網路,這個現今耳熟能詳的一個名詞,為大家的生活帶來的許多的改變。而因為網路的快速發展,網路口碑所能傳達的時間與空間,早已遠遠大於以前傳統的口碑。網路論壇則是近來許多人在購買產品之前,會去尋找資訊的地方。本研究希望結合網路口碑在網路論壇中之應用,並且探討網路口碑的組成因素會影響觀看口碑之顧客對網路口碑所產生的信任與購買意圖。透過直接在真實世界收集資料的方法,來了解各項因素之間的關係,進而探討顧客對口碑信任程度的中介效果。 本研究採用問卷調查法。內容包含口碑發送者 (專家或一般消費者)、文章內容 (資訊式或關聯式)、產品類型 (經驗屬性或搜尋屬性)。實驗設計請受測者提供最近一篇在網路論壇Mobile01中看到的文章,並且就文章所帶給她的感受,經由網路供受測者填答相關問題。 本研究結果顯示:無論產品類行為何,專家所提供的網路口碑對於顧客的信任與購買意圖有正向關係,而一般消費者結果並不顯著;資訊式文章內容對於搜尋屬性的商品在顧客的信任與購買意圖之間有正向的關係。另一方面,關聯式文章內容對於經驗屬性的商品在顧客的信任與購買意圖之間有正向關係。 Internet has become familiar to everyone today, WOM environment has changing from traditional face-to-face to no limit world. Also, the growing presence of the Internet is expanding the availability and importance of WOM in the marketplace (Kwak et al., 2001; Pitt et al., 2002; Zinkhan et al., 2003). Henning-Thurau et al. (2004) suggest that online community provides a platform to everyone and it also become an important place to deliver eWOM reviews. This study adopted a survey. The study suggests that the composition of a WOM review and credibility of the review are important in understanding purchase behavior on WOM in online community. The factors include in the review are spokesperson (expert and typical consumer), content type (informational and transformational), and product type (search and experience). The study asks subjects to provide a WOM review from the online community Mobile01 and finish questionnaire. The result shows no matter what product type is, experts are better spokesperson in both product types. Informational content perform well when product is a search product; on the other hand, transformational content with experience product has better effect.