台灣製造業的重心已從傳統產業轉成高科技產業,而高科技產業廠房規模也越來越大,整體建廠預算從數百億至千億,其中,土建造價約數十億到百億不等。因應高科技電子產品推陳出新或急單需求,快速建廠、縮短工期,也成為建廠過程的重要課題。而縮短工期必定會影響營建成本。 本研究以某電子廠房建廠案例資料,建構快速建廠合理建造費用之整數規劃數學模式。提供施工方案決策時的參考,降低方案規劃所需時間,縮減初期設計規劃時程。 本研究以最佳化理論為基礎,將電子業快速建廠的需求考量,建立相關規劃數據,發展出發包初期決策階段時之施工工法方案建議模式。並對各施工方法的建造金額、施工工期、施工順序、施工動線影響施工總工期及建設總費用等為限制條件,且考量施工方式之合理性,建構出快速建廠合理建造費用之整數規劃數學模式,並運用LINGO 7.0 數學規劃軟體求得。透過範例測試及敏感度分析,以印證本研究最佳解運用之合適性。 Recently, the high-tech industry has taken on an important role for the economic development of Taiwan. The size and complexity of hi-tech plants have increased continuously. Besides, the construction costs have increased to several billions. Due to the continuous compression of life cycles for high-tech products, it becomes an important issue to shorten plant construction as much as possible. To maintained construction quality, short construction time must have a great effect on the construction cost. Based on the optimization theory, this research proposes an interger programming model to account for the relation of construction time and the construction costs. Using the proposed model, the construction time and the costs can be quickly estimated during the preliminary planning stage. In the proposed model, the construction costs, construction time, and construction sequence and access route correspoinding to the different construction method are used as the constraints. Using the linear programming techniques, the best and reasonable construction costs, time, and construction method can be obtained. Sample test and sensitivity analysis are also performed to verify the applicability of the proposed model.