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姓名 蔡旻哲(Min-Che Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 一種可動態重新配置的4:2近似壓縮器用於補償老化
(A Dynamic Reconfigurable 4:2 Compressor for Aging Compensation by Approximation)
★ 晶圓圖之網格及稀疏缺陷樣態辨識★ 晶圓圖提取特徵參數錯誤樣態分析
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★ 一個可靠的靜態隨機存取記憶體內運算結構: 設計指南與耐老化策略研究★ 一個高效的老化偵測器部屬策略: 基於生成對抗網路的設計方法
★ 考慮電壓衰退和繞線影響以優化電路時序之電源供應網絡精煉策略★ 適用於提高自旋轉移力矩式磁阻隨機存取記憶體矩陣可靠度之老化偵測與緩解架構設計
★ 8T 靜態隨機存取記憶體之內積運算引擎的老化威脅緩解策略: 從架構及運算角度來提出解決的方法★ 用於響應穩定性的老化感知平行掃描鏈PUF設計
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★ 基於強化學習的晶片佈局規劃的卷積神經網路與圖神經網路融合架構★ 用於佈線後階段電壓降優化的強化學習框架
★ 多核心系統的老化與瞬態錯誤感知任務部署策略:壽命延長且節能的框架★ 基於圖神經網絡(GNN)的內部節點控制(INC)和輸入向量控制(IVC)協同優化用於老化緩解
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摘要(中) 機器學習 (machine learning, ML) 是人工智慧 (artificial intelligence, AI)的一種,透過大量的資料跟經驗來從中反覆學習並且找到分類規則或是訓練模型,在之後輸入新的資料時可以透過規則或模型進行預測。現今機器學習在各個領域都在快速進展,針對機器學習的加速器也被大量研究,這些加速器通常處在長時間的運算,加速老化效應的發生,老化會造成計算延遲增加,重則會產生功能錯誤,而在機器學習中的老化會使精確度下降,在實際應用層面如自駕車以及醫療模型中出現精確度下降是不可接受的,所以處理該問題是當務之急。
摘要(英) Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that involves learning from large amounts of data and experience to identify classification rules or train models. When new data is inputted, these models can make predictions based on the learned rules. Currently, machine learning is advancing rapidly across various fields, and accelerators for machine learning are being extensively researched. These accelerators often operate for long periods, accelerating aging effects. Aging can lead to increased computational latency and can also lead to functional errors in severe cases. In machine learning, aging can cause a decrease in accuracy, which is unacceptable in practical applications such as autonomous vehicles and medical models. Therefore, addressing this issue is urgent.

Machine learning requires numerous multiply-accumulate operations, with multiplication being significantly more time-consuming than addition. Modern multipliers are often composed of compressors, and approximate computing for compressors is a major research focus. Given the characteristics of machine learning, some precision can be sacrificed for improved time and power efficiency. Aging-induced delays can also be mitigated by sacrificing precision to compensate for increased computation time. However, current research lacks optimization specifically for aging. In this paper, we propose an effective dynamically reconfigurable 4:2 approximate compressor that performs accurate computations before aging and uses approximate computations to reduce computation time and compensate for aging-induced delays. Experimental results show that our method ensures that the accuracy of approximate computations remains unchanged after 10 years of aging.
關鍵字(中) ★ 老化 關鍵字(英) ★ aging
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vii
一、 引言 1
1.1 壓縮器 2
1.2 老化對神經網路的影響 4
1.3 貢獻 5
二、 研究背景 7
2.1 Dadda乘法器 7
2.2 老化 10
三、 設計方法 13
3.1 近似壓縮器 13
3.2 設計流程 14
四、 實驗結果 20
4.1 實驗設置 20
4.2 實驗比對 21
五、 總結 24
參考文獻 25
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指導教授 陳聿廣(Yu-Guang Chen) 審核日期 2024-7-26
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