摘要(英) |
The global COVID-19 pandemic has had extensive and profound impacts on the construction industry, leading countries to implement various epidemic control measures to curb the spread of the virus. This study aims to explore the effects of these specific measures on the productivity of construction workers and further observe their impact on labor attendance and productivity. Through questionnaire surveys and expert interviews, differences in productivity efficiency are identified, and an assessment is conducted to determine whether existing remedies for delays in public projects due to the pandemic are reasonable. Finally, a systematic evaluation is performed regarding the impact of epidemic control measures on productivity efficiency. Based on the analysis results, this study examines the rationality of existing remedies for delays in public projects due to the pandemic to address the impact of the epidemic on project schedules. In formulating compensation standards, ensuring reasonable progress of construction projects and minimizing associated cost losses are prioritized. In summary, this study provides empirical data on the impact of epidemic control measures on construction productivity in the context of the pandemic and proposes potential solutions to address related challenges. These solutions will aid government agencies and relevant institutions in formulating more precise policies and standards. |
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