過往五十年來,台灣河川防洪工程的實施,使主、次要河川兩岸受保護之面積已達百分之八十以上,大大的降低了河堤兩岸的淹水潛勢。然隨著階段性河川防洪整治的完成,河川兩岸形成許多完整的高灘地,對於枯水期長達七、八個月的間歇性河川,人們對於河川空間利用的期待,使得河川所扮演角色也趨向多元化。 本研究試就從相關法規之探討,除河川基本防洪功能的維持、自然生態環境的保育、親水河岸空間的營造、歷史人文景觀的融合、地方繁榮發展的促進及日後之維護管理等目標,探討河川高灘地空間多元利用規劃的原則、取向及維護管理,期能據此賦予河川新的生命,發揮新的功能,打造更優質的水環境,對人們及生態做出更多的貢獻,進而提供建立整體及宏觀之河川高灘地整治美化及維護管理計畫之依據,並作為未來各縣市政府辦理河川高灘地之參考。 Due to the execution of flood prevention works for rivers in Taiwan, in the past 50 years, the area of river-side protection has already been reached over 80%. Because of the accomplishment of flood prevention in this step, many entire flood terrace happens to the sides of temporary river which are always empty for 7 or 8 months. Not only does it greatly reduce the opportunity of flood, but also people look for the development of the flood terrace space. Hence, the role of rivers gradually becomes various. This research is to explore the development principle and intention of flood terrace and maintenance of water spaces. It includes the survey of laws and regulations, the maintenance of river’s basic flood prevention, nature protection, the interaction of the water and river-side spaces, the combination of culture and history, the improvement of the neighborhood, and even the management progress in the future. It is expected to give the river a new definition in order to create various functions and more contribution. Therefore, based on this research, it would provide the complete plan and overall consideration of rearrangement and beautifying for flood terrace spaces to governors who would like to deal with the kind of issue.