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姓名 廖芳儀(Fang-Yi Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班
論文名稱 職業噪音暴露對人體健康影響研究-以玻璃纖維工廠為例
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摘要(中) 噪音暴露導致的聽力損失,已經是一個全球性的問題,在現今社會噪音也被列為是其中一項嚴重公害,除了平時儘量減少在高噪音場所活動來保護聽力外,當工作環境充斥噪音時,企業雇主應提供良好的防護措施,以保障員工健康。本研究以玻璃纖維相關製品工廠做為研究對象,針對噪音區域作業人員進行調查,以作業環境監測報告、歷年體檢資料與問卷三方面進行調查及分析,以了解玻璃纖維工廠噪音暴露實況。
研究結果顯示,全廠在噪音作業區工作的員工大部分皆以達到輕度聽力損失的程度,尤其以編織課的聽損失最為嚴重,已經有40 dB的聽力損失情形。彙整各噪音作業區分析結果後得到以下幾個結論:
摘要(英) Hearing loss caused by noise exposure has been a global problemand become one of the public severe hazards. In addition to minimizing activities in high-noise places to protect hearing, when the working environment is full of noise, business employers should provide reasonable protective measures to protect employees′ health. This study focused on a glass fiber-related product factory and investigated the noise exposure of workers in designated noisy areas. It involved conducting surveys and analyses based on operational environmental monitoring reports, historical physical examination data over the years, and questionnaires. The aim is to understand the actual situation of noise exposure in the fiberglass factory.
The research results showed that most of the employees working in the noisy work area of the factory have achieved mild hearing loss, especially in the knitting class, where the hearing loss is the most serious, with a hearing loss of 40 dB. After collecting the analysis results of each noise operation area, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. The longer the exposure time in the noisy workplace, the greater the exposure dose received and the greater the risk.
2. Whether the soundproof protective gear is worn or not will indeed affect the condition and severity of hearing loss.
3. There is no direct and clear relationship between blood pressure and noise exposure.
4. The implementation of education and training has a certain degree of relationship with employees′ perception of hazards. 
In the future, it is recommended to find new mechanical equipment for replacement to improve the abnormal sound caused by old mechanical equipment. If the equipment cannot be replaced, it is recommended to install sound insulation walls, sound insulation cotton, etc. to strengthen the sound insulation of the process, so as to effectively minimize personnel exposure and ensure Employees are healthy and achieve the goal of sustainable operation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 噪音暴露
★ 玻璃纖維工廠
★ 聽力保護
★ 健康影響
關鍵字(英) ★ noise exposure
★ fiberglass factories
★ hearing protection
★ health effects
論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 前言 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2研究動機與目的 1
1-3本研究的原創性與重要性 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1聲音與噪音: 3
2-2噪音對人體的影響 7
2-3噪音相關法規 10
2-4噪音的量測 10
2-5 聽力保護計畫: 17
2-6噪音監測及暴露評估: 17
2-7噪音危害控制: 17
2-8防音防護具之選用及配戴: 19
2-9聽力保護教育訓練: 19
2-10健康檢查及管理: 19
2-11改善及成效評估: 22
2-12玻璃纖維的歷史與特性 22
2-13過去相關研究 25
第三章 研究方法 27
3-1研究架構與流程 27
3-2 辨識噪音暴露區域及風險分級 27
3-3 繪製噪音分布圖 29
3-4 進行噪音檢測及檢測方法 30
3-5 資料蒐集 31
3-6 問卷調查 31
3-7 彙整並分析結果 32
第四章 結果與討論 33
4-1 辨識噪音暴露區域及風險分級: 33
4-2 噪音檢測結果 39
4-3 體檢資料分析 49
4-4 問卷調查分析 62
第五章 結論與建議 74
5-1結論 74
5-2建議 74
參考文獻 76
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 林伯勳(Po-Hsun Lin) 審核日期 2023-8-15
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