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姓名 姜道宣(Tao-Shuan Chiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 以大型多模態語言模型進行穿搭推薦
(Using Large Multi-modality Language Model for Outfit Recommendation)
★ 零售業商業智慧之探討★ 有線電話通話異常偵測系統之建置
★ 資料探勘技術運用於在學成績與學測成果分析 -以高職餐飲管理科為例★ 利用資料採礦技術提昇財富管理效益 -以個案銀行為主
★ 晶圓製造良率模式之評比與分析-以國內某DRAM廠為例★ 商業智慧分析運用於學生成績之研究
★ 運用資料探勘技術建構國小高年級學生學業成就之預測模式★ 應用資料探勘技術建立機車貸款風險評估模式之研究-以A公司為例
★ 績效指標評估研究應用於提升研發設計品質保證★ 基於文字履歷及人格特質應用機械學習改善錄用品質
★ 以關係基因演算法為基礎之一般性架構解決包含限制處理之集合切割問題★ 關聯式資料庫之廣義知識探勘
★ 考量屬性值取得延遲的決策樹建構★ 從序列資料中找尋偏好圖的方法 - 應用於群體排名問題
★ 利用分割式分群演算法找共識群解群體決策問題★ 以新奇的方法有序共識群應用於群體決策問題
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摘要(中) 衣著的穿搭是人們表現自我最直接的方式。然而,人們在判斷上衣和下著之間的適配性時需要從顏色、風格等多方面進行考慮,這不僅花費大量時間,也需要承受失誤的風險。近年來,隨著大型語言模型與大型多模態模型的發展,許多應用領域發生了變革,本研究旨在探討如何利用大型多模態模型在服裝時尚搭配領域達成推薦的突破。本研究結合大型語言模型Gemini於VQA(Vision Question Amswering)任務中的關鍵字回覆文本,與大型多模態模型Beit3的深層特徵融合技術,讓使用者僅需提供衣物影像資料,即可對上衣和下著的適配性進行評分,方便使用者便捷利用。我們提出的模型Large Multi-modality Language Model for Outfit Recommendation (LMLMO) 在FashionVC和Evaluation3兩個資料集中的表現優於以往提出的模型。此外,實驗結果顯示,不同種類的關鍵字回覆對於模型的影響存在差異,這為未來的研究提供了新的方向和思考。
摘要(英) Outfit coordination is the most direct way for people to express themselves. However, judging the compatibility between tops and bottoms requires consideration of multiple factors such as color and style. This process is time-consuming and prone to errors. In recent years, with the development of large language models and large multi-modal models, many application fields have undergone transformations. This study aims to explore how to leverage large multi-modal models to achieve breakthroughs in clothing fashion outfit recommendation.
This research combines the large language model Gemini′s keyword response text in the Vision Question Answering (VQA) task with the deep feature fusion technology of the large multi-modal model Beit3. By providing only image data of the clothing, users can evaluate the compatibility of tops and bottoms, making it convenient for users to utilize. Our proposed model, Large Multi-modality Language Model for Outfit Recommendation (LMLMO), outperforms previously proposed models on the FashionVC and Evaluation3 datasets. Moreover, experimental results show that different types of keyword responses have varying impacts on the model, offering new directions and insights for future research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 大型多模態模型
★ 大型語言模型
★ 穿搭適配性
★ 穿搭推薦
關鍵字(英) ★ Large Multi-modal Models
★ Large Language Models
★ Outfit Compatibility
★ Outfit recommendation
論文目次 摘要 i
List of Figures iv
List of Tables v
1. Introduction 1
2. Related work 10
2-1 Fashion outfit recommendation system 10
2-2 Large Multi-modality Model 11
2-3 Multi-modal representation learning 12
3. Proposed approach 14
3-1 Model structure 14
3-2 Data preprocessing 16
3-3 Deep multimodality fusion and feature extraction 19
3-4 Outfit compatibility calculation 24
3-4 Loss function 25
4. Experiments and results 26
4-1 Datasets 26
4-2 Baseline model 27
4-3 Evaluation metrics 27
4-4 Experimental setting 29
4-5 Experimental results 31
4-7 Sensitivity analysis 33
4-8 Ablation study 36
5. Conclusion 38
5-1 Limitations and future work 39
Reference 41
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指導教授 陳彥良(Yen-Liang Chen) 審核日期 2024-7-16
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