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姓名 李岳壇(Yue-Tan Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 以透水性鋪面導入韌性城市- 降低熱島效應與低衝擊開發之效益分析
(Introducing Resilient City with Permeable Pavement- Benefit Analysis of Reducing the Heat Island Effect and Low-Impact Development)
★ 公共工程統包模式執行專案成員間問題 之研究★ 水泥製程於資源再利用之研究
★ 防水毯的生管與品管之探討★ 建置生命紀念園區營運階段管理模式之研究 以新北市某民間公共紀念園區為例
★ 軍用機場跑道鋪面維護管理暨搶修作業機制之研究★ TAF 檢驗機構認證申請之研究- 以混凝土後置式化學錨栓檢驗為例
★ 利用UML建構實驗室資訊管理平台-以合約審查為例★ 營建施工管理導入即時性資訊傳遞工具功能需求之研究
★ 鋪面養護決策支援分析模式之研究★ 營建材料實驗室量測系統評估及誤差分析
★ 以績效為基礎的公路養護組織與機制之研究★ 智慧型鋪面檢測車平坦度量測驗證與應用
★ 公路設施養護管理程序建立及成本分析之研究-以IDEF方法建立鋪面養護作業程序★ 利用花崗岩及玻璃回收料製造功能性人造石材之研究
★ 自動化鋪面平整度量測分析與破壞影像偵測系統之研究★ 鋪面缺陷影像辨識系統應用於路網檢測之研究
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摘要(中) 極端氣候對於全球影響逐漸加劇,因此每年夏季高溫均不斷創高,而單日降雨量也逐年升高,也導致旱災及水災事件頻傳,而導致極端氣候的主因即為都市發展,在都市發展下有開發更多道路之必要性,因此道路工程之開發如何降低對環境之衝擊為一大課題,因此本研究欲探討透水鋪面應用於道路工程之成效,希冀利用透水鋪面達到韌性城市之效益。本研究於桃園市蘆竹區大華北街一般鋪面及透水鋪面埋設溫度計、地溫計以及水位計等監測儀器,建置後端透水鋪面管理平台後,可即時將現場監測數據回傳並進行分析,主要探討透水鋪面相較於一般鋪面之降溫成效及降雨後洪峰削減效應。
本研究取 109 年全年透水鋪面及一般鋪面之升降溫趨勢、最高氣溫與最低氣溫並計算中央氣象局之舒適度進行比較,將 109 年度透水鋪面與一般鋪面各月份之平均每日表面最高溫與平均每日表面最低溫相減可知,透水鋪面慢車道平均可相差 22.41°C、透水鋪面快車道平均可相差21.68°C、而一般鋪面則相差 17.63°C,可知透水鋪面慢車道具有較佳之散熱效益,代表透水鋪面不會將白天之熱能積蓄在鋪面中,確實能夠降低都市的熱島效應。且透水鋪面之平均氣溫可較一般鋪面降低0.85°C,其中於夏季平均可降低0.57°C,於冬季平均可降低 0.94°C,可知透水鋪面於冬季時有更好的降溫效果;另外於降雨後平均可降低 1.02°C,可知透水鋪面於降雨後可利用其保水能力而有更好的降溫效果。且透水鋪面之舒適度指數於夏季較一般鋪面低,人體感受到酷熱程度也降低,可知透水鋪面確實可有效降低都市熱島效應。
另外取 109 年全年之水位計量測資料進行分析,並建立水位與流量之率定公式,針對透水鋪面與一般鋪面之排水性及保水性進行比較,針對兩者之洪峰流量進行分析,由數據分析結果可知透水鋪面與一般鋪面比較,大約可達60%~75%之洪峰削減量,確實可達低衝擊開發之效益。
最後本研究針對完工後透水鋪面進行成效追蹤,可知透水鋪面的平整度、PCI 值及抗滑值於完工後 6 年期間大致上仍屬於良好狀況,僅現地透水之部分,因完工後均無介入相關之維護手段,透水能力於完工後 3~4 年後即因孔隙堵塞而急遽下降。由此可知本研究所建立之透水鋪面不論是在降低熱島效應與低衝擊開發效益之使用性上、鋪面安全性、舒適性及耐久性均有良好成效,因此最後藉由本研究透水鋪面全生命週期之經驗探討,針對國內透水鋪面相關規範回饋修訂建議,希冀未來透水鋪面可更有效應用於國內之道路工程。
摘要(英) The impact of climate extremes on the world is increasing. As a result, summer temperatures are reaching new highs and daily rainfall is increasing year by year, leading to frequent droughts and floods. The main cause of climate extremes is urban development, where more roads are needed. Therefore, it is a major topic to develop road engineering so that it can not only be used for vehicles but also reduce the impact of the project on the environment. Therefore, this study aims to explore the effect of applying permeable pavement to road engineering, hoping to use the permeable pavement to achieve the benefits of resilient cities. In this study, a demonstration road of general pavement and permeable pavement was established in Dahuaba Street, Luzhu District, Taoyuan City, and monitoring instruments such as thermometers, ground thermometers, and water level gauges were buried in the site. After the construction of the back-end water cycle management system, the site monitoring data could be immediately returned and analyzed. The study mainly discussed the cooling effect of permeable pavement compared with the general pavement and the flood peak reduction effect after rainfall.
In this study, the rise and fall trend of permeable pavement and general pavement, the maximum and minimum air temperature, and the comfort level of the Central Weather Bureau were compared over 109 years. The results showed that the rise and fall of the surface temperature of permeable pavement were faster than that of general pavement, but the rise and fall of the air temperature in the permeable pavement area were slower than that of general pavement. In addition, the daily maximum and minimum air temperature of permeable pavement throughout the year is lower than that of ordinary pavement, indicating that permeable pavement can effectively regulate air temperature. Permeable pavement in summer (April to September) can be reduced by 0.57°C on average, and in winter (October to March) can be reduced by 0.94°C on average. The comfort index of permeable pavement in summer is lower than that of ordinary pavement, and the degree of heat felt by the human body is also reduced, indicating that permeable pavement can effectively reduce the urban heat island effect.
In addition, the water level measurement data of 109 years were analyzed, and the law formula of water level and flow was established. The drainage and water retention of permeable pavement and general pavement were compared, and the flood peak discharge of the two was analyzed. According to the data analysis results, it can be seen that the flood peak reduction of permeable pavement can reach 60~75% for general pavement. Indeed, low-impact development benefits can be achieved.
Finally, this study conducted affect tracking on the pavement after completion. According to the tracking results, the tracking conditions of the smoothness, PCI value, and skid resistance value during the 6 years after completion were still generally in good condition, with only part of the ground permeable. Since there were no maintenance means involved after completion, the water permeable ability dropped sharply after 3~4 years due to the decline of the pore plug. It can be seen that the permeable pavement established in this study has good results in reducing the heat island effect, usability of low-impact development benefits, pavement safety, comfort, and durability. Therefore, based on the experience of the whole life cycle of permeable pavement in this study, the relevant regulations of domestic permeable pavement are revised. It is hoped that permeable pavement can be more effectively used in road projects in the country in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 透水鋪面
★ 透水鋪面管理平台
★ 熱島效應
★ 低衝擊開發
★ 全生命週期
論文目次 目錄 I
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景及目的 1
1.2 研究方法 1
1.3 研究範圍 2
1.4 研究架構及流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1國內透水鋪面應用及成效 4
2.2國外透水鋪面應用及成效 8
2.3透水鋪面相關規範 10
2.3.1日本透水鋪裝規範[17] 10
2.3.2市區道路透水性鋪面使用手冊[19] 12
2.3.3施工綱要規範 15施工綱要規範02798章多孔隙瀝青混凝土鋪面[21] 15施工綱要規範02794章透水性鋪面[22] 16
2.4韌性城市政策規範 18
2.4.1地方自治條例 19
2.4.2綠建築標章評估手冊 20
第三章 研究方法及現地試驗計畫 21
3.1熱島效應分析法 21
3.1.1溫度監測資料應用 21
3.1.2統計分析法 22
3.2低衝擊開發分析法 23
3.2.1水位監測資料應用 23
3.2.2流量分析法 23
3.3現地試驗計畫 28
3.3.1透水鋪面材料特性 29
3.3.2透水鋪面材料試驗成果 30
3.4透水鋪面監測系統設置 40
3.4.1監測儀器規劃 40
3.4.2監測儀器配置 41
第四章 透水鋪面管理平台 44
4.1水循環平台建置 44
4.2溫度監測資料查詢分析模組應用 46
4.3水位監測資料查詢分析模組應用 48
4.4透水鋪面管理平台監測資料彙整 50
4.4.1溫度資料彙整 50
4.4.2水位資料彙整 52
第五章 透水鋪面熱島效應分析 54
5.1鋪面升降溫趨勢比較分析 54
5.2透水鋪面降溫效益分析 61
5.3鋪面舒適度比較分析 63
5.4透水鋪面熱島效應整體效益分析 65
第六章 透水鋪面低衝擊開發分析 66
6.1透水鋪面水理設計效益分析 66
6.2水位計流量率定分析 67
6.3鋪面出流量比較分析 74
6.4透水鋪面整體效益分析 81
第七章 透水鋪面成效探討 82
7.1透水鋪面生命週期探討-以大華北街為例 82
7.1.1材料選用階段 82
7.1.2厚度設計階段 84
7.1.3施工階段 86
7.1.4成效追蹤階段 87
7.1.5專利申請 87
7.2透水鋪面效益及耐久性 90
7.2.1平坦度試驗成果 90
7.2.2鋪面狀況調查 91
7.2.3鋪面抗滑試驗 92
7.2.4現地透水試驗 93
7.2.5溫度及水位監測成效 94
7.2.6規範探討 95
7.3規範修訂建議 95
7.3.1施工綱要規範第02798章修訂建議 96
7.3.2施工綱要規範第02794章修訂建議 97
7.3.3市區道路透水性鋪面使用手冊修訂建議 97
第八章 結論與建議 98
8.1結論 98
8.2建議 99
參考文獻 100
附件一 日均溫比較圖 104
附件二 透水鋪面快車道厚度設計 106
附件三 規範修訂對照表 108
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指導教授 林志棟(Jyh-Dong Lin) 審核日期 2024-1-31
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