本研究開發一套影片式語料庫檢索系統,稱為KWIS(Key-Words-In-Scene),希望透過較高階語意層級的影片,提供較KWIC(Key-Words-In-Context)檢索模式充足完整的影片情境線索來輔助學習者英語口語體的理解,並以自動化的方式建立影片場景之索引。此外,本研究設計一項實驗來評估KWIS影片式語料庫檢索模式與傳統KWIC影片式語料庫檢索模式對於輔助口語體理解成效之差異性,以及透過科技接受度和系統品質問卷調查學習者使用本系統後,對於系統的滿意度。實驗結果發現,第一,使用KWIS影片式語料庫檢索系統,的確有助於英語口語體的理解。第二,使用KWIS之影片式語料庫檢索模式,在口語體的理解上,是優於傳統的KWIC之影片式語料庫檢索模式。第三,學習者對於系統的滿意度,包含系統有用性、系統易用性以及系統品質上,皆給予正面的評價。 In this study, we proposed a scene-based film concordancer, called KWIS (Key-Words-In-Scene), to provide semantic level video sequences which contain more sufficient contextual clues for assisting English colloquialism comprehension. Moreover, the process of indexing is automation in the system. In addition, we conducted an experiment to evaluate the KWIS-based concordancer and compare to the traditional KWIC-based one by using English colloquialism test. We also used the questionnaires to survey learners’ satisfaction in terms of Technology Acceptance Model and system quality. The results of the experiment are shown as follows. First, using KWIS-based concordancer is useful for colloquialism comprehension. Second, KWIS-based concordancer is more helpful than KWIC-based one in colloquialism comprehension. Third, the learners’ satisfaction is all positive.