隨著社會環境的變動,勞動市場的狀況也和以往大不相同。目前台灣教育普及,除了導致年輕族群進入職場的年齡延後,也使年輕族群因學歷的提升,對工作的條件有較高一層的標準,造成「無業可就或有業不就」的矛盾現象,畢業等於失業的狀況正是目前台灣學生最大的隱憂,使得勞動市場的供給狀況和先前不同。而近年來因年輕族群工作價值觀與態度的改變,使得流動率居高不下的狀況,也表示年輕族群穩定性的不足,除了會影響就職者本身的職涯發展外,還間接影響組織的效益。這也迫使雇主更改原先甄選求職者的條件,使得原先勞動市場需求的情況也跟著改變。在勞動供給與需求條件均改變下,本研究希冀探討影響年輕族群在職場上初次工作的起薪以及目前工作的薪資的因素,並分析近年來影響年輕族群離職傾向的主要因素。 本研究採用勞委會九十五年度『勞工生活及就業狀況調查報告』之資料進行分析,並運用SPSS及LISREL統計軟體進行整體架構探討。此調查報告之樣本數總計有4574份,涵蓋各類產業及地理區域,對統計分析較為有利。而本研究結果發現:1.求職期間越長對起薪有負面影響2.性別與學歷對年輕族群的求職的時間、起薪及目前工作薪資影響效果甚大3.投資人力資本能提升目前工作的薪資水準4.轉職流動的次數越多對工作薪資有負面影響5.學歷越高轉職流動的次數越低6.目前工作薪資、就職管道、工時及人口統計變項對離職傾向有顯著影響。 As the social environment change, there are two phenomenons in the young labor market.1. Due to the popularity of education, the young employees join the workforce lately 2. The young employees change their job attitude and lack job stability. These phenomenons change the labor supply and demand in the current labor market, therefore the research want to know which factors will affect the younger employees’ start pay and current salary, and want to analyze which factors will affect the younger employees’ turnover intention. The research used SPSS and LISREL statistic program to analyze the data. The findings from the study are: 1. The period of searching job will have negative effect on start pay. 2. Gender and education background will affect young employees’ start pay, current salary and the period of job search. 3. Investing human capital can improve the level of current salary. 4. The number of times of job mobility will has negative influence on the current salary. 5. The young people who have high education background will not change their job easily. 6.Current salary、recruiting channel、work hours、variables of demographic statistics have significant effect on turnover intention.