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姓名 林德薇(Nimas Latifatul Dwi Arwinta)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木系營建管理碩士班
(The Selection of BIM Benefit Evaluation Approaches: Theoretical Framework and Guideline)
★ 中小型顧問公司因應現況環境之發展策略探討★ 高科技廠房設備維護契約特性分析與選擇程序建立之研究
★ 火力發電廠工程進度落後原因 與因應作為之研究★ BIM/5D建置流程實證分析之研究-以中大國民運動中心為例
★ 國內公共工程專案時程管理規範之研究★ 應用成效式契約改善公有住宅維護管理績效之研究
★ 建立建築工程應用BIM技術預算編列原則之研究★ 國內時程網圖健康度評估指標建立之研究
★ 改善實獲時程方法以提升工期推估準確度之研究★ 以IDEF0輔助營造廠施工階段BIM應用選擇與執行流程之研究
★ 統包模式下預鑄建築設計流程中導入預鑄BIM元件之研究★ 公共工程展延時選擇工期關聯成本計算模式之研究
★ 太陽能電廠EPC專案採購知識地圖之建立★ 水電環控工程專案人力資源問題與解決對策之研究
★ 改善PFI模式中採購案履約管理機制之研究-以桃園市採購智能路燈為例★ 營造廠採購管理流程再造之研究
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摘要(中) 在現今科技發達的環境下,營建產業對各種技術的採用不斷增加,因此BIM的應用也隨之增加。但是,如果對 BIM 效益評估技術的認識不足,則可能會阻礙組織與專案中 BIM 的應用。過去有少部分研究人員在專案層次討論具體的 BIM 效益評估方法,但僅對於特定利益相關者有助益,實務應用上仍有相當的限制。本研究旨在有系統性地分析BIM應用有關研究中效益評估技術的現狀,釐清未來的研究需求,並建構適用於執行BIM效益評估的評估架構和指南,以利提供預計執行 BIM 效益評估者參考。本研究採用以文獻分析為基礎的研究方法,首先參照 PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) 模式,從 WoS、Scopus 和 Google Scholar 資料庫中取得文獻,然後採用結合文獻計量分析(定量分析)與系統性文獻分析(定性審查)的混合方法進行分析,以建構 BIM 效益評估架構與指引。經本研究分析後發現,在分析的年期中,論文數量近年來沒有增加。最後本研究也以分析的文獻為基礎,提出BIM 效益評估架構與指引,以利日後可以參考應用。本研究認為BIM效益評估仍需更多的研究,以利未來可以提供更有用的工具,以及實務應用後的經驗學習,讓BIM使用者能夠確實獲利於BIM的應用。
摘要(英) In the current technologically advanced environment, the adoption of various technology in the construction industry is increasing, thus the implementation of BIM shall also increase. But, if there is poor awareness regarding BIM benefit evaluation techniques, then it might discourage the implementation of BIM in the organization and project. In the past, few researchers have discussed the BIM benefit evaluation at the project level which is more specific and helps only a specific stakeholder. Practical implementation is limited. This research is aiming to systematically analyze the current status of benefits evaluation in BIM implementation research (publications), identify future research requirements, and develop an applicable evaluation framework and instruction on BIM benefit evaluation. This study adopts literature review-based research, beginning with the acquisition of publications from the WoS, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases using PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) model guideline, followed by a mixed-review approach that combines bibliometric analysis, often known as quantitative review, and systematic analysis, also known as a qualitative review to develop a framework of BIM benefit evaluation validated through expert interview. The results show that the number of publications in this scope is not increasing in recent years. Finally, an applicable BIM benefit evaluation framework and guidelines were built as the outcome of this research. The framework contains several scenarios of approaches for conducting BIM benefit evaluation from the perspectives of the designer, contractor, and owner. This study concluded that more researches and more practical implementations of BIM benefit evaluation are needed, those provide more useful tools and lessons learned in evaluating their BIM implementation cases for BIM users who deserve BIM implementation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 建築信息模型;建造業
★ 效益評估;文獻綜述
★ 理論框架;指導方針。
★ 建造業
★ 效益評估
★ 文獻綜述
★ 理論框架
★ 指南
關鍵字(英) ★ BIM
★  Construction industry
★  Benefit evaluation
★  Literature review
★  Theoretical Framework
★  Guideline.
★ Construction industry
★ Benefit evaluation
★ Literature review
★ Theoretical Framework
★ Guideline

摘要 ii
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Problem Statements and Objectives of the Study 2
1.3 Research Scope and Limitations 3
1.4 Research Flowcharts 4
1.5 Thesis Structure 4
2.1 Definition and Concepts of BIM 6
2.2 Overview BIM Implementation and Development 7
2.3 BIM Benefits in Different Evaluation Levels 9
2.3.1 Contextual Benefit 10
2.3.2 Country-based Benefit 10
2.3.3 Industry-based Benefit 11
2.3.4 Organization-based Benefit 11
2.3.5 Project-based Benefit 12
2.3.6 BIM use-based Benefit 12
2.4 BIM Challenges for the Construction Industry 13
2.5 Goals and Status of Implementation BIM in some of Region in the World 15
2.5.1 BIM Implementation in United States 15
2.5.2 BIM Goals and Implementation in the United Kingdom 16
2.5.3 BIM Goals and Implementation in some countries in Asia 17
2.5.4 BIM goals, implementation, and efforts of the Public Sector for BIM Adoption in Taiwan 18
2.6 Existing Benefit-related Evaluation Method 19
3.1 Research Approach 21
3.2 Literature Review 22
3.3 Data Acquisition 22
3.4 Quantitative Analysis 24
3.5 Qualitative Analysis 25
3.6 Validation through Expert Interview 25
3.7 Research Ethics 26
4.1 Quantitative Analysis (Bibliographic Analysis of the Publications) 27
4.1.1 Analysis of Co-occurrence of Keywords 31
4.1.2 Analysis of Co-authorship of Authors and Countries 33
4.1.3 Analysis of Citation of Documents and Sources 36
4.1.4 Analysis of Bibliographic Coupling of Documents 40
4.1.5 Analysis of Bibliographic Co-citation of Cited References 41
4.2 Qualitative Analysis (Statistical Analysis and Deep Content Analysis of the Overview BIM Benefit Evaluation) 43
4.2.1 Distribution of Publication Over Time 43
4.2.2 Distribution of Publication by Region 44
4.2.3 Distribution of Publication by Stakeholder Involved and Project Phase 46
4.2.4 Distribution of Publication by BIM Use 51
4.2.5 Distribution of Publication by Level of BIM Implementation 54
4.2.6 Distribution of Publication by Project Ownership 55
4.2.7 Classification of BIM Benefit Evaluation Publication Based on Methods 56
4.3 Popular BIM Use in Construction Project in Recent Years 58
4.4 Special condition of stakeholder in BIM benefit evaluation decision making 61
4.5 BIM benefit evaluation decision-making framework and instruction 63
4.6 Validation Result through Expert Interview 71
5.1 Research Finding 76
5.2 Further Research 77

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指導教授 楊智斌(Jyh-Bin Yang) 審核日期 2023-7-6
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