本研究主旨為探討國小四年級學生使用註解算式擬題法之擬題活動實施狀況與對解題能力的影響。在本次的實驗中,研究者設計出一種以解題為出發點的擬題鷹架,其中引用了解題樹(solution tree)的概念及表徵方式,編製成為本次實驗中所使用的擬題素材(鷹架)稱為「註解算式擬題法」。為瞭解此擬題素材的實施狀況,本研究首先以紙本擬題活動探討其帶來的效益。在使用紙本擬題的過程中,學生以個人擬題的方式進行擬題發揮創作。於資料的分析上,主要為透過文字題解題評量的前、後測成績、教室觀察、訪談、擬題作品分析、教學回饋問卷做質性及量化的統計分析,來觀察兩組學生的學習歷程,並瞭解學生於 (1)解題能力;(2)擬題作品品質與特色;(3)學習經驗;(4)學習動機 上的影響與成效。 研究結果發現,學生使用註解算式擬題法可以順利的擬出正確的題目,於作品品質上有好的表現。且學生在學習的過程中有正向的學習態度及學習動機,並且此方法也提昇了學生的解題能力。在探討完此擬題素材於紙本上的成效後,研究者亦進行引用註解算式擬題為內容之電腦輔助擬題系統的測試與初探。此系統之功能主要為改善於紙本擬題活動中產生的限制與缺點,亦增加主題情境,使擬題活動的進行可以更順暢與完整。而此系統於本次實驗中順利的引導學生完成出題、題目分享、互相解題與評題的活動,也使擬題活動更加生動有趣。 This research aimed to investigate the influence of Annotated Arithmetic Expression Problem-Posing material on fourth grade students’ problem-posing and problem-solving ability. The posing scaffolding is designed base on the concept and representation of solution tree. In order to understand the effects of this problem-posing material, the first experiment is executed by individual text learning. The statement analysis is done on pre-tests and pose-tests of mathematical-solving ability. Students’ compositions and feedbacks about problem-posing are collected. The experimenter explore the following themes:(1) Students can pose the word problem by material successfully. (2) The opuses of students are correct and can be solved by others. (3) The learning motivation and attitude of students are positive. (4) Problem-posing teaching technique seems to affect students’ problem solving ability. After the experiment, the computer-based problem-posing system with Annotated Arithmetic Expression is implemented in the traditional classroom. The aim of this system is to improve the drawback and the limits of text experiment. This system can work successfully and vividly in guiding students to complete the activities of problem posing, opuses display, and peer problem solving.