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姓名 陳若盈(Jou-Yin Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
論文名稱 以設計研究法發展思考程序課程設計原則
(Developing thinking routines instructional design principles through design-based research)
★ 課室小組討論活動的口語參與-以六名大學師資生為例★ 地理素養教學在台灣中學的教學和挑戰 -以三位中學地理科教師為例
★ 探究師資生素養導向課程之設計能力與改變★ 探究課室小組討論觀點——以「課程發展與設計」的師資培育課程為例
★ 探究高中生於論證遊戲中的協同論證模式與過程
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摘要(中) 國際教育趨勢對於思考相關的素養日益重視,許多學者已提出將思考融入教學的作法,例如Ennis (2018)提出的「跨學科的批判思考」計畫(Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum)、Brown (1997)的「建構學習者社群」計畫(Fostering Communities of Learners)、以及哈佛大學零點計畫(Project Zero) (Ritchhart et al., 2011)提出「可視化思考計畫」(Visible Thinking),都強調思考為本的教學。在英語教學的領域,也有許多將思考教學融入的做法,例如用融入閱讀課(Liao, 2009)、寫作課 (Tung et al., 2013)、英文口說課(Balboa & Briesmaster, 2018)、英文電影課(林純言,2005;陳若盈、詹明峰,2023b)等,在教學策略也有許多討論(Yuan et al., 2022)。然而,如何突破體制面、教學面、學習面仍有許多挑戰。
  基於上述問題,研究者認為有必要提出一套理論為基礎、經場域驗證的課程設計原則,以解決前段指出的對應問題,並從場域驗證與修正設計原則,進而增益理論。為此目的,本研究採設計研究法(design-based research),以大學通識英文的英文電影與社會議題課程為場域,融入思考程序於課程設計中,綜合考量實務中的需求,並從社會文化觀點的思考教學以及思考程序的學理基礎,擬定初始的設計原則,再結合三階段設計研究循環(McKenney & Reeves, 2012; Cobb& Gravemeijer, 2008)與預測圖(conjecture mapping) (Sandoval, 2014),迭代評估與發展思考程序的課程設計原則。本研究探討以下研究問題:
  本研究經歷兩個研究循環,發展出三個設計原則:1. 依學習情境需求改編並重複使用思考程序;2. 對應課程目標、思考行動、思考程序、評量標準;3. 提供小組使用思考程序進行協同合作與對話的機會,亦提出整體課程設計觀點的思考程序課程設計。
摘要(英) Introduction
This study integrates thinking routines into a university English course on films and social issues. Previous research on thinking routines focused on designing learning tasks but lacked a holistic curriculum design perspective. Misalignment with thinking moves, curriculum objectives, and assessment has obscured the link between thinking routines and learning outcomes. Additionally, prior studies mostly emphasized intervention effects or innovative practices without detailing how theory informs practice or how empirical findings respond to theoretical advancements. Consequently, many innovative practices ended up as teaching improvisation without explaining the underlying instructional design principles. This study aims to bridge the theory-practice gap by exploring: (1) How does thinking routines instruction externalize learners′ thinking? (2) How does it affect students′ learning performance? (3) How do group collaboration and discourse help students build on each other’s thinking? (4) What are the design principles of thinking routines instructional design?
Context and participants
This research was conducted in an English as a Foreign Language course titled "Social Issues from English Movies" at a Taiwanese university. There were two iterative cycles, each conducted within the same course, taught by the same instructor, and spanning two semesters in two different classes. Iteration 1 included 20 students, and Iteration 2 had 24. In each iteration, thinking routines-based instruction was implemented for a semester-long course, with classes meeting for three hours each week, lasting for 18 weeks. The overarching goal was to make thinking visible and create a thoughtful classroom.
Research methodology
This study adopts a design-based research methodology, aligning three-phase design research cycles (McKenney & Reeves, 2012; Cobb & Gravemeijer, 2008), conjecture mapping (Sandoval, 2014), and the curricular spider web (van den Akker, 2013) to capture the trajectories of the evolution of thinking routines instructional design principles. Each iteration included three phases: analysis and exploration, design and construction, and evaluation and reflection. Based on findings from literature and a pilot study, the researcher proposed an initial set of design principles, the initial conjecture map and an instructional design to be implemented in design research cycles. Evaluation and reflection research process and outcome then led to the onset of the second iteration. Then Iteration 2 started with Phase I design and construction, which included the revision of design principles, conjecture map, and the instructional design. Phase 2 was evaluation and reflection. Retrospective analysis of the research then concluded with a mature set of design principles. To reveal the effects of instruction on both mediating processes and learning outcomes, a variety of both quantitative and qualitative data were collected: pre- and post-tests of writing, a thinking self-evaluation survey, artifacts from thinking routines, group interactional data, students’ self-reflections, and focus group interviews. The analysis of these data revealed the extent of the validation of design principles.
The study conducted two research cycles and developed three design principles: DP1: Adapt and repeatedly use thinking routines according to the needs of the local learning context; DP2: Align curriculum objectives, thinking moves, thinking routines, and assessment; DP3: Provide opportunities for groups to use thinking routines for collaborative cooperation and discourse. A holistic curricular perspective for thinking instructional design has also been proposed. This study offers three contributions: the innovation of thinking routines research, including new instructional design principles and contexts; the bridging of theory and practice through validated design principles; and the advancement of methodology with revised three-phase design research cycles and conjecture mapping. Due to limited resources and time, this study could not implement the instructional design in more diverse contexts. Future research should adapt and apply this design in varied contexts to accumulate design knowledge.
關鍵字(中) ★ 思考程序
★ 設計研究法
★ 設計原則
★ 預測圖
關鍵字(英) ★ thinking routines
★ design-based research
★ design principles
★ conjecture mapping
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 思考教學的趨勢 1
第二節 思考教學的迷思 3
第三節 思考教學的挑戰 4
第四節 思考程序融入課程的課程設計原則 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 社會文化觀點的思考教學 7
一、情境認知與思考教學 7
二、透過濡化過程培養思考習性 8
三、認知師徒制與讓思考可見 8
四、小結 9
第二節 思考教學融入英語教學 10
一、思考融入課程的教學策略 10
二、思考融入英語課堂的策略 11
三、思考融入英語教學的相關研究 12
四、小結 13
第三節 思考程序的內涵及相關研究 14
一、思考程序的內涵 14
二、思考程序融入教學的相關研究 18
三、思考程序的課程設計原則 21
第四節 設計研究法進行迭代課程設計 22
一、設計研究法方法論介紹 22
二、以三階段設計研究循環進行設計研究 31
三、預測圖的學理基礎與應用 34
四、結合三階段設計研究循環與預測圖 36
五、小結 37
第三章 研究方法 38
第一節 研究對象 38
第二節 研究架構 40
第三節 課程設計 43
一、課程背景與學習情境 43
二、本地情境之待決問題分析 44
三、先導研究及與實務工作者合作 45
四、初擬設計原則 47
五、思考程序融入的課程設計 50
第四節 資料蒐集與分析方法 58
一、資料蒐集規畫 58
二、資料蒐集與分析方法 61
第五節 研究者的反身性與研究信實度 73
第四章 研究結果與討論 75
第一節 研究循環一的研究結果與討論 75
一、研究循環一的設計與建構 76
二、研究循環一的評估與反思 83
第二節 研究循環二的研究結果與討論 114
一、研究循環二的設計與建構 115
二、研究循環二的評估與反思 126
第三節 完整的思考程序課程設計原則與討論 160
一、思考程序課程設計原則發展過程與反思 161
二、思考程序的整體課程設計 173
第五章 討論與結論 178
第一節 討論 178
一、不只是小組討論 178
二、思考程序融入的課堂氛圍 181
第二節 結論 184
一、整體課程設計觀的思考程序課程設計原則 184
二接合理論與實務 185
三、 研究方法論的翻新 186
第三節 未來研究建議 187
一、審慎擬定設計研究方法論的研究架構 188
二、建立緊密合作的研究團隊 188
三、提升研究場域的多元性 189
參考文獻 190
附錄 202
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指導教授 詹明峰(Mingfong Jan) 審核日期 2024-7-23
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