近年來,部落格發展迅速。本研究企圖探討在個人部落格背景下,部落客承諾的形成因素。在組織中,承諾一直被認為是十分重要的因素,許多學者亦發現承諾對於員工績效有著顯著的影響。然而,卻鮮少有研究企圖將承諾的概念帶入部落格中,並加以探討影響部落客承諾之形成因素。本研究試圖找出部落客之內在動機以及讀者回饋頻率將如何影響部落客投入管理部落格之程度,以及更進一步探究部落客參與程度又是如何影響部落客承諾。本研究之結果係依據874個格主樣本歸納分析而成。結果顯示擁有較高內在動機之部落客,較願意投入管理部落格。當他們獲得越多的回饋時,他們亦會願意投入管理部落格。此外,研究亦發現部落客參與程度正向影響部落客承諾。 In recent years, the number of blogs has bloomed quickly on the Internet. The present study serves as an initial step to understand how commitment takes shape in blog context. Commitment has been found to be important in organization, and many scholars have proved that it has signification impact on employee work performance. However, there is no research try to adopt the concept of commitment and explore what factors will affect the formation of bloggers’ commitment. This study tried to find out how bloggers’ intrinsic motivation and feedback frequency from readers impact on bloggers’ involvement, and further explore how it develops bloggers’ commitment to their own blogs. We report the results on the survey data from 874 bloggers. The result shows that bloggers with higher degree of intrinsic motivation have stronger willingness to spend more time involving in conducting their own blogs. The more feedback they receive, the more time they spend in conducting their own blogs. Besides, the findings of this study come out that bloggers’ involvement positively effect bloggers’ commitment.