電力是永續發展的事業,也是國家建設發展與民生需求所寄,對於水力電廠而言,雖然占總發電量4﹪左右,但在調整系統尖峰負載、再生能源的推行及減少二氧化碳之排放扮演重要角色。在面對電力自由化之下,為求降低水力電廠水輪機組大修成本,應如何運用現有的人力資源,以快速、有效的方式進行最佳化人力指派,使成本支出最少,實為決策者重要的營運課題。 針對上述問題本研究以水力電廠水輪組大修人力指派模式為研究範圍,以整數線性規劃為架構,建立一套數學最佳化模式,並利用LINGO 7.0套裝軟體求解最小支出成本與人力組合之指派。本研究並對各項影響最小支出成本之參數作一敏感度分析,以瞭解各參數變化對運算結果之影響程度,調整人力指派工作,以符合實際需求。最後,本研究係以模擬一水力電廠水輪組大修工作進行範例測試。並比較本研究模式與人工主觀經驗指派方式之效益,結果顯示本研究模式之效益顯著。 As an ever-developing industry, electricity generation is a necessity for everyoneˊs livelihood and the nationˊs economic development. It needs to be developed sustainably. For hydro power generation, although it accounts for only about 4﹪of the total electricity production, it plays a vital role in balancing the system peak load, promotion of renewable energy and reduction CO2. Since the privatization of electric power industry, cost reduction on water-turbine maintenance and the effective utilization of human resources have become important topics for the management. Focusing on how to handle water-turbine maintenance and the human assignment, we employ integer program techniques to develop an optimization model. The model is formulated as an integer linear program which is solved using the mathematical programming software LINGO 7.0. To test the model, a case study using real operating data from a Taiwan company is conducted. Sensitivity analyses are also performed to more understand the model’s characteristics. The results show that the model performs well, significantly better than the manual method, and could be useful references for practices