博碩士論文 110223039 詳細資訊

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姓名 鄭雅云(Ya-Yun Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學學系
論文名稱 台灣都會與工業區大氣甲烷變化及長期趨勢
★ 蘭嶼大氣二氧化硫與臭氧濃度長期分析
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摘要(中) 甲烷作為重要的溫室氣體之一,對於地球暖化具有顯著貢獻。全球及台灣的觀測資料皆顯示甲烷濃度逐年上升,並且在近年來有較大幅度的成長率。目前關於台灣甲烷特性的研究相對有限,對於各行業的排放統計也未包含甲烷的排放估計,若能瞭解各場域的排放來源變化情形,能夠有效地制定減排策略及改善甲烷污染,並且對於台灣不同區域的甲烷污染特徵及差異能有更深入的理解。
摘要(英) Methane, as one of the greenhouse gases, plays an important role in global warming. Observational data from both global and Taiwan sources have shown a steady increase in methane concentration over the years, with more substantial growth rates in recent times. Currently, research on the characteristics of methane in Taiwan is relatively limited. Understanding the variations in emission sources in different fields can effectively guide emission reduction strategies and improve the pollution of methane.
To gain insight into Taiwan′s methane emission characteristics and pollution sources in different regions, we utilized data from EPA stations and NOAA’s background stations to explore the long-term trends and seasonal variations of methane in Taiwan. Additionally, we analyzed satellite data to assess the impact of East Asian source regions on methane concentration in Taiwan. Furthermore, using PAMS data, we examined air mass aging levels to identify potential characteristics of methane sources in different regions and used wind field data to determine the main directions of high-concentration events.
The results indicate that methane concentration in different regions of Taiwan has exhibited similar growth trends as background stations, with a significant increase observed in 2021. The seasonal variations in all regions follow a pattern of higher methane concentration in winter and spring, and lower in summer. The diurnal variations of methane worsen at midnight. The seasonal oscillations are more pronounced in March. Satellite data revealed a contribution of East Asian source regions to methane levels in Taiwan and its neighboring areas. The metropolitan area exhibited smaller diurnal variations due to differing contributions from traffic and natural gas. A better correlation between methane and VOCs in the metropolitan area suggests a higher consistency in their sources. The non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) ratios pointed out that high methane concentrations occur in aged air masses, indicating a greater influence of regional emissions on methane levels in the metropolitan area. In contrast, industrial areas exhibited a worse correlation with traffic emissions, showing more diverse pollution sources. The NMHC ratios suggested that high methane concentrations in industrial areas are derived from both local and regional emissions.
In summary, this study provides valuable insights into the characteristics of methane emissions in Taiwan and sheds light on the pollution sources in different regions. The findings contribute to the formulation of effective emission reduction strategies and the improvement of methane pollution.
關鍵字(中) ★ 甲烷
★ 非甲烷碳氫化合物
★ 氫氧自由基
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
一、緒論 1
二、文獻回顧 3
2-1 全球甲烷相關研究 3
2-1-1 甲烷濃度成長率趨勢 3
2-1-2 甲烷主要來源與排放分布 6
2-1-3 甲烷與氫氧自由基反應過程 10
2-2 台灣地區甲烷相關研究 11
三、研究方法 14
3-1 環保署空氣品質監測站與甲烷監測儀 14
3-2 空氣品質背景測站 18
3-3 光化學監測站與儀器簡介 24
3-4 衛星觀測資料簡介–GOSAT、TROPOMI 27
3-5 NOAA Curve Fitting Methods 30
四、結果與討論 34
4-1 台灣各區域及背景站甲烷長期變化 34
4-1-1 測站篩選及濃度修正方法 34
4-1-2 背景站成長趨勢及各區域修正濃度 39
4-1-3 台灣各區域季節及日夜變化 44
4-2 東亞地區甲烷長期變化及源區影響 47
4-2-1 衛星資料長期變化及差異 47
4-2-2 源區對台灣各區域甲烷影響 53
4-3 台灣都會區和工業區甲烷與光化變化特徵 59
4-3-1 空品及光化站選擇 59
4-3-2 甲烷與VOCs相關性 61
4-3-3 都會區光化特徵 64
4-3-4 工業區光化特徵 70
五、結論 77
參考文獻 79
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指導教授 林能暉 歐陽長風 審核日期 2023-8-17
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