我國因天然資源蘊藏缺乏,截至2007 年為止,有99.3%的能源必須仰賴進口,因此能源供給系統的穩定性,將直接衝擊我國的經濟發展。政府部門如何透過政策手段來建立穩定的能源供需體系,並兼顧能源安全與環保要求,將是相當重要課題。 經由本研究針對丹麥風能產業個案分析後,歸納出丹麥風能產業得以發展成功主因在於「產官學三螺旋互動」,其良好的互動模式與轉折的進化,本研究得出下列四點結論,藉以論述丹麥風能發展的成功:1.早期政府角色扮演的成功,政府具有前瞻性眼光,首先建立風能產業市場化,在藉由一連串適切的政策,扶植產業的發展。2.產業界於發展後期扮演火車頭的角色,國內領導廠商-Vestas提供產業供應鍊整合的機會,發展出丹麥風能群聚效果。3.相較於其他世界各國,丹麥提供風能專業化人才,不僅進行風能技術出口,在人才供應上保持良好的素質。此外由於丹麥學術機構具有相當高的國際化水準,在專業人才輸出上,亦有良好的表現,學術界角色扮演的成功,對於丹麥風能產業發展功不可沒。4.丹麥產官學三者具有緊密且良好的互動交流,並且不斷的演化改良,以順應世界風能產業的瞬息萬變。 Due to lack of natural resources, till the end of 2007,99.3 percent of energy must be dependent on imports, so the stability of energy supply systems will have a direct impact on economic development. Government how to create a stable energy supply and demand system by policy instruments, taking into account energy security and environmental protection requirements, that will be very important topics. Through the case study analysis of the Danish wind energy industry, Summed up the success of the Danish wind industry is due to industry, government and school interaction and integration, this study makes the following four conclusions:1.The government play success role in the early stage, who has a forward-looking vision,first of all, it established the wind energy production market and a series of appropriate policies to support industry.2.The later leader is industry, Vestas, world wind turbine manufactory in Denmark, who providing opportunities for industry supply chain integration.3.Compared with other countries in the world, the Danish academic institutions play an important role in wind energy industry, who to provide specialized talent and wind energy technology exports. In addition Danish academic institutions have a very high international standards.4.Denmark among industry, government and academic have close interaction and continues to progress in order to adapt to the rapidly changing in wind energy industry.