摘要(英) |
Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is a more efficient method for NOx emission control than the selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) method commonly used in Taiwanese waste incineration plants. This study simulated SCR treatment of NOx emissions in a laboratory setting, using NOx concentration data from the SNCR inlet of the Beitou Waste Incineration Plant in Taipei, the Houli Resource Recovery Plant in Taichung, and the Chiayi Waste Incineration Plant. The study investigated denitrification efficiency and associated cost fluctuations.
The catalyst used in this study was an extruded V2O5/TiO2 vanadium-titanium catalyst. The experimental temperature was controlled within the range of 160°C to 210°C. In the first 500 seconds after the experiment commenced, a rapid decrease in NOx concentration was observed at the outlet of the experimental system. After 900 seconds, the outlet NOx concentration stabilized, reaching a minimum of approximately 30 ppm. An inverse relationship was observed between experimental temperature and outlet NOx concentration, with higher temperatures leading to lower concentrations. At a reaction temperature of 210°C, all three plants achieved their highest denitrification efficiency, with values of 83%, 79%, and 79%, respectively.
If each plant were to implement SCR based on their current conditions to enhance denitrification efficiency, the estimated additional construction and operation costs per ton of waste over the next 20 years would be: NT$29.4/ton for the Beitou Plant, NT$99.93/ton for the Chiayi Plant, and NT$34.75/ton for the Houli Plant. The annual total costs for each plant would be: NT$19.3 million for the Beitou Plant, NT$11.42 million for the Houli Plant, and NT$10.94 million for the Chiayi Plant.
Keywords: nitrogen oxides, selective catalytic reduction, waste incineration plant, vanadium-titanium catalyst |
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