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姓名 謝孟緯(Meng-wei Hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 矽鍺異質接面雙極性電晶體在動態、功率與雜訊特性之研究
(The Investigation of Dynamic, Power and Noise Characteristics on SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors)
★ 增強型異質結構高速移導率電晶體大信號模型之建立及其在微波放大器之應用★ 空乏型暨增強型Metamorphic HEMT之製作與研究
★ 增強型與空乏型砷化鋁鎵/砷化銦鎵假晶格高電子遷移率電晶體: 元件特性、模型與電路應用★ 氧化鋁基板上微波功率放大器之研製
★ 氧化鋁基板上積體化微波降頻器電路之研製★ 順序特徵結構設計研究及其應用在特徵模子去耦合與最小特徵值靈敏度
★ 順序特徵結構設計研究及其應用在最大強健穩定度與最小迴授增益★ LDMOS功率電晶體元件設計、特性分析及其模型之建立
★ CMOS無線通訊接收端模組之設計與實現★ 積體化微波被動元件之研製與2.4GHz射頻電路設計
★ 異質結構高速移導率電晶體模擬、製作與大訊號模型之建立★ 氧化鋁基板微波電路積體化之2.4 GHz接收端模組研製
★ 氧化鋁基板上積體化被動元件及其微波電路設計與研製★ 二維至三維微波被動元件與射頻電路之設計與研製
★ CMOS射頻無線通訊發射端電路設計★ 次微米金氧半場效電晶體高頻大訊號模型及應用於微波積體電路之研究
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摘要(中) 隨著先進製程的蓬勃發展,矽基板矽鍺異質接面雙極性電晶體的電流增益截止頻率已發展至350 GHz,而較低的製作成本、低溫環境的適應性、與金氧半場效電晶體的高整合性以及可將數位和類比電路整合於同一基板的優點使得矽鍺異質接面雙極性電晶體更有吸引力。由於基極厚度的持續變薄使其在高頻特性上獲得大幅的提升,因此矽鍺異質接面雙極性電晶體已被廣泛的建議並使用於無線收發電路。為了達到這些目標,一個準確的等效電路模型以及詳細的元件特性分析對電路設計者而言是非常重要的。
為了要找出最佳的元件佈局,我們研究了三個擁有相同集極面積與不同接點結構的0.18微米矽鍺異質接面雙極性電晶體的高頻與功率特性。並利用大訊號VBIC等效電路模型萃取出之成分來做傳輸延遲時間分析。經由分析矽鍺異質接面雙極性電晶體的傳輸延遲時間,我們可以得到一個具有較高電流增益截止頻率的元件佈局。這個最佳元件佈局也可產生最高的功率輸出,在操作頻率為2.4 GHz時,其最大輸出功率為6.4 dBm且轉換效率為40 %。
摘要(英) With the technological advances, the Si-based SiGe HBTs was already developed to over 350 GHz. The low cost of fabrication, high integration with CMOS process and the possibility of placing both analog and digital circuits on the same chip so as to improve the overall performance made SiGe BiCMOS technology attractive. The thin out of base layer improves the speed of HBTs significantly and hence the SiGe BiCMOS technologies have been widely recommended and used in wireless front-end transceiver for its high integration level, low cost, and good adaptability with cooling. To achieve these goals, the accurate device model and detailed device characteristics are important for the circuit designers.
In order to find out the optimal layout for rf properties, we investigated the high-frequency and power properties of three 0.18 um SiGe HBTs with different contact configurations and the same emitter area. The large-signal VBIC model is used to extract the equivalent components for the transit delay time analysis. By using the analysis of transit delay time for SiGe HBTs, we can obtain an optimal contact configuration layout to achieve higher cutoff frequency. Furthermore, regarding the maximum output power, the SiGe HBT with optimal layout provides highest of 6.4 dBm maximum output power and a PAE of 40 % at 2.4 GHz.
We also measured the dc and rf characteristic for npn SiGe HBTs with various temperatures. Detailed analyses of temperature-dependent on dc, high-frequency parameters, and power performances are presented. By analyzing the emitter-collector transit time, the temperature-dependent of cutoff frequency was characterized at different functionalities of SiGe HBTs to explain the improvement in fT with reducing the base and collector transit delay time at cryogenic temperature. Furthermore, in SiGe HBTs without SIC, the valance band discontinuity at base-collector heterojunction induces a parasitic conduction band barrier at the onset of high-injection effect. This parasitic conduction band barrier reduces the current gain and cutoff frequency and limit the broad of dc I-V curve significantly especially at cryogenic temperatures. Therefore, the measured output power, power-added efficiency and linearity at 2.4 GHz decrease significantly with decreasing operation temperatures. This heterojunction barrier effect in SiGe HBT with SIC is negligible and thus the device achieves better power performance at cryogenic temperatures compared with that in a SiGe HBT without SIC.
In this study, we investigated the low-frequency noise in SiGe HBTs at room and cryogenic temperatures. By comparing the magnitude of 1/f noise of the SiGe HBTs with and without SIC, we show that the impurities at the collector produced by the incomplete activation of the implanted ions cause an increase in the collector current 1/f noise spectrum. Thus, SiGe HBT with SIC exhibits higher collector noise current spectra due to the inactive ions in the collector. Furthermore, the HBE on SiGe HBT without SIC also influences the 1/f noise property at the onset of high-injection effect. The 1/f noise degrades due to the increasing of recombination base current which produced by the accumulation of carriers at the CB junction.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雜訊
★ 功率
★ 異質接面雙極性電晶體
★ 矽鍺
★ 低溫
關鍵字(英) ★ cryogenic temperatures
★ power
★ noise
★ SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor
★ SiGe
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract iii
Table of contents v
Figure captions viii
Table captions xii
Chapter I Introduction
I.1 Background 1
I.2 The SiGe HBT 2
I.3 Thesis Organization 3
Chapter II The Basic Concept and Modified Latge-Signal SiGe HBT Model
II.1 Introduction 5
II.2 The Selectively Implanted Collector on SiGe HBT 6
II.3 The Large-Signal Model for 0.18 um SiGe HBT 10
II.4 Summary 15
Chapter III The Dynamic Characteristics of 0.18 um SiGe HBTs
III.1 Introduction 16
III.2 Basic RF Performance 17
III.2.1 Experimental measurement set-up 18
III.2.2 SiGe device microwave characteristic 18
III.2.3 Transit time analysis 21
III.3 Geometry-Dependent RF Properties on SiGe HBT 24
III.3.1 The device layouts and measurement setup 24
III.3.2 The rf performance and transit time analysis 25
III.3.3 The layout-dependent microwave noise characteristics 29
III.4 The DC and High Frequency Characteristics of SiGe HBTs at Cryogenic Temperatures 30
III.4.1 The variable temperature measurement setup 31
III.4.2 The impact of temperature on SiGe HBT performance 32
III.4.3 The high-speed characteristic at cryogenic temperatures 34
III.5 Summary 40
Chapter IV The Power Performances of SiGe HBTs at Cryogenic Temperatures
IV.1 Introduction 41
IV.2 The Low Temperature Load-Pull Power Measurement Setup 42
IV.3 The Heterojunction Barrier Effect on SiGe HBTs 43
IV.3.1 The form of HBE 44
IV.3.2 High-injection is SiGe HBTs 45
IV.3.3 Experimental Results and Simulations 47
IV.4 The Power Properties of SiGe HBTs at Cryogenic Temperatures 53
IV.5 The Linearity of SiGe HBTs at Cryogenic Temperatures 59
IV.6 Summary 62
Chapter V The Noise Characteristics of SiGe HBTs
V.1 Introduction 64
V.2 Low-Frequency Noise on SiGe HBTs 65
V.2.1 The LF noise measurement setup and methods 65
V.2.2 The LF noise properties of SiGe HBTs with and without SIC 71
V.2.3 The LF Figures-of-Merit 79
V.2.4 The HBE on LF noise of SiGe HBT 81
V.3 RF Noise on SiGe HBTs 87
V.3.1 The rf noise measurement setup 88
V.3.2 The rf noise on SiGe HBTs 89
V.4 Summary 90
Chapter VI Conclusions 92
Reference 95
Publication List 101
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指導教授 詹益仁(Yi-jen Chan) 審核日期 2007-10-9
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