國軍自88 年「精實案」採聯合後勤體制後,三軍軍事投資工程大多委由 前聯合後勤司令部營產工程署負責辦理;配合「國防二法」後國防體制及權 責之劃分,國軍工程由軍備體系負責督導與執行,前聯合後勤司令部營產工 程署亦於93.1.1 改隸國防部軍備局,編成「工程營產中心」。因「精實案」後 工程人力精簡,原以國軍單位自辦工程設計、監造為主之執行方式,改採委 外為主,自辦為輔。由於工作經驗、專業能力不足及業務協調機制不健全, 三軍委託該中心辦理之委外技術服務工程,常肇生疏失及窒礙,影響整體工 程執行效能。 本研究按國軍組織及分工權責,從陸軍委託工程營產中心代辦工程之立 場,依工程生命週期區分「工程規劃」、「工程設計」及「工程施工及完工」 等階段,分別檢討近年工程執行之缺失及疏漏,並在實務執行層面上研擬改 進之作業流程及作業要領,以建立軍事工程之管理機制,提供相關承辦人員 參考運用。 Since the “Troop-reduction program” adopting combined logistic system in 1999, the Office of the Deputy Chief of Construction & Facilities(ODCCf), Combined Logistic Command is responsible for the supervision and execution of most of the construction projects invested by the armed forces. After the announcement and enforcement of “The National Defense Law” and “The MND organization Law”, the ODCCf has been reorganized and was under the command of the Armaments Bureau on January 1st, which is responsible for the supervision of the military construction. As a result of the inadequate manpower, outsourcing has been the principal method of military construction projects instead of doing them by itself in the past. In addition, due to insufficient work experience, profession, and imperfect coordination mechanism, military construction by ODCCF has aroused obstruction and mistakes, which accordingly affects the overall project performance. Based on the defense organizations and authorities, this research, from ODCCF’s standpoint, thoroughly examines the flaws and oversights over the past few years so as to draw up improved process and important points in practice and management mechanism according to the stages of construction lifecycle: planning, designing, constructing and completing. Results of this research are expected to provide references for those who undertake construction projects in the military.