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姓名 潘易翰(Ilham Adi Panuntun)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 遙測科技碩士學位學程
論文名稱 建議的 LSST-Former 深度學習架構基於少樣本學習,用於小資料集的紅樹林損耗檢測
(Proposed LSST-Former Deep Learning Architecture based on Few-Shot Learning for Mangrove Loss Detection with a Small Dataset)
★ 應用多核特徵線嵌入法進行高光譜影像分類★ 基於SIFT演算法進行車牌認證
★ 利用自適性權重估測機制改善傳統爬山演算法之對焦問題★ 以核心模糊最近特徵線轉換法做人臉辨識
★ 利用模糊最近特徵線轉換做人臉辨識★ 基於Leap Motion之三維手寫中文文字特徵擷取
★ 使用人臉辨識強化VPN身份認證★ 應用核心最近特徵線轉換做人臉辨識
★ 應用相鄰最近特徵空間轉換法於跌倒偵測★ 使用Sentinel -2 影像提出空間、光譜與時間的深度學習架構製作佛羅里達州西南部於2017年受艾瑪颶風影響之紅樹林退化圖
★ 利用深度學習方法檢測震前電離層異常★ 衛星降水資料於高衝擊天氣和滑坡事件的應用研究
★ 以深度學習進行遙測影像植生區域偵測★ 基於VIT及向日葵8號氣象衛星台灣區域雨量預測之可行性評估
★ 基於SPOT-7衛星影像之台灣土地使用分析★ 基於衛星影像之台灣土地利用分析
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摘要(中) 紅樹林是提供各種生態和社會經濟效益的關鍵生態系統,但它們受到森林砍伐和城市化等人類活動的威脅。傳統的紅樹林損失監測方法依賴於勞動密集和耗時的現場調查或高解析度衛星圖像分析,通常在空間覆蓋和時間分辨率上存在限制。 LSST-Former架構整合了FCN、基於Transformer的模型和少樣本學習技術的優勢,以應對使用小數據集進行紅樹林損失檢測的挑戰。 Transformer已經在捕捉長程依賴性和從序列數據中學習方面取得了顯著成功,而少樣本學習使模型能夠很好地對未見過的類別或任務進行泛化,並且具有有限的訓練示例。通過結合這些方法,LSST-Former旨在有效地從異構類別中學習。我們的實驗結果展示了LSST-Former相對於現有的深度學習架構(如隨機森林、支援向量機、U-Net、LinkNet、Vision Transformer、SpectralFormer、MDPrePost-Net 和SST-Former)的優越性能,凸顯了其在紅樹林保護和管理工作中實際應用的潛力。
摘要(英) Mangroves are crucial ecosystems that provide various ecological and socio-economic benefits, but they are under threat from anthropogenic activities such as deforestation and urbanization. Traditional methods for monitoring mangrove loss rely on labor-intensive and time-consuming field surveys or high-resolution satellite imagery analysis, which are often limited in spatial coverage and temporal resolution. The LSST-Former architecture integrates the strengths of both FCN, Transformer-based models, and few-shot learning techniques to address the challenges of mangrove loss detection with small datasets. Transformers have demonstrated remarkable success in capturing long-range dependencies and learning from sequential data, while few-shot learning enables models to generalize well to unseen classes or tasks with limited training examples. By combining these approaches, LSST-Former aims to learn from heterogeneous classes effectively. Our experimental results showcase the superior performance of LSST-Former compared to existing deep learning architectures such as random forest, Support Vector Machine, U-Net, LinkNet, Vision Transformer, SpectralFormer, MDPrePost-Net, and SST-Former, highlighting its potential for practical applications in mangrove conservation and management efforts.
關鍵字(中) ★ 紅樹林喪失檢測
★ 少樣本學習
★ Transformer
★ 全卷積網絡 (FCN)
關鍵字(英) ★ mangrove loss detection
★ few-shot learning
★ Transformer
★ Fully Convolutional Network (FCN)
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Challenge and Objectives 3
2.1. Mangroves 4
2.2. Mangrove Loss 5
2.3. Remote Sensing for Mangrove 5
2.4. Deep Learning for Remote Sensing 6
2.5. Related Works 7
3.1. Study Area 8
3.2. Datasets 9
3.2.1. Sentinel-2 Pre-Processing 9
3.2.2. Input Data for Model 12
3.3. Methods 14
3.4. Proposed Deep Learning Architecture 15
3.4.1. FCN Architecture 15
3.4.2. Transformer Architecture 17
3.5. Evaluation Assessment 21
3.6. Validation of Universal Applicability Model 22
3.7. Implementation Detail 23
4.1. Proposed Deep Learning Architecture Result 24
4.2. Ablation Experiments 25
4.2.1. The influence of different training sizes 25
4.2.2. Effects of Each Extractor Part 26
4.2.3. The Impact of Mangrove and Vegetation Indices 26
4.2.4. Effects of Parameters 27
4.3. Examine the Contrast with Other Well-Established Architectures 28
4.4. Universal Applicability of the Model 30
4.5. Discussion 33
5.1. Conclusions 40
5.2. Future Work 40
References 41
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指導教授 陳映濃(Chen, Ying-Nong) 審核日期 2024-6-24
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