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姓名 阮氏素雲(Nguyen, Thi To Van)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 水文與海洋科學研究所
論文名稱 利用ADCP估算地區藻礁潮間帶紊流特性
(Estimation of the turbulent characteristics using ADCP in the intertidal reef region)
★ 藻礁區的波浪頻譜消散特性★ 應用聲學及光學儀器在均勻及現場懸浮質濃度之量測率定及比較
★ 碎波帶紊流及剪應力之大尺度實驗觀測研究★ 不均勻珊瑚礁分佈對珊瑚礁冠層附近流場結構之影響
★ 藻礁區之波浪消散特性★ 利用影像處理技術辨識藻礁範圍
★ 桃園海岸近岸流之數值模擬★ 桃園海岸近岸流四季變化之研究
★ 無人機光達系統應用於沙岸與藻礁地區之波浪能量消散之研究★ 桃園海岸海漂垃圾現場調查分析之研究
★ 桃園新屋海岸波流受海工結構物設置之數值模擬研究★ 運用監督式分類技術辨識桃園藻礁露出範圍之研究初探
★ 以非結構性網格模式探討三接港對桃園海岸波流場之影響★ 潮間帶礁體懸浮漂沙濃度之現場研究
★ 應用無人機及物件偵測於大園海灘的瓶裝海洋垃圾★ 利用無人機影像之植物生長指數辨識潮間帶紅藻
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摘要(中) 紊流是影響流體中能量轉換時的重要現象,特別是沿海地區,紊流對營養鹽及沉積物的傳輸都扮演著重要的腳色。因此,了解紊流在藻礁沿海地區的特性是重要的課題。本研究以測量速度的統計值來觀察潮間帶礁區的湍流,研究地點位位於桃園大潭藻礁G1區,利用Nortek ADCP signature 1000流速儀的觀測值,以變異數分析法(variance method)推估藻礁地區的雷諾應力,並將其結果與其他三台ADV做比較。研究結果顯示,由ADCP所推估的雷諾應力高於ADV實際觀測值,其原因是為wave orbital velocities所導致的,當波浪的方向與海岸線垂直(u′w′) ̅時,其分量會高估於與海岸線平行 (v′w′) ̅。因此,同理可得知,與海岸線平行的((v′w′) ̅)分量與ADV3的相關性性也更優於垂直((u′w′) ̅)的分量。本研究運用兩種方法計算ADCP的摩擦速度,第一種方法由雷諾應力計算得知,其結果高於ADV3的2倍,第二種方法為利用log-fitting,運用ADV和ADCP兩組資料進行log-fitting計算,與ADV3的結果呈現良好的相關性。另外,本研究亦根據ADCP的雷諾應力計算TKE production,得以觀察TKE budget的變化情形,以高解析(high-resolution beam)的ADCP垂直速度的空間剖面為資料,運用結構函數方法(structure function)計算,用於估計TKE dissipation rate ε。TKE production 和TKE dissipation rateε呈現平衡狀態,但由於TKE production是根據尚未校正的雷諾應力計算得知,且本研究所計算的TKE production大於前人研究,仍需重新考慮TKE production的結果。然而,TKE dissipation rateε與相近於前人的研究結果,另外,根據P-ε 呈現平衡的假設,本研究以符合log-fitting的部分小時資料,並用ε和 u_*^3/κz檢查其關係性,其結果顯示存在相關性。
摘要(英) Turbulence is a random phenomenon and necessary for energy exchanging and momentum transport in fluid flows. In particularly, in the coastal reef region, turbulent flows plays an important role to uptake nutrients for the ecosystem and control the sediment transports. Thus, study of turbulent characteristics is important in coastal ecosystem area as algal reefs. In this research, we try to observe the turbulent flows in the intertidal reef region through statistical quantities using velocity measurements. The field experiment was deployed at site G1-2 of Datan reef located in the northwest coast of Taiwan. Specifically, we applied the variance method to estimate the Reynolds stress using the Nortek ADCP signature 1000. The results were then compared to the stress computed from the data of three ADVs. The results of the Reynolds stresses estimated from ADCP are overestimated compared to the ADVs. These overestimations are caused by the motions of wave orbital velocities induced bias for the covariance of the beams velocity. Indeed, the results showed that the cross-shore (u′w′) ̅ component coincided with the wave direction gives larger overestimations compared to the along-shore (v′w′) ̅ component that has less wave affection. The shear velocity estimated from the Reynolds stress of the variance method is also overestimated (double larger) compare to the results of ADV3. However, the shear velocity estimated using another method, which is the log-fitting method applied for combined measurements of ADVs and ADCP, gives very good correlation with the ADV3’s estimation. Besides, to observe the balance of TKE budget, we computed the profile of TKE production using the Reynolds stress from ADCP. Then, we applied the structure function for spatial profile of vertical velocity measured by the high-resolution beam of the ADCP to estimate the TKE dissipation rate ε. Correlation of TKE production rate and TKE dissipation rate ε showed the balance of two quantities. Even so, the TKE production need to be re-consider because it has larger order of magnitude compared to previous studies deployed in similar environment. In contrast, ε not only gives approximated values compare to previous studies, but also gives good correlation to the ratio of u_*^3/κz in bursts that qualified the log-fitting followed assumption of P-ε balance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 紊流
★ 方差方法
★ 藻礁
關鍵字(英) ★ Turbulence
★ variance method
★ TKE dissipation rate
★ Coastal area
★ Algal reefs
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgment iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables ix
Notation x
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Overview of the algal reefs and sediment impacts 1
1.2 Overview of the turbulence 2
Chapter 2. Literature review 4
Chapter 3. Methods 7
3.1 Description of the study site and field experiments 7
3.2 Data analysis 9
3.2.1 Data quality control 9
3.2.2 Estimation of the Reynolds stress and shear velocity 14
3.2.3 Estimation of the TKE dissipation rate ε 20
Chapter 4. Results 22
4.1 Site conditions 22
4.2 Comparison of the Reynolds stress and shear velocity using ADCP and ADV 28
4.2.1 Estimations using variance method and the ADV 28
4.2.2 Estimation using the log-fitting and the ADV 31
4.3 TKE dissipation rate and TKE production 32
Chapter 5. Discussion 35
5.1 Overestimation of the Reynolds stress using variance method 35
5.2 TKE dissipation rate ε 37
5.3 The log-fitting 38
Chapter 6. Conclusion 41
References 43
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指導教授 黃志誠(Huang Zhi-Cheng) 審核日期 2022-11-7
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