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姓名 王馨苡(Hsin-Yi Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生醫科學與工程學系
論文名稱 麻醉監測技術進步與優化病人安全_應用小波頻譜分析麻醉動態自主神經反應
(Advancements in Anesthesia Techniques and Monitoring Technologies:Optimizing Patient Care and Safety)
★ 不同麻醉深度之相位-振幅耦合量測及強度比較★ 設計及製作可攜式非侵入性心搏輸出量監測系統
★ 開發可攜式十二導程心電圖和聲學雙功能系統於居家分析心臟電生理訊號★ 應用非侵入性方法來探究透析過程中血流動力學變化及心血管疾病之預後
★ 開發具深度學習應用於自動追蹤耳膜功能之數位耳鏡於中耳炎輔助系統★ 反覆編曲結構音樂對人體生理訊號之影響
★ 設計具低功耗無線傳輸及結合人工智慧判讀之長時間聽診監測系統★ 實踐經驗模態分解於高度非穩態生理訊號之訊號特徵擷取
★ Exploring Beat-to-Beat Photoplethysmography Features at the Upper and Lower Extremities as Potential Biomarkers for Early Diagnosis of Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease: A Comparative study with Ultrasound Doppler and Ankle-Brachial Index★ 應用稀疏時頻表現式解析生理系統間非線性耦合機轉
★ 基於功能性近紅外光腦光譜與腦電圖發展多模態腦活動無線監測系統★ 脂質奈米顆粒在mRNA疫苗技術應用發展綜述
★ 自12導程心電圖擷取P波特徵辨識竇性心律下之 心房顫動高風險病患★ 探討以非侵入方式的影像心衝擊圖形態特徵來評估左心室射血分數 : 基於數學模型與臨床驗證的初步研究
★ 發展可用於肺部疾病患者呼吸音監測之高解析加速度陣列感測器★ 以光體積變化描記儀作為男性勃起功能及陰莖血液動力學及性功能客觀指標之探討
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摘要(中) 本研究探討了Propofol誘導過程中的自主神經系統反應及其與鴉片類藥物的藥效協同作用,使用小波頻譜分析(wavelet-based spectral analysis)進行高時間解析率分析。結果顯示,在Propofol bolus誘導的早期階段,副交感神經活動顯著被抑制,隨後交感神經才開始抑制,這表明Propofol對自主神經系統的不同層面的影響具有明顯的時序性特徵,這些發現與臨床觀察到的生命徵象一致。小波分析技術使我們能夠準確擷取到這些快速且複雜的變化,突顯了其在理解麻醉誘導過程中動態自主神經反應的重要性。
摘要(英) This study investigates the autonomic nervous system response during propofol induction and its pharmacodynamic synergy with opioids, combined with wavelet-based spectral analysis for high-resolution temporal assessment. Results demonstrate significant early-phase parasympathetic inhibition followed by sympathetic withdrawal during propofol bolus induction, indicating distinct temporal characteristics of propofol′s impact on the autonomic nervous system, consistent with clinical observations. Wavelet analysis accurately captures these rapid and complex changes, highlighting its importance in understanding dynamic autonomic responses during anesthesia induction.
Additionally, a machine-learning-based response surface model was utilized to analyze the synergistic pharmacodynamic effects of propofol and opioids on ANS function. High-resolution wavelet-based spectral analysis provided detailed data, enabling precise determination of drug interactions on the ANS. The findings reveal significant synergistic effects between propofol and opioids, enhancing anesthesia depth while reducing individual drug dosage. Thermodynamic analysis supports that this synergy improves anesthesia safety and efficacy by minimizing side effects.
Comparing target-controlled infusion and traditional manual bolus, target-controlled infusion showed fewer heart rate variability changes, providing more stable cardiovascular responses during early induction. In contrast, MB led to greater autonomic fluctuations, increased sympatho-vagal activity, decreased parasympathetic activity, and reduced peripheral sympathetic activity.
This study not only explores dynamic changes in ANS responses during propofol induction but also provides a machine-learning-based response surface model for the synergistic effects of propofol and opioids on ANS function. wavelet-based spectral analysis′s ability to capture high-resolution temporal patterns of autonomic responses offers critical insights into optimizing anesthesia dosing, enhancing anesthesia safety, and efficacy in clinical practice. Future research should further investigate optimal dosage combinations of propofol and opioids for personalized anesthesia management and explore alternative induction methods or drug combinations to broaden clinical applicability.
關鍵字(中) ★ 麻醉
★ 小波頻譜分析
★ 自主神經活性
★ 光體積變化描記圖法
★ 心律變異
關鍵字(英) ★ propofol anesthesia
★ autonomic nervous system
★ heart rate variability
★ pulse photoplethysmography
★ wavelet-based spectral analysis
論文目次 Table of contents
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of contents vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xi
Chapter 1 Introduction and motives 1
Chapter 2 Literature search and review 4
2.1 Autonomic nervous system 4
2.1.1 Heart rate variability 5
2.1.2 Photoplethysmography 10
2.1.3Clinical Monitoring Systems for Autonomic Nervous System Activity 14
2.2 Anesthetic drugs 18
2.2.1Propofol 18
2.2.2 Opioids 23
2.3 Intravenous Drug Delivery Systems 25
2.3.1 Target Controlled Infusion (TCI) 27
2.4 Response Surface Model 29
2.4.1 Greco Model (two drug) 31
2.4.2 Minto Model (two drug and three drug) 32
2.4.3 Machine Learning-Based Response Surface Model 34
Chapter 3 Identifying Clinical Challenges 36
3.1. Autonomic Nervous System Response to Propofol Induction 36
3.1.1 Hemodynamic Stability 36
3.1.2 Conflicting Evidence 37
3.1.3 Measurement Methods 37
3.2 Ability of WBSA vs. FFT in Capturing Anesthetic Dynamics 37
3.2.1 Improved Time Resolution 37
3.2.2 Direct Measurement 37
3.2.3 Granular Analysis 37
3.3 Identifying Stable Anesthetic Induction Methods with WBSA Analysis 38
3.3.1 Target Controlled Infusion (TCI) 38
3.4 Utilizing Machine Learning-Based Response Surface Models (MLRSM) 38
3.4.1 Synergistic Effects of Anesthetic Combinations 38
3.4.2 Optimal Anesthesia Depth 39
Chapter 4 Methods 40
4.1 Subjects and Preparation 40
4.1.1 Propofol bolus only 40
4.1.2 Profol TCI infusion 41
4.1.3 Propofol bolus with fentanyl 42
4.2 Signal Acquisition and Processing 44
4.2.1 ECG data pre-processing 44
4.2.2 Continuous wavelet transform 45
4.2.3 Fourier analysis 46
4.2.4 Pulse photoplethysmography analysis and amplitude extraction 47
4.2.5 Data normalisation and analysis 48
4.3 Pharmacokinetic simulation and model derivation 48
4.3.1 Thermodynamic Interpretation 49
4.3.2 Machine Learning-Based Response Surface Model 51
4.3.3 Multi-drug MLRSM 53
4.3 Statistical analysis 56
4.3.1 Propofol bolus only, and compare with FFT 56
4.3.2 Profol TCI infusion, compare with bolus 57
Chapter 5 Results 59
5.1 Propofol bolus only 59
5.1.1 Demographic data 59
5.1.2 Signal Acquisition and Processing 60
5.1.3 Pharmacokinetic simulation 66
5.2 Propofol TCI infusion 67
5.2.1 Demographic data 67
5.2.2 Signal Acquisition, Processing, and analyses 67
5.2.3 Pharmacokinetic simulation 70
5.3 Thermodynamic Interpretation of the Response Surface Model 71
5.3.1 Demographic data 71
5.3.2 Validation and Visualization of the Single-Drug MLRSM 72
5.3.3 Two-drug MLRSM and What over the Conventional RSMs 74
Chapter 6 Discussion 79
6.1 The ability of WBSA vs. FFT in Capturing Anesthetic Dynamics 79
6.2 Identifying Stable Anesthetic Induction Methods with WBSA Analysis: 89
6.3 Pharmacodynamic Synergy between Propofol and Opioids 92
Chapter 7 Conclusion 96
References 98
Glossary 105
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指導教授 林澂(Chen Lin) 審核日期 2024-7-26
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