先前的國際管理研究中,絕大部分的焦點都集中在外派人員上,然而,另一個與外派人員同樣重要的外派成功因素─本地人員卻受到較少的注意。 本研究的重心為本地人員對於外派人員適應和外派任務成功與否的重要性。主要欲探討本地人員的不同人格類型在面對外派人員時所給予的利他行為與互動時的適應程度之關係。本研究以五大人格特質分類法為本地人員的人格分類方式,並和對於外派人員的利他行為與適應程度關係做分析。 研究資料主要係由問卷調查方式來加以蒐集,研究樣本分別為服務於台灣地區的35家外資企業,和外派人員有密切工作互動的169位本地員工。研究結果發現人格特質中的親和性在利他行為上呈正相關且達到顯著水準;開放學習性則是在互動適應上呈正相關且達到顯著。最後,本研究也提出外派人員管理上的相關實務意函。 Previous research on international management has consistently placed great interests and focuses on the expatriates, but another equally important factor of expatriate success, the host country nationals (HCNs) remained rarely visited. This study emphasizes on the importance of HCNs on expatriate adjustment and the likelihood of international assignment success. Specifically, this study focused on HCNs’ individual differences in providing altruistic behaviors and perceiving interaction adjustment to the expatriates. This study investigated the effects of Big Five as antecedents in predicting altruistic behaviors and interaction adjustments to the expatriates, and a total of 169 HCNs from 35 different foreign enterprises in Taiwan were sampled. The results show that agreeableness is the most significant predictor to HCNs’ altruistic behaviors, and openness to experience is the most significant predictor to HCNs’ interaction adjustment. Practical implications of the results in expatriate management are discussed.