博碩士論文 109356012 詳細資訊

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姓名 温茂亨(Mao-Heng Wen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班
論文名稱 以國軍制式淨水裝備為例探討水源水質與RO膜阻塞之關聯性
★ 埔心溪補助灌溉水水質與渠道底泥重金屬含量調查分析★ 桃園航空城三所國小周界大氣PAHs濃度探討
★ 無塵室揮發性有機氣體異味調查探討 -以某晶圓級封裝廠為例★ 利用土壤植栽與固相微萃取探討植作對非離子態有機污染物之吸收模式
★ 零價鐵與硫酸鹽的添加對於水田根圈環境汞 之生物有效性與菌相組成的影響★ 以紫外光/二氧化鈦光催化降解程序去除水溶液相內分泌干擾物質壬基苯酚之研究
★ 異化性鐵還原狀態下非生物性汞氧化還原 作用及其對地下水水質之影響★ 水溶液相中多壁奈米碳管分散懸浮與抑菌效果之相關性探討
★ 鄰近汞排放源之水稻田受現地地質化學與微生物影響之甲基汞生成與累積作用-以北投垃圾焚化爐為例★ 以淨水污泥灰及廢玻璃為矽鋁源合成MCM-41並應用於重鉻酸鹽吸附之研究
★ 鄰近汞排放源之水稻田受現地地質化學與微生物影響之甲基汞生成與累積作用 -以台中火力發電廠為例★ 細胞固定化影響厭氧氨氧化程序脫氮效能之研究
★ 藉由非抗性模式細菌對鎘之攝取機制探討量子點的生態毒性潛勢★ 利用生物性聚合物交聯所成穿透式網絡結構穩定污染土壤中之重金屬(鉛、鉻、鎘)
★ 蚯蚓處理加速堆肥廚餘去化可行性評估-以臺北市為例★ 氣相層析三段四極柱串聯質譜儀應用於多溴二苯醚環境樣品之分析
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摘要(中) 近年來隨著氣候變遷,災害防救已成為國軍平時任務之一,運用國軍制式淨水裝備配合中央災害應變中心協助淨水作業亦趨近於常態。在不可預期之災害發生時,如何適時適切且快速供水,並符合行政院環境保護署所制定「飲用水水質標準」,提供足夠且安全之飲用水,維持人民基本生存與生活所需,降低不預期災害發生所造成的影響層面,為本研究之動機。
摘要(英) In recent years, with climate change, disaster prevention and rescue has become one of the peacetime tasks of the Taiwan military, and the use of Taiwanese military-style water purification equipment to cooperate with the Central Disaster Response Center to assist in water purification operations has also become normal. The motivation of this study is how to provide water in a timely and timely manner and quickly, and comply with the "Drinking Water Quality Standards" formulated by the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan, so as to provide sufficient and safe drinking water to maintain people′s basic survival and living needs, and reduce the impact of unexpected disasters.
In this study, three water areas including Shimen Reservoir in Taoyuan City, Guanyin Beach and Gongliao Yan in New Taipei City were mainly used as water intake sources, and the influence of RO film fouling and blockage on water production efficiency was discussed by sampling different water quality, using equipped filtration equipment, and measuring water quality indicators for the inlet water taken and the filtered outflow water, and then discussing the effect of RO film fouling and blockage on water production efficiency through the difference in inlet and outlet water quality parameters and the influence of different water quality parameters on filtration efficiency. Through relevant data and statistical analysis, the correlation and significance between water quality parameters and RO membrane occlusion were discussed.
Based on the comprehensive results, it can be seen that the changes of raw water and clean water quality parameters after filtration in different regions affected the formation of RO film fouling and blockage, and the water quality of Shimen Reservoir was highly correlated and significantly affected by the turbidity value of water and RO membrane obstruction in the 16th hour of continuous operation of the system container. The water quality of Guanyin Beach was highly correlated and significantly affected by the turbidity value of the water and RO membrane occlusion in the 8th hour of continuous operation of the system container. However, the water quality of Gongliaoyan was highly correlated and significantly affected by the TDS value and RO membrane blockage in the 24th hour of continuous operation of the system container, and it can be determined that with different water sources, the parameter values of different water quality (such as turbidity value and TDS value) change, resulting in easy fouling and blockage on the surface of RO membrane, which in turn affects the filtration efficiency and water production efficiency.
By making suggestions on the three aspects of policy, implementation and hardware facilities, in terms of policy, using Taiwan′s defense department to allocate water purification equipment, the areas that can be used for water supply can be listed as a support list in advance, so as to facilitate the rapid and timely completion of water supply tasks in the event of disasters, and in water source sampling, general fresh water is more suitable than seawater, because seawater contains high salinity, high concentration of inorganic substances and microorganisms can easily cause RO membrane blockage and affect filtration and water production efficiency. In terms of policy, in view of the limited water quality extraction environment, although the water bodies of these three sites are different, the water samples obtained are still relatively limited, it is recommended that more locations can be used as water intake points for comparison, so as to break away from the restrictions of the water quality intake framework, so that the data collected by the Institute can be more diversified and meet the needs of the current situation; In terms of hardware facilities, the filtering equipment and distribution measuring instruments are not diversified enough to be updated according to time to improve the filtration efficiency and detect more accurately. Whether it is in terms of policy, implementation or hardware facilities, if it can be greatly improved and enhanced, it is believed that the accuracy and performance of the follow-up relevant research data can be greatly improved, the values can be closer to the current situation, and the maximum effectiveness of the equipment can be brought into play.
關鍵字(中) ★ 水源過濾
★ 水質參數
★ 淨水設備
★ RO膜積垢阻塞
關鍵字(英) ★ Water source filtration
★ water quality parameters
★ water purification equipment
★ RO film fouling blockage
論文目次 摘要 i
誌謝 v
目錄 vii
第一章 前言 1
1-1 研究緣起 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1 水資源運用 5
2-1-1 水資源分布 5
2-1-2 水資源運用 6
2-1-3 水資源未來發展目標 7
2-2 飲用水水質標準 7
2-2-1 飲用水現行規範 7
2-2-2 飲用水現行水質標準 8
2-2-3 飲用水及日常所需用水需求現況 10
2-3 水源過濾 10
2-3-1 運用原理 10
2-3-2 現行國內執行現況 11
2-4 水質參數 13
2-4-1 水質參數區分 13
2-4-2 國內自來水廠水質參數規範 16
2-5 淨水設備 17
2-5-1 簡易淨水裝備 17
2-5-2 固定式淨水裝備-以海水淡化機為例 18
2-5-3 機動式淨水裝備-以國軍制式ROWPW-3000型淨水車為例 19
2-6薄膜分離技術 25
2-6-1 運用原理及優點 25
2-6-2 運用區別 25
2-6-3 RO逆滲透 26
2-6-4 RO逆滲透運用原理 27
2-7 RO膜積垢阻塞、判斷指標暨清洗 28
2-7-1 積垢形成原理及其型式 28
2-7-2 阻塞形成原理及其型式 29
2-7-3 RO膜阻塞/積垢指標 32
2-7-4 以水質參數判斷積垢阻塞情形 35
2-7-5 RO膜阻塞/積垢清洗 36
2-7-6 清洗時機判別 38
第三章 研究方法 39
3-1 研究架構 39
3-2 研究場所 40
3-3 研究設備 42
3-3-1 研究設備(過濾單元) 42
3-3-2 研究設備(配賦測量儀器) 44
3-4 檢測方法 46
3-4-1 水源參數數值檢驗 46
3-4-2 RO膜阻塞程度檢視 47
第四章 結果與討論 49
4-1 進流水水質 50
4-1-1 不同地區水質採樣數值分析 50
4-1-2 依水質參數探討地區水質條件 51
4-2 出流水水質 52
4-2-1 不同地區水質採樣數值分析 52
4-2-2 依水質參數探討地區水質條件 54
4-2-3 對照進出流水數值探討水質參數變化及過濾效能 55
4-3 RO膜阻塞程度分析 57
4-3-1 不同地區水質在相同時間下產水效能探討 60
4-3-2 產水效能下降原因探討 61
4-3-3 不同水源水質參數影響RO膜積垢阻塞原因 61
4-3-4 文獻探討阻塞/積垢指標與實際運用差異說明 62
4-4 RO膜阻塞程度對水源過濾成效影響 63
4-4-1 不同地區水質在一定時間作業下過濾成效探討 65
4-4-2 以水源過濾成效判別RO薄膜阻塞程度 66
4-4-3 以水處理系統判別水源過濾成效與RO薄膜阻塞間關聯性 67
4-4-4 運用Spearman correlation探究水質參數與RO膜阻塞影響相關性 68
4-5 RO膜阻塞清洗對水源過濾成效影響 87
4-5-1 不同地區水質清洗前後效能探討 89
4-5-2 以不同水源性質執行過濾作業探討RO膜阻塞狀況 90
4-5-3 RO膜阻塞預防方式 91
4-5-4 RO膜阻塞清洗對RO膜影響之探討 92
4-5-5 RO膜阻塞清洗後對水源過濾效能影響 93
4-6 水質參數對水源過濾成效及薄膜阻塞關聯性探討 95
4-6-1 水質參數與RO薄膜阻塞相關性探討 95
4-6-2 RO膜阻塞影響層面探討 99
第五章 結論與建議 101
5-1 結論 101
5-2 建議 103
參考文獻 106
附錄一 學位考試委員意見回覆表 113
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指導教授 林居慶(Chu-Ching Lin) 審核日期 2023-8-10
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