Due to the explosive growth of Internet, there are more applications in Internet, especially World Wide Web (WWW). Although the Internet creates many applications and changes our lives, multimedia-oriented applications are still not popular now, such as video on demand, video conference, and so on, due to insufficient network bandwidth. The traffic on Internet often causes congestion in routers. Therefore, Internet must overcome these challenges and bottlenecks to provide more multimedia-oriented applications. In this paper, we study the transmission of MPEG-4-based video traffic in MPLS networks. There are many differences between MPEG-4 and MPEG-1 & MPEG-2. The structures of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 are frame-based; the structure of MPEG-4 is object-based. We explain these differences in this study. According to the features of MPEG-4, we propose a selection strategy in Internet routers for the efficient transmission of MPEG-4-based video. In addition to the selection strategy, we propose a better architecture, coined Actively Reserved Bandwidth Architecture, for improving CR-LDP in MPLS networks. The architecture is designed to overcome the bottleneck of routers in MPLS networks. And, this approach is beneficial to the transmission of MPEG-4-based video traffic.