摘要(英) |
In today′s corporate environment, one of the most common challenges faced by organizations is effectively retaining talent. Employees′ willingness to stay directly affects the operational efficiency and competitiveness of a company. Therefore, understanding the factors influencing employee retention is significant for management. According to the research by Griffeth, Hom, and Gaertner (2000), factors affecting employee turnover include overall job satisfaction, organizational and work environment, job content, external environment, job performance, and organizational commitment. Additionally, Hackman and Oldham (1980) found that the leadership style of supervisors and whether they delegate authority significantly impact employees′ decisions to stay.
This study targets current employees and explores the relationships between supervisors′ leadership styles, job characteristics, work stress, job satisfaction, and retention willingness. Using an anonymous online questionnaire, data were collected from November to December 2019, yielding a total of 265 valid responses.
The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis, leading to the following conclusions: job characteristics and job satisfaction have no significant correlation; supervisor leadership style and job satisfaction have a significant correlation; job characteristics and work stress have no significant correlation; supervisor leadership style negatively impacts work stress and has a significant correlation; work stress negatively impacts job satisfaction but does not have a significant correlation; job satisfaction positively impacts retention willingness and has a significant correlation; work stress negatively impacts retention willingness but does not have a significant correlation.
Therefore, businesses should emphasize cultivating effective leadership styles among supervisors, providing necessary support and resources, and improving the work environment to reduce employee work stress. These measures can effectively enhance job satisfaction, thereby increasing employees′ willingness to stay.
Keywords: leadership style,job characteristics, work stress, job satisfaction, retention willingness. |
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