教育訓練對於企業資源規劃(ERP)的導入佔有其重要的地位,然而在系統導入後其重要性卻往往容易被忽略。本研究提出一個以情境學習為基礎的ERP教育訓練系統來提升持續教育訓練的成效,讓使用者不但能學習如何操作系統,更能瞭解爲何要如此操作以及操作所產生的影響為何。 我們以SAP的IDES來模擬真實的企業情境,並以高階模擬架構(HLA)為基礎,建立一個使用者可以反覆練習,多人即時線上互動的ERP教育訓練系統。此系統透過情境管理的機制,將SAP採購流程中主要的活動以近似SAP的系統介面呈現,並提供隨選視窗即時回饋使用者操作所產生的影響。系統設計的目的在幫助使用者建立整體流程的概念,以提升ERP教育訓練的成效。末測實驗的結果顯示,使用者透過情境學習的訓練系統有顯著的學習成效。 Training is important for ERP implementation, but its importance is often overlooked after system go-live. In this paper, we propose an ERP training system using scenario-based learning to promote ERP reeducation effectiveness. This training system not only can help users to learn how to operate the system, but also help users realize why so and the operational effects. Based on high level architecture (HLA), we simulate the SAP IDES business scenario to build a multi-user and real-time training system which can support users repeatedly training. This training system uses the scenario management to present the primary activities of procurement process in SAP, and feedback users their operation effects with help window on-demand. The purpose of this research is to build an ERP training system to help users establish the concept of the whole process, and to promote ERP education effectiveness. The post experiment results present it is more effective to train users by using our scenario-based training system.