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姓名 許家毓(Chia-Yu Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
論文名稱 以高解析度熱示蹤劑試驗解析沿海含水層分層地下水流場與熱傳輸特性
(High-Resolution heat tracer test to analysis groundwater flow field and heat transfer characteristic in the coastal aquifer)
★ 延散效應對水岩交互作用反應波前的影響★ 序率譜方法制定異質性含水層水井捕集區
★ 跨孔式注氣試驗方法推估異質性非飽和層土壤氣體流動參數★ 現地跨孔式抽水試驗推估異質性含水層水文地質特性
★ iTOUGH2應用於實驗室尺度非飽和土壤參數之推估★ HYDRUS-1D模式應用於入滲試驗推估非飽和土壤特性參數
★ 沿海含水層異質性對海淡水交界面影響之不確定性分析★ 非拘限砂質海岸含水層中潮汐和沙灘坡度水文動力條件影響苯傳輸
★ 利用MODFLOW配合SUB套件推估雲林地區垂向平均長期地層下陷趨勢★ 高雄平原地區抽水引致汙染潛勢評估
★ 利用自然電位法監測淺層土壤入滲歷程★ 利用LiDAR點雲及影像資料決定露頭節理結合面之研究
★ 臺灣西部沿海海水入侵與地下水排出模擬分析★ 三氯乙烯地下水污染場址整治後期傳輸行為分析¬-應用開源FreeFEM++有限元素模式架構
★ 都會地區滯洪池增設礫石樁之入滲效益模擬與分析★ 利用數值模擬探討二氧化碳於異向性及異質性鹽水層之遷移行為
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摘要(中) 人類社會對於水資源的需求量持續增加,全球用水量增加的主要因城市擴張、農業活動增長、人口快速增長、經濟發展和生活水平提高,而地下水資源作為傳統水資源的替代來源,近年來更將沿海含水層補注至海洋之地下水視為潛在可用水資源來源,透過估算地下水通量及推估含水層參數,並討論沿海含水層之海淡水交互作用與潮汐變動特性,可提供地下水水資源管理之參考依據。本研究以中央大學TaiCOAST臨海工作站作為試驗區域,水文地質參數取得方法分為室內試驗與現地試驗,室內試驗為材料熱傳導試驗,測量飽和狀態下土壤材料熱傳導係數等參數,以此結果輔助辨識現地地質材料與地下水流通量。現地試驗為熱示蹤劑加熱試驗(單井加熱試驗)。針對井內垂直溫度分布進行高解析連續量測,利用地下水溫度變化、熱傳導係數與體積熱容量等參數,推估地下水通量並與現地鑽探岩心進行比對,以垂直剖面溫度變化圖評估地質分層及透水特徵區域。根據單井加熱試驗結果,其中高熱傳輸反應區段為深度17-19m、32-34m和42-47m,深度17-19m對應岩心材料為礫石夾砂土,深度32-34m對應岩心材料為礫石砂土互層,深度42-47m對應岩心材料為砂土黏土互層之砂土部分呈細砂狀;低熱傳輸反應區段為深度3-6m、6-11m和19-26m。根據地下水通量垂直分布圖,深度6-8m為低透水性區段,地下水通量約2.4m/day,此區段在加熱試驗中熱傳輸反應為相反。而深度19-26m處地下水通量約0.05 m/day,此區透水性應為較差,地下水流動速率較慢,與加熱試驗結果之熱傳輸反應相同。然加熱試驗結果可判釋潮汐對沿海含水層之影響,可證本研究區域受潮汐影響相當顯著,進一步探討沿海含水層潮汐變動特性之關係。
摘要(英) The increase in global water consumption is mainly owing to urbanization, growing agricultural activities, population growth, economic development, and improving living standards. Forcing the water resource authority concerned to seek new water resources to catch up with the gap of growing demand. Groundwater recharged from coastal aquifers to the ocean is a potential alternative water resource have drawn more attention in recent years. In this study, we aim to quantify the groundwater flux in coastal areas and the interaction between coastal aquifers and seawater intrusion and tidal variations, can provide valuable insights for groundwater resource management. The laboratory experiments include thermal analyzer to measure parameters such as the thermal conductivity of soil materials under saturated conditions, which help identify field geological materials and groundwater flux. The field tests involve heat tracer test (single-well). High-resolution continuous measurements of vertical temperature distribution in the wells are performed. According to the results of the heat tracer tests, the high thermal response zones are located at depths of 17-19m, 32-34m, and 42-47m. The depth range of 17-19m corresponds to gravel-sand mixture in the drilling core. The depth range of 32-34m corresponds to interbedded gravelly sand in the drilling core. The depth range of 42-47m corresponds to sand-silt mixture interbeds, with the sandy portion exhibiting a fine sand texture. The low thermal response zones are observed at depths of 3-6m, 6-11m, and 19-26m. The groundwater flux analysis revealed a low-permeability zone at 6-8m depth, with a flux of around 2.4m/day. Interestingly, heating tests exhibited contrasting heat transfer behavior in this zone. At depths of 19-26m, a slow groundwater flux of about 0.05 m/day and poor permeability aligned with the observed heat transfer reactions. However, the results clearly demonstrate the influence of tides on coastal aquifers, indicating a significant tidal effect in the study area. The relationship between tidal variations and the characteristics of coastal aquifers can be further explored.
關鍵字(中) ★ 沿海含水層
★ 單井加熱試驗
★ 地下水通量
關鍵字(英) ★ Coastal aquifer
★ Heat tracer method
★ Groundwater flux
論文目次 目錄
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
符號說明 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1 海岸地下水出流(Submarine groundwater discharge: SGD) 5
2-2 參數推估與示蹤劑試驗方法 7
2-3 分佈式光纖偵溫系統 10
第三章 試驗方法 15
3-1 研究場址 15
3-1-1 研究區域水文地質概況 17
3-1-2 地理位置及觀測井配置 15
3-2 室內試驗方法 20
3-2-1 材料熱傳導係數試驗 20
3-3 現地試驗 23
3-3-1 單井加熱試驗 23
3-4 地下水通量推估方法 27
第四章 結果與討論 34
4-1 單井加熱試驗結果 34
4-1-1 Test1試驗結果 36
4-1-2 Test2試驗結果 40
4-1-3 Test3試驗結果 45
4-1-4 Test4試驗結果 50
4-1-5 Test5試驗結果 55
4-1-6 加熱試驗結果討論 59
4-2 地下水流通量分析 61
4-2-1 擬合參數分析 61
4-2-2 擬合分析結果 62
第五章 結論與建議 67
5-1 結論 67
5-2 建議 68
參考文獻 70
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 倪春發(Cheun-Fa Ni) 審核日期 2023-8-15
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