) 53
第四章 結果與討論 56
4.1 有無地震事件之定義與區域判斷之分析 56
4.2 大氣溫度及海洋表面溫度間溫差的異常之分析 61
4.3 建立機器學習模型前的前處理 76
4.4 隨機森林之模型分析 79
4.5 多層感知機之模型分析 82
4.6 機器學習模型之比較 86
第五章 結論與建議 87
5.1 結論 87
5.2 建議 89
5.3 貢獻 90
參考文獻 91
評審意見回覆表 105
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指導教授 林遠見(Yuan-Chien, Lin) 審核日期 2023-6-30
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